HOLY COW! Did Biden Just Open the Door to His Own Exit?

Townhall Media

I have to start this column with an apology to you, gentle reader. I swore that I would not write ONE MORE WORD about Presidentish Joe Biden today, under penalty of having to stay sober through my drunkblog of Donald Trump's RNC keynote speech tomorrow night.


Well, it looks like I just broke one promise and will break another tomorrow night because… bottoms up, baby.

What brought on all my oath-breaking was a breaking news item from our friends at the New York Post, that Biden actually said out loud what could make him drop out of the presidential race.

In a BET interview that was taped on Tuesday but wasn't released until today, Biden said, "If I had some medical condition that emerged, if somebody, if doctors came to me and said, you got this problem and that problem…" (he kinda trailed off), that would be enough to get him to quit.

It's enough to make some people wonder if Biden "may be faltering in his vow to seek a second term," as the Post put it.

"Is the coup moving into a final stage?" Charlie Kirk asked with his usual subtlety.

Robby Starbuck theorized, "This is the setup. They obviously know he has a medical condition. If Biden leaves the race it’s because Jill knows they lost already and she doesn’t want the Biden family blamed for it."

"It’s happening," was Steve Cortes's succinct summary of what he believes is going on. 

The Clown World news account, which has somehow amassed 2.5 million followers, posted, "Biden dropping out? Odds are soaring! Schiff wants him gone, Biden's talking medical conditions, and 2/3 of Democrats want him out."


I'm not taking those odds. At least not yet.

Recommended: It's ALIVE, ALIVE... the Democrat Revolt Against Biden 'Resurfaces'

Until Biden makes a "previously unscheduled" visit to Walter Reed or a team of guys and gals in white coats are seen exiting the White House, shaking their heads, all the scenarios and conspiracy theories are just malarky, Jack. 

UPDATE: Biden has tested positive for COVID and will recuperate for a week in Delaware. Maybe that team of guys and gals in white lab coats is about to show up, after all.

That's why I'm sure my RedState colleague Bonchie came much closer to the truth with this post:

What are the odds that any of the doctors who have spent the last five years assuring Biden (and us) that "REALLY HE'S FINE WE SWEAR PLEASE RELEASE OUR CHILDREN" are suddenly going to discover some previously unknown medical condition serious enough to make the man who claims he "put NATO together" to drop out?

Besides, the only doctor whose opinion matters is one DOCTOR Jill Biden, Ed.D., Esq., DDS, Phys. Ed. And according to a Tuesday New York Times report, Biden no longer listens to anyone outside his inner circle:

Instead, he is relying on members of his family — a tight-knit clan that includes his son Hunter and the first lady, Jill Biden — along with a tiny group of loyalists to steer him through a self-created crisis and quell a rising rebellion against his candidacy from within his own party.


Biden's inner circle is Jill, Hunter, longtime friend Mike Donilon, and old Biden hand Steve Ricchetti. While more and more Democrats are publicly saying the emperor has no clothes, Biden's inner circle is whispering in his ear how well-dressed he is today.

P.S. Don't forget to join your favorite PJ Media writers (including Yours Truly) in tonight's RNC live blog, starting at 7 p.m. And if you want to join in the real fun — I'm referring to our Virtually Troll-Free™ comments section — consider becoming one of our VIP or VIP Gold members with this 60% of MAGA24 promotional offer.

See you tonight!


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