A Special 'Five O'Clock Somewhere' Message to Our VIP Gold Family

Hey everybody,

Due to the extreme weather and resulting uncertainty over travel, neither Stephen Kruiser, Producer Jim, nor Yours Truly can be here today for this week’s “Five O’Clock Somewhere.”


Excuses, excuses — I know.

Let me instead take this space to give Christmastime thanks to each of you, our 5OS family.

This is our third Christmas together, believe it or not. Yet no matter how often Kruiser and I express our appreciation and even wonderment for you being here week after week, giving your support in so many ways, it never seems like it’s enough.

It’s strange, being a writer, and still searching for the words to express this one thing.

So instead of trying one more time and coming up slightly short, I’ll just ask you to have a little faith in us and in this delightfully funky family that came together over the lockdowns — and then just didn’t know how to quit one another.

Seems appropriate this time of year, doesn’t it?

Until next week, I did post a new cocktail video on Wednesday and have another one coming out on Friday.

So we have that going for us. Which is nice.

Merry Christmas.


-Your Friendly Neighborhood VodkaPundit

P.S. If you stumbled across this letter and aren’t already a VIP Gold supporter, what are you waiting for?


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