Houthi Leader Brags U.S. Gov’t ‘Humiliated’ by Jihadis

Houthi Media Center via AP

The leader of Houthi terrorists waging maritime jihad in support of Hamas is proudly claiming the Biden administration has been “humiliated.” Democrats have made America a global laughingstock.


“Allah has humiliated the modern-day arrogant tyrant, the U.S.,” Ansar Allah (“Army of Allah”) leader Abdul-Malik al-Houthi mocked the Biden administration, according to Breitbart. The Yemeni militants used missiles, drones, and crewed vessels to attack two ships on Monday.

Al-Houthi and his fellow Houthis are smug and arrogant as the Biden administration continues to be weak and terrorist-empathizing. “After the expulsion of its aircraft carrier, America turned to involving its Saudi agent to push it into serving the Israeli enemy more than it already does,” Houthi boasted. “Our people’s turnout last Friday was massive and great, as millions flocked to the squares to show the world their steadfastness in support for the Palestinian people despite every agent’s will.”

The Iran-backed jihadi leader asserted, “Allah has humiliated the modern-day arrogant tyrant, the U.S., at the hands of our people. With Allah’s will, the tyranny of the U.S.’s agents will be broken, and their capabilities will be destroyed by the hands of his faithful servants.” It is particularly ironic that the Biden administration removed Houthis from the list of designated terrorist groups in 2021, reversing a Trump administration policy.

Houthi vowed to keep on fighting to support his fellow Islamic murderers in Gaza. “We will spare no effort in supporting the Palestinian people. We will continue to support and back Gaza in coordination with other support fronts and the free people of the nation,” he promised.

The Houthis periodically stage large rallies to demonstrate support for the Palestinians. The rallies their leader referred to on Tuesday coincided with the Muslim holiday of Ashura.


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The Eisenhower aircraft carrier to which Houthi referred was reportedly recalled after multiple extensions of its original deployment period rather than out of fear, Breitbart wrote. The USS Theodore Roosevelt will be taking the Eisenhower’s place.

During that time, the carrier [Eisenhower] and her battle group have been key elements in one of the most intense naval battles of the past fifty years, intercepting dozens of missiles and drones provided to the Houthis by Iran and participating in numerous rescue missions.

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Regardless of the truth about the Eisenhower, the Biden administration’s interference in the Israel-Hamas conflict has been largely disastrous. The Biden administration has poured taxpayer-funded aid into Hamas-run Gaza, where support for jihad has actually increased. Israel has been repeatedly backstabbed and undermined by Joe Biden and his handlers. And, as noted above, the Biden administration previously removed the terrorist designation from the Houthis.

Given all that, U.S. government officials really do deserve to be ridiculed by the terrorists also trying to undermine Israel.


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