Results for: On Media

If You Love America, Leave.
– Last month, I went to Morocco on a 7-day adventure with a tour group that accommodates solo travelers. … After calmly debunking the myths, I explained how most of the media effort to make Trump look bad was to divert attention from the … Until this year, the most impoverished Moroccans did not have a state-sponsored welfare program, and they relied solely on charity,…
The Morning Briefing: Another 4th of July That England Will End Up Regretting…her-4th-of-july-that-england-will-end-up-regretting-n4930397
–  This stands in stark contrast to what's going on in France, where Marine Le Pen's far-right National Rally party is on the rise … It's free and it supports conservative media! … John Adams, July 4, and Freedom From TyrannyIs the Media Coming Back to Biden’s Corner?…
OMG! Look How the ABC News Panel Reacted After Biden's Interview!
– Last night, Paula covered Joe Biden's interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC News, a session meant to dispel mounting worries … Stephanopoulos, to his credit, really pushed back on Biden's narrative. … Stephanopoulos pressed on Biden's cognitive condition.…
West Coast, Messed Coast™ — Antifa Goes Down Edition
– Thanks to my PJ Media colleague Catherine Salgado for keeping an eye on the nuttiest place in these United States of America while … Much of the brutal beatings, harassment, and menacing were caught on video. …  And thank you for supporting PJ Media!…
Here’s How Things Look in the State That Will Determine the Outcome of the Election…ate-that-will-determine-the-outcome-of-the-election-n4930427
– Based on my past analyses of battleground state polling, Biden has to win all of the Great Lakes battleground states to win. … Back in March, the media got all excited when a Franklin & Marshall poll showed Biden up ten points in Pennsylvania. …  Keep your eyes on Pennsylvania, everyone. …
BREAKING: SCOTUS Rules on COVID-Era Social Media Censorship
– The Supreme Court ruled today on issues involving laws preventing social media outlets from censoring opinions. … The first opinion the court released on Wednesday was the 6-3 ruling in Murthy v. Missouri, which concerned COVID-19 censorship. … At the same time, federal officials, concerned about the spread of “misinformation” on social media, communicated extensively with…
Oh, You Naughty First Amendment
– , in an ideal world, the Founders would have put the period after "law," as you're sure to agree after reading the latest assault on … But it's the perfect way to wage political warfare on your domestic enemies, according to the American Left in general, and Columbia … They were about social media sites determining which perfectly legal opinions could be seen online.…
Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani Disbarred in New York
– York Supreme Court for highlighting allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential elections.The New York appellate court ruled on … Once heralded by the mainstream media as "America's Mayor" after 9/11 and as the former federal prosecutor who broke the Mob, Giuliani … The judges on the appellate court rejected Giuliani's claims of voter fraud and concluded that he had misrepresented evidence of the…
Did Politico Just Admit Biden Is Selling Access and Influence?
– years of defending Biden for virtually everything, his terrible debate performance truly seems to have broken the dam, and given the media … So, I guess it's open season on Joe Biden's corruption now? … They argue that the meetings send a message at odds with Biden’s promise to crack down on big-moneyed interests.…
Will Biden's Replacement Be Worse?
– At some point, someone needs to tell the media to move on after the debate. … Biden's diminished mental capacity is only news to the mainstream media. …  At the moment, the House is fielding demands for Biden to drop out, and the media vultures have been in free fall.…
So Much for 'Saving Democracy!™'
–  Actor and comedian Rob Schneider issued a warning on X this week about Democrats who say they want to "Save Democracy!" … This kind of story is one reason why we've been canceled, censored, and erased from some social media platforms. … You keep the lights on and the "ink" flowing.…
Stop Funding Companies That Hate You! Old Glory Bank Won't Cancel You for Being a Patriot.…old-glory-bank-wont-cancel-you-for-being-a-patriot-n4930149
– The following week, NCRF received a letter dated May 6 stating that Chase would close the account and end its relationship on May 9 … the Old Glory bank app on my phone, but they have ATMs nationwide.Old Glory Bank was formerly known as First State Bank. … Click HERE to become a member of the PJ Media VIP Army.…
Ireland Just Descended Further Into Social Justice™ Receivership
– nbsp;is a Nigerian-Irish lecturer, who founded the first Black Studies University module in Ireland.She will chair an Advisory Group on … She went on to work as the Administrative Secretary for the Nigerian Britain Association before emigrating to Ireland in 2002.Here …   Yet, somehow, Ireland’s liberal media — which is just as bad and perhaps worse than America’s — has managed to turn the…
