The Morning Briefing: Kari Lake's Lawsuit Is Looking Anything but 'Frivolous' Now

AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin

Top O’ the Briefing

(PROGRAMMING NOTE: I will be taking off both Christmas and New Year’s Day, so there will be no new Morning Briefing on Dec. 26 or Jan. 2, nor will anyone be filling in for me. Instead, I’ll do the old radio show trick and post a “classic” MB from the past 3 1/2 years.)


Happy Friday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Craydon was growing weary of answering questions about his tunic every time he went to the skate park.

While much of the country is in full holiday “wait until next year” mode, Kari Lake is spending her run-up to Christmas weekend using the legal system to get some answers about what went wrong in Maricopa County on election day. Last week, I wrote of my admiration for Lake’s unwillingness to roll over and play dead for the Democrats and their flying monkeys in the mainstream media.

The lawsuit brought by Lake’s legal team was originally dismissed as “frivolous” by an Obama hack judge. A new judge took it more seriously and some weirdness is being unearthed now.

Matt has been doing excellent work covering this for us and here is his latest update:

As PJ Media previously reported, Kari Lake’s legal team was granted the opportunity to inspect ballots prior to trial, and based on their review of a random selection of ballots, “48 of 113 ballots reviewed … were 19-inch ballots produced on 20-inch paper.”

According to Kari Lake’s team, this one-inch discrepancy caused “the mass rejection of these votes as they were attempted to be read through the tabulators.”

An expert confirmed this.

Once more, with feeling: Maricopa County is where the bulk of the Republican votes are here in Arizona, and Republicans are known for preferring Election Day voting to early voting. We were originally told that the sudden rash of Election Day problems with the ballot tabulation machines was a fluke. All of the machines had been working fine when they were tested, the story went.


Now it appears that there may have been some deliberate tampering that would throw a wrench into that ballot-counting process. I might give the benefit of the doubt if the same thing had happened on the same scale in thoroughly blue Pima County, where I live. It didn’t though.

The stench just keeps growing stronger. My friend and colleague Jen Van Laar has a story over at RedState that makes the Maricopa County clown car look even worse:

During day 2 of the Kari Lake election trial in Phoenix, Arizona, Maricopa County attorney Tom Liddy argued that it was “political malpractice” for a campaign to tell voters to vote in person on election day instead of voting early, and that “you reap what you sow,” meaning that Lake’s campaign lost because of strategy, not because of a printer malfunction error that rendered the ballots incapable of being machine read, long lines that led to voters being unable to vote, or other malignantly incompetent actions on behalf of Maricopa County officials.

Welcome to Democrat Dystopia. It’s now wrong for an American political campaign to exhort people to vote on Election Day. This piece of work actually said that the Lake campaign “terrorized” voters regarding early voting and vote-by-mail.

There was plenty of malpractice committed in Maricopa County during this election but it wasn’t committed by the Republicans who were urging people to vote the way they’ve always voted. Unable to sweep this under the rug, the people responsible for very possibly changing the results of an election are resorting to demagoguery.


It’s certain that the Dems will be shrieking “ELECTION DENIERS!” even louder now. Let them. They can’t be allowed to keep covering up election irregularities with b.s. talking points.

I’ll be back next Tuesday. I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, as well as a Happy Hanukkah to my Jewish friends.

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The Mailbag of Magnificence

There isn’t any real hate mail, but Peter does want to register a mild complaint from the Philippines:

Please, as a former member of the Cul de Sac Glee Club, I would request you capitalise its name. 

And you should change your final items to the grammatically correct:
Not everything is awful.

I will continue to read an enjoy your stuff even if you don’t follow my suggestions. Nobody else does.

Because I’m a performer, I tend to write in a more conversational way, almost as if I’m doing dialog for a script. I probably wouldn’t speak the words “Not everything is awful.” It’s clunky to me. My way may be ambiguous but it is not grammatically incorrect. Thanks for reading!

Andy writes:

Stephen, I stopped smoking weed decades ago, so I don’t always “get” your opening statements. After pondering Wensel’s sad realization that he might want to make new career plans, it dawned on me that your openings are no more ridiculous than what is coming out of today’s headlines. President Brandon, VP Cackles, KJP and other will inspire you for the rest of FJB’s sad term.


As I’ve said before, there is nothing to “get” when it comes to the Sine Qua Non Sequitur.  In fact, trying to get it could sprain one’s brain. I certainly don’t know what any of them really mean. And yes, sometimes the news cycle is so absurd that I have to quadruple-check everything just to make sure I’m not being punked.

This is from Marni:

Hello Mr Kruiser,
In reference to the Libs of TikTok video in Stephen Green’s Insanity Wrap, wherein an individual explains the use of emojis as pronouns:
Amateurs. Why not a scent or a sound effect or a dance move as a preferred pronoun? My preferred pronouns are the smell of burnt toast, the sound of two coconut halves banging together, and Tobias Funkë’s “Oh Is That A Gal I See? No, It’s Just A Fallacy!”flourish from Arrested Development.

We should all probably embrace the fact that words don’t mean anything now. Your pronouns have been approved by the Board of Nothing Matters.

Thanks to all who wrote in. We’ll see how next week goes. I don’t anticipate the Mailbag taking a break, but it’s a weird time of year.

Everything Isn’t Awful

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