
This Isn't Normal. It's Marxism, and I Have the Receipts.

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Riots, ghettos, illegal immigrants everywhere, rampant crime, and a president who is nuttier than squirrel droppings. How did we allow this?

It is not normal to have a president who pretends he is Puerto Rican and claims his uncle was eaten by cannibals, yet here we are. The Pravda press is doing what it can to keep the truth from us, but we can all see the president's mind has gone fishing.

Biden did not "put NATO together" and never drove a truck. He did not attend civil rights events and was not a coal miner, yet the mainstream news won't alert the masses that Biden is a serial liar.

None of what you are about to read is normal — yet — and it reeks of Marxism. I'll throw out some of the 45 goals of communism, which I sometimes do when I smell that stench of Stalinism.

Why doesn't the press blow the whistle on Biden's lies? I think I know:

45 Goals of communism:  #20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.

The few liberals who still deign to talk to me have no clue that President Shartzhispants and his crime family are up to their horns in Chinese money, yet President Trump has spent more time in courtrooms this year than President Finger-Diddle and his criminal kin.

None of this is normal.

It isn't normal to cuff off a teenage boy's p*nis because he thinks he's a girl today. Nor is it normal for a school to hide his plan from his parents, but Gavin Newsom just signed such a bill into law.

45 Goals of communism:  #41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.

Locking down the nation for a virus with a survivability rate of over 99% is definitely not normal. Nor was wearing a Fauci face diaper in a swimming pool, yet we took it all.

I believe the nonsense we see today kicked into high gear when big, blue toilet city mayors allowed Marxist street animals to burn buildings and fight cops, over and over and with near impunity. They created the perfect storm to turn their towns into grime-ridden ghettos, all while watching businesses pack up and leave. It is not normal but it was intentional. It's called Marxism and it is the lefty plan — and it's working, as we go to Facebook to argue about where a mentally ill dude in a skirt will relieve himself.

Is it normal for elected leaders to lick the boots of lifelong felons?

As I recall, chasing Jews around universities is normal if we time travel back to Berlin in 1938, but to see rampant anti-Semitism allowed on college campuses nationwide today in the U.S.A. is disturbing.

45 Goals of communism: #42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use ["]united force["] to solve economic, political or social problems.

Sure, if a redneck sporting a ZZ Top beard and wearing a Dixie flag wife beater chased a Jewish person around a community college, the news would be all over it. But when the rich kids do it, the Pravda press falls asleep — all part of the plan.

FACT-O-RAMA! Having five swing states stop counting ballots at almost the same time on Election Day, 2020, was absolutely not normal, yet few Americans did anything about it.

The anarchists learned in 2020 that it's OK to burn Portland every night. So now, riots are going to be considered "normal."

Your green-haired thingamabob-in-law loses its mind when the press decides to tell them about a mass shooting, but obeisantly remains quiet when you mention those 80,000 people who die from fentanyl — brought over Joe Biden's open border — every year.

FACT-O-RAMA! Far more people are killed by drugs, especially Chinese/Mexican fentanyl, than guns every year, but the silicone chip inside your liberal brother's head will get switched to overload when you hit him with that inconvenient truth. 

The greatest abnormality is probably putting the FBI in charge of the investigation into the near assassination of President Trump. They are the same people trying to put him in prison. They doctored photos of alleged classified documents in Mar-a-Lago.

The Secret Service head honcho, Kim Cheatle, should be on the unemployment line (if not in prison). I've been fired from jobs for screw-ups I made that did not involve a near-presidential assassination, yet Cheatle somehow still gets a paycheck. Something tells me she is still there because Trump is still alive and thus, her work isn't done.

None of this is acceptable. I believe the commies looking to enslave us are relying on creating "a new normal" on a near-weekly basis, hoping to "slow boil" us into Marxism.

Here is a "Pride" video of a man in San Francisco allowing people to wizz on him in public. A human urinal cake is not normal — until you read:

45 Goals of communism: #25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.

#26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

RelatedThe Slow-Boiling States of America

Defunding the police and replacing them with social workers is a monumentally stupid idea. Who came up with that?

45 Goals of communism: #38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].

I believe riots, swing states stopping their election night counts, and attempts on Trump's life are things we can now consider "normal" if the Marxists keep racking up victories.

Or, we can say no to the commies trying to "fundamentally change" our nation.

We have their pinko playbook, now let's stop accepting Marxism as the "new normal."


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