
Italy Courts China As CCP Calls Italy ‘Gateway’ to Reach More Markets

AP Photo/Luca Bruno, File

The Italian and Chinese Communist governments are celebrating their close ties, with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in particular touting how Italy can be its “gateway” to other markets. That’s from a government openly bent on global domination.

Dangerously, the CCP has infiltrated the governments and institutions of many countries around the world, including the U.S. and Italy. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is set to visit China, the latest world leader to go pay court to the CCP, and the CCP is excited about the implications. 

It seems as if Italy is yet another country willing, whether knowingly or not, to help the CCP become the most powerful government in the world. When will countries learn their lesson about taking Chinese Communist money and empty promises? The oppressed citizens of China, the Uyghurs, the Taiwanese, and the Tibetans could all warn Meloni and her ilk if only they would listen.

Yes, the CCP does believe it is rightfully destined to dominate the world — including not just Earth but outer space, as China expert Gordon Chang told MRC Free Speech America. That doesn’t seem to stop world leaders from pretending the CCP can be trusted, unfortunately.

“Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni will pay an official visit to China from July 27 to 31 at the invitation of Chinese Premier Li Qiang, Chinese Foreign Ministry announced Thursday,” announced CCP state propaganda outlet Global Times excitedly. “During Prime Minister Meloni's visit to China, President Xi Jinping will meet with her, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning at Thursday's routine news conference. Chinese Premier Li Qiang and top legislator Zhao Leji will also meet with Meloni to exchange views on bilateral relations and issues of common concern.” The article went on to frame Meloni’s visit as a way to clear up “misunderstandings” that the U.S. allegedly caused.

The CCP isn’t the only government celebrating close Sino-Italian relations, however. The Italian government and its Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Antonio Tajani in particular announced in April that a “new season opens with regard to business relations with China.” 

Tajani stated, “We want to inaugurate a new phase in bilateral relations and invest in our partnership, this year being the 20th anniversary of the Global Strategic Partnership established between the two countries in 2004 and the 700th anniversary of Marco Polo’s death.” 

Money speaks, but any country that thinks it can get the benefits from Chinese investment without being infiltrated and taken over by the CCP is delusional. The CCP makes its expressed goals of global domination serious, and it should be taken seriously.

Speaking of which, a hint of the CCP’s true intentions comes from another Global Times article on July 25. “Exclusive: Italy can be perfect gateway for third-country markets for Chinese companies, says council head.” To give you an idea of just what kind of “gateway” Italy can be for China, aside from business, Northern Italy was the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic in the early days. Coincidentally, floods of Chinese workers have moved to Italy to manufacture products in recent years, and there is of course regular travel back and forth between China and Italy. Wherever Chinese companies and manufactured Chinese viruses go, there goes the CCP.

From Global Times:

Italy can be the perfect gateway for third-country markets for Chinese companies, Mario Boselli, president of the Italy China Council Foundation (ICCF), told the Global Times in an interview ahead of the visit to China of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni…

Meloni's visit was preceded by visits to China by a number of Italian officials, and Meloni's China visit is in pursuit of a goal: Italy is among the best strategic players for Beijing in Europe, and "having an active engagement with us also means holding the key to a better relationship with the EU," Boselli said… “Italy can be the perfect gateway for third-country markets [for Chinese companies], not only European but also Mediterranean markets.”

Boselli would see either to be in the CCP’s pay (likely, considering his foundation’s name and his comments in the article) or willfully blind. To borrow a quote from Winston Churchill in the movie “Darkest Hour,” “You cannot reason with a tiger when your head is in its mouth!”


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