Results for: fani willis

Guess Who Showed Up as Cops Were Arresting Fani Willis' Daughter
– Just when you thought you were safe from headlines about Fani Willis, she somehow manages to make news. … Fani Willis said that she was there to retrieve her daughter’s car, but she also engaged officers about the situation. … Okay.’”Recommended: Fani Willis Claims That Holding Prosecutors Like Her Accountable Is RacistNo big deal, right?…
Six-Figure Ad Buy Targets Fani Willis
– With all the headlines that Fani Willis has generated all year long — and continues to generate — it’s easy to forget that she’s also … Fulton County jail, which Willis vowed to remedy. … Personal and political vanity cases have taken priority over public safety.We deserve better than Fani Willis.…
Former Atlanta CFO Will Go to Prison on Embezzling and Tax Evasion Charges…go-to-prison-on-embezzling-and-tax-evasion-charges-n4932066
– For much of this year, the world focused on the corruption in the Fulton County, Ga., District Attorney’s office, where DA Fani Willis … In another RICO case — Fani loves her some RICO — involving rappers and gang members, an attorney tipped a defendant off to warrants … , and an investigator hit on a witness.The spotlight on Willis and the craziness at the county level has been so bright that even locals…
Kamala Harris IS Election Interference
–  For most of this effort, Jack Smith, Alvin Bragg, Juan Merchan, Letitia James, and Fani Willis were the primary drivers of this…
The Morning Briefing: All of This Hunter Biden Stuff Might Have Been Helpful Four Years Ago…biden-stuff-might-have-been-helpful-four-years-ago-n4932273
– Research PartnershipStyles Make Fights: Why Kamala Harris Is Tailormade for a Trump KOGuess Who Showed Up as Cops Were Arresting FaniWillis' DaughterVodkaPundit, Part Trois.…
The Morning Briefing: NPR Offers Up Two More Great Reasons to Nuke Its Taxpayer Funding…two-more-great-reasons-to-nuke-its-taxpayer-funding-n4932101
– the DayKamala Harris IS Election Interference"For most of this effort, Jack Smith, Alvin Bragg, Juan Merchan, Letitia James, and FaniWillis were the primary drivers of this mentally unsound clown car crusade.…
The ID of the Leader of 'White Dudes for Harris' Proves You're Not Cynical Enough…dudes-for-kamala-leader-is-connected-to-trump-judge-n4931271
– allowed a trial to proceed against a former president of the United States that no one else would ever have brought this side of FaniWillis.…
The Morning Briefing: The GOP Is Both Grand and a Party Again
– Profound Tribute to Dad Killed by Would-Be Trump AssassinThat Settles That: Georgia Court of Appeals Formally Sets Oral Argument on FaniWillis DQ for DecemberChicago Mayor Reportedly Removing Washington Statue From City HallJoy Ann Reid Attempted to Pull the Race Card…
Are You People High? Media Claims Joe Biden 'Had Nothing' to Do With Lawfare Against Trump…do-with-trump-lawfare-and-is-masterfully-corrected-n4930500
– Nathan Wade, Big Fani Willis’ boyfriend/special counsel, billed Fulton County 16 hours ($250 per hour) for his 2 meetings with Biden … White House officials before Big Fani indicted Trump in Atlanta.…
Independence Day Forecast: Glorious With a 100% Chance of Democrat Tears…t-glorious-with-a-serious-chance-of-democrats-tears-n4930341
– Betting sites give Trump a 58% chance of winning in November and Biden a paltry 32%.Pinko prosecutors Fani Willis and Jack Smith are…
Stop the Presses: A Major Newspaper Admits Its Bias
– They didn’t hold people like Fani Willis or Keisha Lance-Bottoms accountable; no, these reporters aimed their cameras at the more conservative…
Fani Willis Blew It: Trump Georgia Case Officially on Hold
–  It's because of the pending ruling on the defendants' motion to disqualify Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis from the … On Monday, the Georgia appeals court scheduled oral arguments for Oct. 4 for the disqualification of Willis. … Willis is to blame.…
