Results for: the daily caller

FBI raids Solyndra this morning: "Anybody seen $535 million around here?"
The Daily Caller reported that between March 12, 2009, and April 14, 2011, “Solyndra officials and investors made no fewer than 20 … UPDATE II: Here’s a direct link to the Daily Caller article cited above: Not only does the now-bankrupt solar energy firm Solyndra … to meet with administration officials, The Daily Caller has learned.…
Holder Lashes Out at Media Over Fast and Furious
– More, including the audio, at the Daily Caller. A couple of things today about this latest loss of cool. … First, it isn’t just the Daily Caller covering the story as Holder wrongly claims. Every corner of the media is covering it. … Secondly, blaming the Daily Caller ignores all the great work PJ Media has done on this!…
No, a NYT Reporter Didn't Give the Obama White House Twitter Advice
The Daily Caller alleges that NYT social media reporter Jen Preston (no known relation to yours truly) handed White House twitter dude … Far be it from me to side with both the NYT and the Washington Post, but I don’t think Preston was “suggesting” a hashtag as the DailyThe Daily Caller has run a story about nothing, or rather, they missed the real story here.…
You Stay Classy, Loretta Sanchez
Daily Caller: Behind closed doors, California Democratic Rep. … the head on Jan. 8 in Tucson, The Daily Caller has learned. … Silvestre Reyes told The Daily Caller, adding that there was outrage among some members in the room when Sanchez made the suggestion…
Former Obama Defense Chief Says Hillary Should Drop Out
– Flynn (Ret.) told The Daily Caller. Flynn led the DIA from July 2012 until August 2014. … James Williamson (Ret.) told The Daily Caller. Col. James Waurishuk, former deputy director of intelligence for the U.S. … Daily Caller.…
Chuck Schumer Morphed into Ralph Wiggum So Slowly...
– “The incidents are skyrocketing,” the New York Daily News reported Schumer said during a joint press conference with medical professionals … “Schumer tempted to eat ‘delicious’ laundry detergent” — Caroline May, the Daily Caller, today. … As Jim Treacher adds elsewhere at the Caller, “The only way to make them more attractive to Chuck Schumer would be to shape them like…
Tom Ridge Quits Bloomberg's New Anti-Gun Group
The DC reports: Former Republican Gov. … Tom Ridge is stepping down from his position with Michael Bloomberg’s new anti-gun organization, The Daily Caller has learned. … takes on Americans,” Ridge told The Daily Caller in a statement, through a spokesman.…
Trump Wants Tax Cuts, Lawsuit Indemnification in Next Stimulus Bill
– Rob Portman told the Daily Caller when asked if he was concerned with the amount of money being spent. Montana Republican Sen. … Steve Daines told the Daily Caller that not only should we be worried about spending, but that there needs to be an investigation into … This is more than one-quarter of our entire annual GDP,” Toomey told the Daily Caller.…
50 Top Conservative Websites
– Drudge Report Breitbart* The Daily Caller Zero Hedge The Daily Wire The Blaze The Week Washington Examiner Gateway Pundit WorldNet … ), The Daily Caller (25.33M), and The Daily Wire (23.23M). … Daily Caller (25.33M) The Daily Wire (23.23M) Conservative Tribune (18.74M)* Gateway Pundit (17.04M) The Blaze (16.32M) Newsmax (14.79M…
Did Hackers Sabotage Romney Campaign's GOTV Program?
