The Morning Briefing: Night 3 of the RNC Was Sheer Political Perfection

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Top O' the Briefing

Happy Thursday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. The Sine Qua Non Sequitur is convinced that it won't be extradited to Canada because it is, in fact, an American national treasure. 


OK, maybe today's headline is a bit over the top, but as I wrote yesterday, I'm going to savor the mood. 

Every election is about delineating the choices between the candidates. The Republican Party has often struggled with doing that well. When I say "often," I mean for most of my considerably long political experience on the American Right. 

Last night, the Republican National Committee did something I've never seen the GOP elite do: It orchestrated a convention agenda that was focused on regular American voters and not the Republican power players. I'm not saying that the heavy hitters should be ignored, I'm merely positing that there are other parts of the electorate who deserve a lot of attention.

The dual theme on Wednesday night was family and military. Donald Trump's eldest granddaughter Kai made her debut on the national stage and absolutely killed (<— comedian thing, not a call to violence). She let everyone know that he is a regular, indulgent grandpa. It was a magical moment that no doubt sent the Left panicking about how to prove he's LITERALLY HITLER.

While the family thread was beautiful, the devotion to the American military was overwhelming. The longest segment of the evening focused on the Gold Star families whose loved ones died because of Joe Biden's horrible Afghanistan withdrawal strategy. It was brutal and beautiful at the same time. When the cameras cut away to Trump, the anguish on his face was a perfect example of why he should be commander in chief again. My very good friend Ashley explains why Trump is the man


I tend to be rather detached when it comes to politics, but that was heavy. 

The introduction of JD Vance to the electorate at large exceeded all expectations. His wife Usha was thrust into the spotlight to introduce him, and she nailed it.

Vance's acceptance speech was like nothing I've ever seen from a VP pick, and I'm a Jack Kemp fan. He's brilliant on camera because he was a celebrity before he got into politics. He owned the stage when he was up there. When he paid homage to his mother, and she said "My boy" to the speaker of the House of Representatives as he leaned in to talk to her, I may have gotten wobbly for a moment. 

Optics are important in the modern media era, and the GOP didn't understand that for a long time.

They get it now. 

That was far and away the most focused and purposeful night I've seen at a Republican National Convention. 

And I'm not the young buck in the room.

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Everything Isn't Awful


SFK of the Day

Grand Old Party Indeed: New Trump-Vance Campaign Ad Is Pure Fire

"The money line — in my opinion — is a variation on my favorite quote of his: 'They're not coming after me, they're coming after you and I just happen to be standing in their way, and I will never be moving.'"

Shot of Vodka

SHAMELESS NATION: What's It Take to Get Fired in Washington These Days?

"Arguably worse, Presidentish Joe Biden hasn't fired Cheatle and shows no indication that he ever would. She's another DEI-supporting and-approved progressive woman with a Washington sinecure. That makes her, unlike the people her organization is assigned to protect, virtually bulletproof."

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