White House Gave Radio Host Questions She Was Allowed to Ask Biden — and He Still Gaffed It Up…was-allowed-to-ask-biden-and-he-still-gaffed-it-up-n4930435
– In the wake of Old Joe Biden’s disastrous debate with Bad Orange Man, the Biden regime and the establishment media are doing everything … WURD, spilled the beans on the whole scam, revealing that she “got a list of eight questions directly from the White House in advance … Biden also sat for an interview on WMCS’ Earl Ingram Show in Milwaukee, and got asked one of those tough, challenging questions that…
The Democratic Party Made Its Own Bed and Now It Must Lie in It
– deserves all the chaos they're going through.The surprising thing about the reaction to Biden's debate performance is that so many on … Every Democrat who is calling on Crooked Joe Biden to quit was once a supporter of Biden and his failed policies that lead to extreme … Make no mistake that Democrats, the main stream media, and the swamp colluded to hide the truth from the American public - Joe Biden…
The Morning Briefing: Mainstream Media Hacks Will Have No Problem Pivoting Back to Biden…a-hacks-will-have-no-problem-pivoting-back-to-biden-n4930352
– Dem officials and their flying monkeys in the mainstream media are usually on the same page, steadily murmuring their untruths in unison … It's free and it supports conservative media! …  KJP Doubles Down on Bogus 'Cheap Fakes' ClaimEARLY CHRISTMAS.…
‘The Dam Has Broken’: 25 House Dems Plan to Call for Biden to Drop Out
– In the days following Biden's infamous face-off with Donald Trump, many in the media have called on Biden to drop out of the race, … and donors are starting to bail on him. … I respectfully call on him to do so.”…
Independence Day Forecast: Glorious With a 100% Chance of Democrat Tears…t-glorious-with-a-serious-chance-of-democrats-tears-n4930341
– way more since realizing it is audio torture to whiny, soap-dodging leftoids.Croc-stomping anti-Americans will likely spend the day on … Facebook repeating the Pravda press's ragged notion that the Supreme Court vote on Trump's immunity means he can now send a drone … remember, that which makes a true American smile sends pinkos into a so-angry-they-spit-when-they-talk rage.Hoist your beer high on
Bidenomics: Unemployment Reaches Two-and-a-Half Year High
– The June jobs report came out on Friday, and according to the mainstream media, it was welcome news for Joe Biden." … The White House jumped on the report with its trademark spin. … That’s real progress for hardworking families who have the dignity and respect that comes with earning a paycheck and putting food on
FACEPALM: Joe Biden Says He Will Beat Trump 'Again in 2020'
On Friday, while at a campaign stop in Wisconsin, Joe Biden defiantly announced that he is "staying in the race" ahead of his crucial … moment for his campaign following his disastrous presidential debate performance last week that has led to many in the mainstream media … Lewis, Democrats shouldn't count on it being an easy night for Biden.Recommended: June Jobs Report Shows That the U.S.…
Hey Joe Biden: That Group You Said Didn't Exist Is Going to Prison
–  He got it all on video and sold that recording to NBC and CNN, making $70,000 or more. … This kind of story is one reason why we've been canceled, censored, and erased from some social media platforms. … You keep the lights on and the "ink" flowing.…
Bird Flu Propagandists Gunning for Raw Milk Supply?
– File under: “don’t do your own research,” the constant refrain from the Public Health™ authorities and corporate state media during … H5N1 bird flu, according to new testing results released by the FDA.The researchers took 275 milk samples from bulk storage tanks on … overall milk supply," said a spokesperson for the FDA.So we have two options here moving forward:A) As I speculated recently at PJ Media
Beware the False Promise of False Prophets Chasing False Profits: A Warning to the GOP…prophets-chasing-false-profits-a-warning-to-the-gop-n4930384
– You have them on the Left. They’re on all the news shows, 24/7. … Occasionally, they’re apolitical and rely on various data sets (demographics, financial, polling, psychology). … As Morton Blackwell wrote in his Laws of Public Policy, “Pray as if it all depended on God; work as if it all depended on you.”And…
One Summer Sports Tradition Refuses to Play Gender Games
– That’s why it’s important to stand up for it, like all of the talented writers here at PJ Media do. … PJ Media VIPs get deeper dives into important issues as well as podcasts, commenting capability, and an ad-free experience.A PJ Media … VIP membership is a tremendous value on its own, but you can use the promo code SAVEAMERICA to get 50% off!…
Happy Anniversary to Cocainegate
– According to the Secret Service, there were no fingerprints or DNA on the bag of cocaine, and there were no leads or video evidence … However, there have been some conflicting reports on this.According to sources connected to White House security, the bag of cocaine … According to Keating, the sources “work for a U.S. government agency, and are not authorized to speak to the media.”Officially, the…
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