The Few, the Proud, the Remaining Full-Time Private Sector Workers Under Bidenomics

AP Photo

Allow me to apologize to the Marine Corps and their fine recruiting slogan that I found myself forced to corrupt as the best way to tell you the truth about the craptaculent jobs situation under the Biden-Harris administration.


Let me set the Wayback Machine for January of this year, when Presidentish Joe Biden was gearing up his star-crossed presidential campaign — well, the White House cabal was gearing up — with a jobs report that the MSN-DNC Press Complex hailed as "AMAZING! DEATH DEFYING! A MIRACLE ON EARTH!"

Maybe they didn't sell it quite as hard as Barnum & Bailey used to, but it was close. The mainstream media figures were also about as real as a Weekly World News story about the incredible Bat Boy.

If you want the truth — and I know you do, gentle reader — you have to wait weeks or even months for your Friendly Neighborhood VodkaPundit or sharp analysts like E.J. Antoni to dig it up for you, dodging poison arrows like Indiana Jones the whole time.

So here's the truth, whether or not you can handle it.

My shocked face has been beaten into submission.


This is where I say, "I told you so," even though Longtime Sharp VodkaPundit Readers™ certainly needed no telling — you've been in the know all along.

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It's one thing for the BLS to goose the big headline numbers, only to "unexpectedly" revise them downward in the following weeks or months. We've all gone down this road so many times together, we've memorized the signs. When a Republican is president, the headline numbers are downplayed, only to get revised upward when fewer people are paying attention. If it's a Democrat, the obverse is the rule. 

But it's another thing when you look past the rigged headlines and into the figures BLS can't fudge for the benefit of low-information/short-attention-span voters. Because that's where the jobs picture turns ugly.

"In June," Advisor Perspectives reported earlier this month, "the number of full-time workers fell by 38,000 while the number of part-time workers increased by 50,000." That's a pretty typical result during the Biden-Harris administration, where the main driver of full-time work is direct or indirect government employment.

The kind of switcharoo we're seeing between full- and part-time employment is typical for a recession, not for a time of "robust growth" that the media keeps assuring us is happening. 


Going even deeper into last month's numbers — again, a typical Biden-Harris month — Zero Hedge found that "private sector workers came in at 136K, well below the 160K expected and down from a downward revised 193K (was 229K). The gap was filled by — what else — deep stater and other government workers, as government payrolls jumped from 25K to 70K."

Heritage said that the spectacular rise in government employment puts us "within spitting distance to Soviet levels of employment composition."

Government-driven "growth" at the expense of taxpayers is unsustainable, but it's the road we'll keep traveling if Kamala Harris wins the White House in November. So vote as though your livelihood depends upon it — because it very well might.


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