The Morning Briefing Republican House Majority Has to Fire Up the Bully Pulpit

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Wednesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Maclean clung fiercely to his boyhood dream of one day fronting an a cappella Motörhead tribute band.


The slight New World Republican Order is underway in the House of Representatives, and thus far, McCarthy and Company are hitting all the right notes.

One of the first nuggets tossed to the base was Speaker McCarthy coming through with a promise he made before he’d even secured the job, which Matt wrote about:

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy repeatedly promised over the past couple of years that, when the GOP took control of the House, he would remove Reps. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), and Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) from their respective committees. McCarthy has followed through on that promise.

On Monday, McCarthy confirmed to the Associated Press that Omar would be removed from the Foreign Affairs Committee and that Schiff and Swalwell would be kicked off the Intelligence Committee.

“Swalwell can’t get a security clearance in the private sector. I’m not going to give him a government security clearance. Schiff has lied to the American public,” McCarthy told reporters Monday night. “We will not allow him to be on the Intel Committee either.”

Those three bundles of awful are certainly deserving of disenfranchisement. The only thing that could have made that move better is if McCarthy had found a way to make Squeaky Ocasio-Cortez shut up for a while.

A guy can dream.

There were also articles of impeachment filed against DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, as well as the passage of a bill to take money away from the people who take our money away. Here are some of Lincoln’s thoughts on that:


Well, if nothing else, it’s a start. On Monday, the House of Representatives passed a bill to trim approximately $71 billion from the $80 billion that had been allocated to the Internal Revenue Service. The Hill reported that the vote was split along party lines and passed 221-210. One could argue that the victory is a symbolic one since it will likely be DOA in the Senate. It is, however, a win for Kevin McCarthy and sends a message to voters that the GOP-controlled house is, for the moment, trying to fulfill the promises it made during the 2022 election. Whether the intent was to actually try to rein in congressional spending or just give that impression remains to be seen, given the quixotic nature of the effort.

Every one of us writing about what the Republicans are doing with their slim new majority is obligated to note both the slimness of it, and the fact that their efforts will be stonewalled in Chuck Schumer’s Senate. Pretty much everything they do is going to be quixotic, as Lincoln put it.

They have to keep the fight going, however, no matter how many dead ends they may hit. There are at least two very good reasons for this. The first is that Republicans — especially conservative Republicans — are desperate to see some fight in our elected officials, particularly the ones in Washington. Even if it’s just a show at the moment, it’s a show we need to see.

More importantly, it puts people on record. The Democrats all voted against reducing the IRS budget. The first campaign talking point for Republican candidates in 2024 was just created. It wasn’t just grandstanding either; the legislation had merit for sane people who aren’t commie statists.


More of that, please.

McCarthy’s digs at Schiff and Swalwell are another feature too. If he can stay on task and keep calling out the Democrats, their flying monkeys in the mainstream media have to report it now that McCarthy is the third-most powerful person in the United States.

The main function of the Red Trickle majority is to be incessantly irritating to the Democrats and thwart them at every turn. The divided Congress works both ways when it comes to making things stall. The House Republicans may not get their bills to President LOLEightyonemillion’s desk, but they can cherish their new roles as freedom-loving obstructionists.

It’s not a perfect system, but it is the one we’ve got at the moment.

Let’s play the hand as dealt.

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