
Moms For Liberty Co-Founder Excoriates Teachers’ Union Boss Over ‘Unhinged’ Anti-Trump Speech

AP Photo/Mark Lennihan

If you missed American Federation of Teachers’ chieftain Randi Weingarten’s recent fascistic anti-fascist screed at the annual convention in Houston, it was an absolute doozy that would have given history’s most notorious demagogues a run for their money.

Half the kids in the country can’t read, but this lady spends her days campaigning for Biden (and now Kamala) and lobbying the government to close down schools for years based on COVID-19 pseudoscience.

RelatedTeachers’ Union Head Randi Weingarten KO’ed in Congressional Hearings Over COVID School Closures

Via New York Post (emphasis added):

 American Federation of Teachers boss Randi Weingarten has been ripped as an “unhinged lunatic” after she delivered a wild, political rally-style speech suggesting that former President Donald Trump was an “existential threat” to democracy.

The teachers’ union president screamed and shouted at her members as she warned of looming violence and fascism if Trump wins the 2024 election when she took the stage during the AFT’s annual convention in Houston, Texas, on Monday.

“The November elections will determine which path we take as a nation. Progress is indeed possible, but so is the eradication of the rights and freedoms we hold dear,” the union boss declared in her lengthy speech.

“Historians … who study threats to democracy and how fascists come to power conclude that it is seldom a dramatic event or attack that lets fascism in the door. The violence comes later after they are voted in,” she continued.

“Voting is still our best defense against tyranny and fascism.” 

That a creature such as Weingarten is allowed to indirectly collect public money through public school union dues and then use that for nakedly partisan electioneering is definitely unethical and should be criminal if it is not already. Take a look at its lobbying activity, via Open Secrets.

In addition to serving on the rules committee for the DNC, Weingarten is a fixture on MSNBC, appearing regularly to opine about Democracy™ and gun control and whatever other cause du jour.

Moms for Liberty co-founder Tiffany Justice took Randi Weingarten to the woodshed in a brutal response to her anti-Trump rant:

When people tell you who they are, you should listen. Randi Weingarten made it clear who she is at the recent American Federation of Teachers Convention. She used her platform to rage against Trump and warn against "fascist" policies. Maybe all that was meant to distract from the fact that her union has failed US public school kids!

They fought for school lockdowns and crucified parents who dared to attend school board meetings. Now, only 32% of our 4th graders are reading on grade level and math scores are the lowest they have ever been. But, the largest teachers union doesn’t care!

Randi Weingarten and the radical AFT have made it clear who they are - those who love power and speeches more than real results and progress for public school students.

This kind of stuff is why Weingarten hates Moms For Liberty with a seething passion, as evidenced in the below clip in which she giggles about the group’s losses in school board races last year:


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