Another Night, Another Riot
Happy Thursday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. I do hope that you are all sailing into the weekend with the wind at your backs.
Well, here we go again.
A grand jury gave its decision in the Breonna Taylor shooting and — SHOCKER — the lefties weren’t satisfied and responded with mostly peaceful protests riots.
Once again, the outrage is being fueled by a narrative that is largely fact-free. It wasn’t a “no-knock” police raid as we’ve been hearing ad nauseam, but that really doesn’t matter. The antifa/BLM/Harris-Biden mob doesn’t need any factual reason to riot. Any misrepresentation of a police incident will do.
The Louisville mob shot two cops to kick off its turn in the riot spotlight.
Wednesday night’s violence followed five days of heightened violent rhetoric from leftists following the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
As has been well documented, the civil unrest that has been plaguing the United States in tandem with the actual plague has been thriving in places where elected Democratic officials are giving the rioters direct and indirect support. Far from being placated by the capitulation of local officials, the mob has been empowered and keeps finding excuses to riot.
There is a lot of talk of civil war and revolution coming from these criminals.

Because they’ve been allowed to riot with very little pushback from police for several months, the rage mob has a greatly inflated sense of its badassery. It’s easy to be a tough guy when you’re protected by numbers and you’re beating up a Best Buy window.
When they’re not being coddled and hiding behind their masks during a live riot, they’re busy hiding behind their keyboards, like this antifa Twitter tough guy who was threatening my Townhall colleague Julio Rosas last night.
Social media and pro-riot Dems have spawned thousands of thugs who probably wouldn’t last long in an encounter with anyone who wasn’t outnumbered and who actually fought back. These are emo wusses who are driven by hurt feelings, after all. In reality, if you got any one of them isolated and said “BOO!” loudly they’d probably soil themselves and begin sobbing.
They think they want anarchy and revolution but they only want it in safe spaces that are little more than riot gated communities.
Step up, antifa, bring your masked soy boy brigades away from places where you know you’re operating largely consequence-free. Mike Tyson once said something to the effect of, “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.” Safe money says that your plans wouldn’t amount to much after the first punch in the face.
If Joe Biden wins the election we may see the riots move more and more away from city centers. These rabid animals aren’t going to stop even if President Trump is out of office. Should that happen, they won’t fare as well unless the Harris-Biden administration decides to aid and abet them. Don’t rule that possibility out.
If, however, they get ambitious and decide to try and have the street war they think they want, they’re going to find it.
In a hurry.
Dianne Feinstein Is About to Get Rich Off of Her Art
A 700-year-old painted scroll is expected to fetch $10-15.5 million at an upcoming Sotheby’s auction in Hong Kong
— Reuters (@Reuters) September 24, 2020
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— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) September 23, 2020
The Kruiser Kabana
— 11:11 (@11hr11min) September 22, 2020
This ain’t no Mudd Club…oh wait.
I hope the Harris-Biden gulags have email.
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PJ Media Senior Columnist and Associate Editor Stephen Kruiser is the author of “Don’t Let the Hippies Shower” and “Straight Outta Feelings: Political Zen in the Age of Outrage,” both of which address serious subjects in a humorous way. Monday through Friday he edits PJ Media’s “Morning Briefing.” His columns appear twice a week.
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