The Morning Briefing: Please Democrats, 'Race Card' Yourselves Into Oblivion

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Wednesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. I spend a lot of time wondering just how much the Beatles were deliberately lying to us. A yellow submarine…please.


It would appear that the Twitter glitch from yesterday has worked itself out, so we can have nice things again.

So, I don’t know if other conservatives are aware of this, but Democrats insist that we’re all racists.


The overwhelmingly noticeable symptom of the collective mental disease that is 21st-century American leftism is the habit of calling everyone on the other side of the political aisle a racist. These poor, addled beings actually believe it, largely because they themselves are too bigoted to ever meet anyone who thinks differently. They operate on assumptions made based on fictional accounts of conservatives that they’ve written.

It’s wearisome, it’s small-minded, and it’s obviously what they think is a winning political strategy.

Rather than engaging in any introspection that might tell them why they got their you-know-whats handed to them in Virginia last week, Democrats and their flying monkeys in the media decided to go with the “It’s because Republicans are racists!” route, and they’re sticking to it.

Since a lot of what really happened in that election involved a righteous backlash against the woke cancer that’s eating away at this great country, they’ve decided that we’re racist for even saying “woke” now.

Rather than opt for a road map to sanity, we now have our alleged VEEP flapping her idiot gums about racist tree patterns or something, while Mayor Pete Supply-Chain-FAIL has been going on about infrastructure racism and bridges.


I, for one, would like to encourage the Democrats to keep this up. It’s a message that isn’t accomplishing what they think it is. The only people who buy it made their purchases a long time ago. They’re not winning over any new hearts and minds with this tired, pathetic line of attack. Last Tuesday was ugly for them, and anyone with eyes to see knows that it was probably a precursor to what will be an absolute slaughtering at the polls next November.

If they keep blaming a racist Republican bogeyman that doesn’t exist rather than formulate a sane political strategy, Republicans might not even have to work very hard during the 2024 cycle.

Keep barking “RACISM!” like a bunch of trained seals, Democrats. Let your bigotry and hatred back you into a corner of political irrelevance.

The rest of us will be over here enjoying reality.

VIP Week Highlight

We’re celebrating the second anniversary of the launch of our VIP program all week. Many of us will be writing nostalgia pieces that I’ll share snippets of here for the rest of the week. Today we’re featuring a column that comes straight from the top. America Is Hanging on by a Thread was written by Townhall Media’s (aka “The Mothership”) vice president and general manager, Jonathan Garthwaite. Here’s a bit of it:

Every day, our folks hustle like no other team, taking on these leftist liars and crooks, absurd COVID lockdowns and mandates, and the daily bullsh*t coming out of the White House and Capitol Hill.

Stephen Kruiser unmasking the hypocrisy and outright disdain liberals hold for real America. Victoria Taft documenting Antifa’s path of destruction along the West Coast. Stacey Lennox leveraging her medical background to tell the truth about COVID-19 and the vaccines. Stephen Green relentlessly mocking leftists who are working overtime to destroy our way of life. J. Christan Adams exposing election fraud. And much, much more.

All we do here day in and out is made possible by our VIP members directly supporting us. Thanks to them, PJ Media stayed strong during one of the most uncertain times in our 16 years.

That’s why we need you to join the fight.


Trust me, dear readers, you will never have so much fun being in an important fight.

All week long we’re offering a 40% discount — our largest ever — when you sign up using the promo code 2022. 

There will be a lot of margarita action for me on the other side of the paywall this week. I’d love to have you drop by.

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