Hamas Lovers Hit New Low in D.C. Protest

Townhall/Spencer Brown

So you saw the latest batch of Hamas lovers burning American flags, releasing maggots, and vandalizing our monuments in Washington, D.C., recently since Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited.


My friend Stephen Kruiser discussed it a bit in his latest Morning Briefing, as did Athena Thorne, who went into more detail about the maggots on the table thing and how the Capitol Rotunda was filled with them, doing their stupid chants and generally being annoying.

But one thing you may have missed was particularly disgusting, which I found while perusing X. I think this speaks for itself:

Yes, some chump made an image of Anne Frank wearing the Palestinian keffiyeh, implying she would be on the side of the very same people who are trying to wipe hers from existence, either not understanding the concept of irony or knowing exactly what they were doing.

Mazzig, the user who posted that picture as you see, pretty much said what we are all feeling when we see this patently evil piece of "artwork."


But then again, we have seen the conduct of these Hamas lovers since October when their idols raped, murdered, immolated, and kidnapped 1,200 Israelis just minding their own business and enjoying a music festival.

Back in March, I wrote about how some Hamas lovers crashed a meeting of the Federalist Society at Georgetown Law School, holding up palms covered in fake blood, seemingly celebrating the murders of IDF reservists Yossi Avrahami and Vadim Nurzhitz in 2000, who accidentally walked into Ramallah and were quickly murdered by a lynch mob. One of the killers in the 2000 incident was infamously photographed with Avrahami's and Nurzhitz's blood on his hands, eyes wild with bloodlust, and a psychotic grin on his face.

Then in April, I wrote about some crazy woman named Riddhi Patel walking up to the Bakersfield, Calif., City Council and openly threatening them with death for not being pro-Hamas enough.

For Our VIPs: Pro-Palestine Woman Threatens Bakersfield City Council Members to Their Faces

A couple of weeks later in April, University of Wisconsin students supposedly hailed Hitler when a group of Jewish students walked by. And those are just the incidents I wrote about.


We all saw the agitator-trained students whipped into an antisemitic frenzy at Columbia University and other college campuses over the spring leading into summer, to the point Columbia students occupied one of the buildings.

Students at George Washington University defaced a statue of the man himself and called for the deaths of faculty in a "people's tribunal."

For Our VIPs: Antisemites Deface Statue of Washington, Friend of the Jews

So maybe depicting Anne Frank in a keffiyeh is not all that surprising.

We can only wonder what stunt these Hamas lovers will do next. Draw a Judensau? Burn effigies of Jews or Bibi Netanyahu? Start performing actual pogroms?

Anything is possible in America after this past couple of years.


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