The Corpse-in-Chief Has Got to Go

AP Photo/Evan Vucci, Pool

Did you watch Presidentish Joe Biden's not-quite-a-farewell speech Wednesday night? I didn't, so it wasn't until this morning's news prowl that I saw video of the barely animated corpse currently impersonating The Most Powerful Man in the World™. He has got to go. The sooner the better — and after seeing that speech, it doesn't matter whether he resigns or gets 25th'd out of office. But for the good of the country, Biden has got to go.


If you skipped out on the Oval Office address, good for you. Such speeches are usually reserved for moments of national importance, such as President Ronald Reagan's address to the nation the evening after the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster. All these years later, it remains perhaps the best example of the genre.

All you missed was a pseudo-campaign speech where Biden never quite got around to explaining why he wasn't the one campaigning anymore. But you also missed the sight of Biden wearing more makeup than the Joker, stumbling repeatedly over well-rehearsed lines that were right there on his teleprompter, and sounding extremely low-energy for a man who'd just spent a week at rest and under the best medical care the country has to offer.

Just before Biden gave his speech — assuming it wasn't pre-recorded —  a combined Russian-Chinese bomber force tested our Alaskan airspace. 


Recommended: The Few, the Proud, the Remaining Full-Time Private Sector Workers Under Bidenomics

On more than one Five O'Clock Somewhere (exclusively for our VIP Gold supporters), Stephen Kruiser and I have discussed the lengths the White House cabal will go to keep itself in power. Biden's brain might be turning to pudding, but the president virtually has the entire staff of Walter Reed Army Medical Center at his disposal, and they'll go to almost any length to keep that heart pumping and those lungs breathing. Besides, physically, Biden seemed to be in excellent shape for an octogenarian.

That all changed Wednesday night. The man we saw on TV was physically unwell to the point of delusion.

Biden appeared so unwell that the Daily Mail talked to Virginia neurologist Dr. W. Chris Winter, who told the British tabloid that Biden's "Low blink rate can be a sign of Parkinson's Disease," which is something PJ's own Matt Margolis covered recently. A California cardiologist, Dr. Ernst von Schwarz, said that "dry mouth, fixed stare, very little... hand movements and gestures... could be signs of cognitive decline" due to age or "a neurodegenerative condition" like dementia.


The best case, according to von Schwarz, is that Biden was doped up to improve his speech. "The use of medications such as psychostimulants (like Adderall or Ritalin among others) is very common for many to take just before lectures or presentations or official tasks since they increase dopamine availability in the brain."

Those drugs can "temporarily modify the trajectory of cognitive decline," he said.

In other words, the best case is that Biden's brain is as impaired as we thought but that maybe his physical condition hasn't declined as rapidly as it appears.

But so long as there's a warmish body to prop up in the chair behind the Resolute desk, the White House cabal is good. He needs to go...

...but he won't.


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