AWFLS Assemble!

Disney-Marvel via AP

As much as I hate to sound like a member of a Greek Chorus or, worse yet, style myself as The Oracle at Utah, I feel compelled to warn everyone that there is a chance that Harris will occupy the Oval Office in January. The doldrums that accompanied Biden's decline will likely vaporize as the Democratic faithful anoint the latest incarnation of their savior.  


The expected celebrity nabobs have prairie-dogged up from their various burrows on the B, C, and declining A-lists to express their joy that Kamala Harris has entered the chat. I won't name them here since I am still digesting a late lunch, and besides, who cares? 

But the usual suspects have also felt a heady rush of optimism at the prospect of President Harris. One has even climbed up on a cliff, lifted a buffalo horn to her lips, and sounded the AWFL call to arms:

Don the Handmaid's Tale outfits! Get the torches and pitchforks! Man the barricades! Er, uh, woman the barricades? Oh hell, just give zi/zim/zer a pitchfork and get 'em on a barricade. We have a democracy to save!

It is difficult to take people such as this seriously, as AWFLS have become caricatures in recent years. Judging by the replies, a fair number of people, many of them women, took umbrage with Fachner's war cry:


You can read other responses here.

Before we write Fachner off, as tempting as that may be, it will be helpful to remember that, as I have written before, Progressives are primarily driven by emotion. The idea of making history by electing the first woman of color to the highest office in the land will likely resonate beyond the Lululemon set. 

It will also gain traction with the stud-faced green-haired harridans who have spent all their spare time since 2016 sitting in their cars screaming into their TikTok feeds. Such womxn dream about sitting down with their cats and daughters on a cold winter night over a hearty bowl of testicle stew and recounting the story of how they changed the world by voting for Harris.


And it won't just be these folx going full-steam ahead in the months to come. There are far too many people out there for whom Trump = Hitler is practically an autonomic response who will be all too happy to rush to the polls, no matter how many times it takes to secure a Harris win.  

Of course, they will be completely unmindful of Harris' horrific record on the border and during her tenure in D.C. and California. They will also ignore the rise in crime, foreign conflicts, inflation, and overall misery under the Biden administration, not that they ever acknowledged it. 

In their rush to make history, they will fail to remember it.


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