Democrats Election Interference Plan In Georgia Suffers Major Setback…interference-plan-in-georgia-suffers-major-setback-n4929594
Willis not only paid him more money than someone of his experience should earn, but the two took vacations together and potentially … Willis. … on the case.Related: Fani Willis Is on the RopesDespite McAfee’s ruling, he granted the certificate of immediate review Trump…
What a Bad Day to Be a Democrat
– Georgia's sassiest pinko, Fani Willis, might get booted from the Trump prosecution case. … could go either way, but we recently learned that the Trump trial will not proceed until a judge has decided whether or not to send Fani
Venture Capitalist Donates to Trump: ‘Prepared to Lose Friends’
– The endless lawfare against Trump from such biased and corrupt individuals as Special Counsel Jack Smith and DA Fani Willis further…
It's Time to Go After the Left More Ruthlessly — and Truthfully — Than Ever Before…eft-more-ruthlessly-and-truthfully-than-ever-before-n4929513
– Witness Victoria’s impeccable coverage of the Trump trial and my reports about the Fani Willis scandals to see that we don’t care what…
Our Revolutionary Times
– confidence not just in Attorney General Merrick Garland but in American jurisprudence itself.The shenanigans of prosecutors like FaniWillis, Letitia James, and Alvin Bragg, along with overtly biased judges like Juan Merchant and Arthur Engoron, only reinforced the…
Somehow, Fulton County Democrats Choose Fani Willis Again
– With all the information that has come to light during Fani Willis’ tenure as district attorney in Fulton County, Ga., it would be … Incidentally, Bailey’s wife works as Willis’ spokesperson.Related: Fani Willis Claims That Holding Prosecutors Like Her Accountable … There was one glaring problem with that hire: Wade was carrying on an affair with Willis.…
‘Under Color of Law’: The Colorful Way Trump Could Prosecute His Tormenters…e-colorful-way-trump-could-prosecute-his-tormenters-n4929230
– Jasmine Crockett (D-Texas), who laughably calls herself a "Civil Rights & Criminal Attorney," urging Fani Willis to "bury" Trump … Fani Willis & her office can continue their prosecution so long as Special Prosecutor Wade is removed. … "…[The] state-level charges Willis brought down means that the Orange Criminal might do real time…keeping him away from that second…
Fani Willis Claims That Holding Prosecutors Like Her Accountable Is Racist…holding-prosecutors-like-her-accountable-is-racist-n4929203
Fani Willis is the poster child for this type of attitude, which has been evident from the start of her persecution — sorry, prosecution … of Donald Trump.From day one, Willis played with fire. … A judge eventually barred Willis from investigating Jones.At the beginning of this year, we learned that Willis had hired Nathan Wade…
The Left's Lawfare Scorecard Against Trump Is Looking Pretty Bad at This Point…d-against-trump-is-looking-pretty-bad-at-this-point-n4929195
Willis had been sleeping with the help — namely, the special prosecutor she had hired, Nathan Wade. … Judge Scott McAfee ultimately sought to resolve the conflict of interest by forcing Wade to step down from Willis's team.Now, Willis … At any rate, it won't be resolved before Trump is voted back into office in November.Related: Fani Willis Claims That Holding Her Accountable…
The Morning Briefing: The Democrats Are Everything They Say They Fear About Trump…crats-are-everything-they-say-they-fear-about-trump-n4929212
– for the Privilege of Even More Taxes in the Near FutureBiden's Hometown Says 'No' to JoeSomehow, Fulton County Democrats Choose FaniWillis AgainSure, Toots. …  Fani Willis Claims That Holding Her Accountable Is RacistDefense Rests in Trump Trial—Maybe Now DA Will Reveal What the Crime…