The Morning Briefing: How Do You Solve a Problem Like Kamala?

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Happy Friday! Kruiser had some last-minute personal business to attend to, so he asked me to pinch-hit — or pitch in relief. Feel free to use whichever baseball metaphor you like better.


Confession time: I'm tired of Kamala Harris already. In a news cycle that has changed so rapidly and jarringly over the past few weeks, she has dominated the last couple of days' headlines. 

In addition to my disdain for her political positions, I find her vapid and boring, so seeing her everywhere I go annoys me. But we're stuck with her, barring any unforeseen shock.

The Border Czar albatross

As much as the mainstream press would love to retcon Harris' position as Border Czar for the Biden-Harris administration, Congress isn't letting us forget that she held that silly title.

Matt wrote about a resolution that the House GOP — and six brave Dems — voted on to call Harris out for her border failures:

In a stunning move on Thursday, the House of Representatives strongly condemned "the Biden Administration and its Border Czar, Kamala Harris’s, failure to secure the United States border" in a bipartisan vote...

Since Biden and Harris took office, there have been over 9.7 million illegal immigrant encounters nationwide, with 7.9 million at the southern border and roughly 2 million gotaways who evaded Border Patrol. The resolution notes that May 2024 saw a 185% increase in illegal immigrant encounters compared to the average monthly totals under President Trump. This marked the 39th consecutive month where encounters were higher than any month during the Trump administration.

Never forget.

Shortest. Honeymoon. Ever.


We've heard an agonizing amount about Kamala's "honeymoon" period. Harris and her fellow Democrats have been like giddy newlyweds, but that excitement might come to a screeching halt when they see polling numbers.

Rick wrote about some polling that could turn "I'm With Her" into "Womp-Womp."

I hate to throw cold water on the Democrats' premature victory celebration, but there's a race that still needs to be run. And Harris is still behind Donald Trump in swing states that the Democratic Party keeps saying she absolutely, positively has to win in order to capture the presidency.

The Emerson College swing state poll came out today, and despite all the enthusiasm, excitement, and exuberance, Donald Trump still leads or is tied in all of them.


We could talk all day long about how Joe Biden and Harris are different. He's lily white; she's "of color." He's a man; she's a woman. She's younger; he's older.

But she's more like him than those superficial differences would lead you to believe. Cackles is as good a liar as Lunchbucket Joe ever was. My Townhall colleague Rebecca Downs has this:

President Joe Biden may be out of the presidential race, but even though he's almost certainly going to be replaced by Vice President Kamala Harris as the nominee, there's plenty that remains the same. Democrats are still focused on obsessing over the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 as they try to tie the project to the Trump-Vance campaign. Former and potentially future President Donald Trump has made it clear he's not affiliated, and fact-checkers have backed this up. That hasn't stopped the Democrats, though...

They're lying and misleading, and they're doing so "deliberate[ly]" because they believe "it has stuck with voters." These are people who will do anything to win in November, especially since Trump is leading Harris in the polls, just as he led when Biden was the nominee.


If Kamala ever feels like she's on the hot seat, maybe it's because her pants are on fire.

Everything Isn't Awful

Space is cool...

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Robert raises a valid question: If Biden Had to Quit 1988 Race Over Plagiarism, Why Doesn’t Kamala Have to Quit Over Hers Now?


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A Few of My Favorite Things (Right Now)

Here are some of the cultural items I've been into lately.

What I'm watching

I mentioned back in May that I tend to go back to shows that I've watched before. I recently restarted watching the British show "Line of Duty." It's set within a fictional internal affairs division of a metropolitan police department.

Each season of the show — there are six so far — has a self-contained case involving corrupt cops that the detectives must solve.

I particularly enjoyed the fourth season, which featured Thandiwe Newton as a cop on the take in a tour-de-force performance that you'll never forget. You can stream it on Acorn, and I think some of the seasons are available for free via Amazon. I purchased the first five seasons via AppleTV.


What I'm podcasting

With a news cycle that's changing so rapidly, it's tough to keep up with different perspectives, but one unique perspective I love to hear about our political landscape comes via the Spectator's "Americano" podcast, which bridges the gap between the Spectator's UK and U.S. editions.

Host Freddy Gray is witty and whip-smart, and while I don't always agree with the perspectives (especially when the podcast features the magazine's American reporter, the snooty, TDS-stricken Kate Andrews), I enjoy it and learn a lot.

Also, may I recommend a little podcast from PJ Media called "Faith All Over the Place"? Kruiser and I have more guests coming soon.

What I'm reading

This week, I finished reading "The Sacred Art of Joking" by James Cary, a British sitcom writer. It was a fun, quick read that was full of surprises. Cary explores what makes a good joke, how Christians should react to different types of jokes, and how the Bible has more humor than we give it credit for. Truly delightful.

I'm also listening to the audiobook of Erik Larson's "The Demon of Unrest: A Saga of Hubris, Heartbreak, and Heroism at the Dawn of the Civil War." This chronicle of the months leading up to the War Between the States explores various perspectives — Northern, Southern, and foreign. 

Honestly, I've heard many of the accounts and quotes in the book in Ken Burns' iconic Civil War docuseries, so much of it is been-there-done-that. But what makes this book come alive is the narrator, Will Patton. He reads the book as if he's telling you the stories around a campfire; Patton holds my interest more than any other narrator would.


What I'm listening to

My nieces turned me on to the music of Megan Moroney. She's a country singer-songwriter from Georgia (and a fellow University of Georgia alum), and I first saw her live when she opened for Zac Brown Band back in May.

Her new album, "Am I Okay," is full of terrific songs, but this is my favorite:


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