Kamala Harris IS Election Interference

AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura

The Democrats have been caterwauling about election interference since the moment Donald Trump was elected president in 2016. Because they have a gift for finding new ways to be annoying, it seems like they've been doing it for as long as I have been alive. 


It's tedious and, as with most Dem rage fits, pure projection. 

It had been known for a while that the diaper-filling, law-perverting lowlife Jack Smith (if that's his real name) was going to take another run at Donald Trump before the election. When he made his move earlier in the week, I at first rolled my eyes. 

Then the irritation quickly set in. 

Victoria summed it up nicely in her analysis of Smith's latest lawfare lunacy:

SCOTUS brushed Smith back about immunity issues, but he's now back to test yet another one of his legal theories against Trump. Let's see if you can grasp the technical legal theory being promulgated by Smith. It goes something like this: "I'm willing to interfere with an election to prove to Trump that interfering or tampering with an election is wrong."

The lawfare attacks on Trump on multiple fronts have been the Mother of all Election Interference. Prior to this presidential election, the Democrats have primarily focused on thwarting the will of the voters at the ballot box or, more accurately, the mailbox. 

Never ones to rest on their corrupt laurels, the Dems expanded their horizons for 2024 and decided to attempt to subvert the electoral process before any votes were cast. They were hoping that Trump would be long out of the election picture and, at the very least, in a holding cell by now. They are so consumed by hatred for Trump that they never paused to consider whether any other Republican might win anyway. As long as ORANGE MAN BAD was gone, the Democrats were going to be happy. 


For most of this effort, Jack Smith, Alvin Bragg, Juan Merchan, Letitia James, and Fani Willis were the primary drivers of this mentally unsound clown car crusade. The faces of the leftist jihad, if you will. There's a new player in town as of late: Vice President Kamala Harris. 

Never before has one Democrat personified election interference more than Madame Veep. 

The only place that Joe Biden has been able to go quickly this year was nowhere in the election. Although there is every indication that he had a pinky swear agreement with the DNC that he would be a one-term wonder and step aside for a candidate who was breathing, Jill Biden and the rest of Biden's handlers reneged on the deal and declared that he'd run again.

Despite the fact that they'd been burned, the Democratic Party responded by rushing the old boy to the nomination without any primary debates. To do that, they had to completely disenfranchise Biden's one serious primary challenger: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. As my friend Stephen Green wrote earlier in the month, had there been even one debate between the two, Biden would have been toast much earlier. 

When they finally admitted to themselves that Joe Biden's desiccated husk wasn't a viable presidential candidate, they didn't rely on anything like tradition and opt for an open convention; that's not how the 2024 Democrats roll. Instead, the party opted to interfere with their own primary elections. They gave a big finger to the Democrats who voted in the primaries and crowned Kamala. 


Her very presence is election interference. 

The only way Harris could be a bigger embodiment of interfering with an election is if she personally oversees the counting of the Magic Mail-In Ballot Machine votes in Philadelphia on Election Night. 

I probably shouldn't give them any ideas. 

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