– via Hacker group attempts to take credit for Project ORCA failure | The Daily Caller. … The timeline The Protectors offered in the letter to Velvet Revolution, however, contradicts accounts from both the Romney campaign … Read the rest at the Daily Caller. **** Related at PJ Lifestyle: PJ Lifestyle Seeking Freelance Technology Writers…
I've Seen This Movie Before
– Charles Krauthammer tells the Daily Caller: The Iraq War “was won and we were in a position, if we had just negotiated a status of … the future,” he told The Daily Caller. … This was all unnecessary — and all the result of the liquidation of a war that was won.”…
CBS and Wa Po Crony Capitalists Riding the Obama Gravy Train
– It’s even more troublesome to learn  from the Daily Caller that two news organizations which cover the administration and its works … “It is fine with me if they continue covering the ObamaCare debate,” said Rep. … Marsha Blackburn, Republican of Tennessee, in an e-mail to The Daily Caller.…
Don’t Expect Much Out of FISA Reform, Look Who Was Picked to Oversee The Process…isa-reform-look-who-was-picked-to-oversee-the-process-n72064
– According to the Daily Caller, Kris was also “an outspoken critic of Rep. … “It’s hard to imagine a worse person the FISC could have chosen outside Comey, McCabe, or Schiff,” Devin Nunes, told the Daily Caller … Carter Page also spoke with the Daily Caller, and was disappointed by the selection.…
How the Wright-Free Zone was Built
– At the Daily Caller, Jonathan Strong rummages through the JournoList and describes how documents from mid-2008 “show media plotting … According to records obtained by The Daily Caller, at several points during the 2008 presidential campaign a group of liberal journalists … Update (11:40 AM PDT): Welcome readers clicking in from: The Daily Caller homepage Big Journalism Hot Air Instapundit Michelle Malkin…
'Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, Who Cares? Call Them Racists'
– In a new post on the PJM homepage, Rand Simberg spots something I hadn’t noticed when I blearily linked to the Daily Caller item on … At the Daily Caller, Jim Treacher rounds up some further reaction from people who all look like to the members of the JournoList. … Update: At the Daily Caller, “Conservatives Karl Rove and Fred Barnes respond to Journolist ‘racist’ post.”…
BREAKING: DOJ prosecutors took bribes from financial execs, still working at DOJ…ook-bribes-from-financial-execs-still-working-at-doj-n160269
– Matthew Boyle at the Daily Caller has this late breaking blockbuster story: A U.S. … Justice Department source has told The Daily Caller that at least two DOJ prosecutors accepted cash bribes from allegedly corrupt finance … The sitting governor of the U.S.…
WaPo Blogger Pesters Daily Caller's Neil Munro for Answers About His Question to Obama…s-neil-munro-for-answers-about-his-question-to-obama-n166916
Daily Caller reporter Neil Munro famously interrupted President Obama on Friday during a presentation on immigration policy. … An impressive number of people outside of the Daily Caller deemed Munro’s actions rude, unacceptable or something along those lines … The ostensibly high-minded but actually absent-minded response from Daily Caller-land zeroes in on accountability.…
Wasserman Schultz IT Staffer Arrested at Dulles Airport Trying to Flee Country…fer-arrested-at-dulles-airport-trying-to-flee-country-n52690
– to The Daily Caller. … FBI agents seized smashed computer hard drives from Awan’s home last February, The Daily Caller reported earlier this week, based on … “Members of Congress have displayed an inexplicable and intense loyalty towards the suspects,” technology aides told The Daily Caller
BLOCKBUSTER: White House official admits to "hundreds" of admin meetings with US terror-tied groups…undreds-of-admin-meetings-with-us-terror-tied-groups-n166370
– Neil Munro at the Daily Caller has a blockbuster story this afternoon about his conversation with White House Director of Community … “There is hundreds of examples of departments and agencies that meet with CAIR on a range of issues,” he told The Daily Caller, after … Go read Neil Munro’s article at the Daily Caller now.…
What Did The WHO Tell Fauci While It Took China's Coronavirus Lies at Face Value?…after-it-took-chinas-coronavirus-lies-at-face-value-n387998
The Daily Caller filed a FOIA request with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) — of which the National Institutes of … The Daily Caller requested documents between January 1, 2020, and April 1, 2020. … Although the Daily Caller was granted expedited processing of its request, it had not received the documents so it filed the lawsuit…
The House Majority Has Been Called. Sort Of.
– NBC News’ prediction that the final tally of House seats will give the Republicans 219 and the Democrats 216. … However, the Daily Caller also projected that Republicans will flip the House, and have a 219-216 seat majority. … than they needed to win control of the chamber. — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) November 14, 2022…
Sen. Bob Menendez. Prostitutes. Dominican Republic
– Bob Menendez paid us for sex in the Dominican Republic | The Daily Caller. … Two women from the Dominican Republic told The Daily Caller that Democratic New Jersey Sen. … The women spoke through a translator in the company of their attorney, Melanio Figueroa.…
Japanese guts
– I have a piece on Japan and Fukushima at the Daily Caller today.…
Indecision: Will the Obama Campaign Throw Hillary Under the Bus?
– In an exclusive interview with The Daily Caller, Klein said sources close to the Clintons tell him that Bill Clinton has assembled … Klein — the best-selling author of the Amateur, a book on President Obama — elaborated on his reporting in an op-ed for The Daily CallerDaily Caller: But as for the chance that Hillary Clinton would resign, Klein said in the interview: “At this moment, it appears unlikely…
Paper is dead; long live the news
– I expanded on some of my thoughts yesterday in this piece on the Daily Caller today.…
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