How Joe Biden Saved Democracy and Rescued America

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Lying gets a lot of media attention, and it’s almost always negative. (Weird, huh?) But if you stop and think about it, lying is a fantastic way to make people believe something that’s totally untrue!


Just ask Joe Biden.

Dishonesty is everywhere. It’s not a new phenomenon. Whereas our motivation to lie might be as vast and varied as the human psyche – pride, wealth, fear, status, envy, cruelty, ambition – all liars share a single commonality:

When they lie, they’re actually telling you the truth about what they want you to believe.

To quote a favorite phrase from the late, great Rush Limbaugh, “Reality isn’t defined by individual choice.” An objective reality exists, and humans developed language to communicate the truth about their day-to-day lives – but only at first. 

Soon, we discovered that language had a separate benefit: We could manipulate our peers’ perception of reality by obscuring certain facts, saying something contrary, and providing a counter-explanation. When you control how people think, you’re also controlling the actions they’re likely to consider. It’s a way to master your fellow man. 

Successful liars are successful manipulators.

Within a competitive social system, the ability to lie undetected is of enormous utility. It gives you – and your family – access to more resources, increased safety, and a higher social status. In fact, the reason we must actively teach our children NOT to lie is because lying (and getting away with it) has such clear and obvious benefits that even a child can see it.


So what does Joe Biden want us to believe?

He desperately wants to be remembered as a historically significant President… Alas, his own party rejected him, and now he’ll forever go down in history as a one-and-done afterthought. Deep down, he knows this – and it’s infuriating him., which is why he’s trying to push a counter-narrative:

First, he was inspired to “save democracy” by what happened in Charlottesville, Va. Next, he “saved democracy” by stopping Trump in 2020. Then he “saved democracy” once again by running for reelection in 2024. After his disastrous debate, he couldn’t drop out of the race because that would be unfair to all the millions of people who voted for him in the primaries to “save democracy.”

Now, of course, he’s “saving democracy” by NOT running. (But not resigning either: He still must “save democracy” by handpicking an unelected successor, jailing his political opponents, and undermining the Constitutional separation of powers by weakening the judiciary. Too much “saving democracy” work to resign, you see.)

Biden doesn’t want you to think that his humiliating public demotion had anything whatsoever to do with his poor approval ratings, mental decline, physical frailty, old age, or the fact that most Americans were dissatisfied with their country’s direction. His ego won’t allow it.


And so he’s propagating a fictional explanation: He’s really a savior who did a wonderful job. Pay no attention to anything contrary – Joe Biden’s the man who saved democracy! (Please believe me!)

It’s well beyond a God Complex. At this stage, the president probably thinks God has a Biden Complex.

The argument won’t work. Biden might not be able to remember anything anymore, but the American people still can – and we realize that this isn’t the first time we’ve heard this tall tale. It’s a line that’s so overused and so overexposed that its potency has expired. It’s just not true – and it rings false.

But it’s the lie that Biden is desperate for you to believe.


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