The Morning Briefing: TGIF Twofer — Dem Election Meddling and Biden Should've Taken a Nap

AP Photo/Brynn Anderson

Top O' the Briefing

Happy Friday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Filfer insisted that weekly Chocolate Yoo-Hoo baths were the key to keeping his twin chinchillas' coats extra fabulous.


It's been a long time since we kicked things off with more than one topic. I seem to remember that we would do that frequently in my early Morning Briefing days. Then again, the first full year I was at the helm was 2020 and there were a LOT of Zoom happy hours. 

We will begin with the antics of one Charles E. Schumer, who is currently the head lunatic in the asylum known as the United States Senate Democratic Caucus. 

The Democrats have been caterwauling about election interference since 2016. In theory, they're against it. In practice, they've been working earnestly to keep the Republican nominee off of the ballot. 

They have been particularly focused on pretending to be put off by the idea of foreign interference. It turns out that the Chuckster is OK with it if he's the one doing the interfering. This is from something that Matt wrote yesterday:

I’m old enough to remember when Democrats expressed outrage over foreign countries allegedly trying to interfere with U.S. elections. But like everything else, foreign election interference is okay if they do it.

On Thursday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) called on Israel to hold new elections because he believes Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has “lost his way.”

Sounding more like a pro-Palestinian protester than the highest-ranking Jewish elected official in the United States, Schumer has become increasingly critical of Israel’s efforts to eradicate Hamas and will condemn Netanyahu in a speech on the Senate floor Thursday.


Schumer sounds like a pro-Palestinian protester because the Democrats are totally in sync with them. Madame Vice President has been barking "Gaza" like a drunk sorority girl who's about to flunk out of her first semester. Mr. Green pointed out last week that their boss is doing his fair share to keep the Hamas savages well-fed and in fighting shape. 

The Democrats have yet to throw Israel under the bus, but they're working on it. They're supportive of an Israel that leaves itself vulnerable to more murder, rape, and kidnapping from Hamas and other terrorist groups. Only people who are pro-terrorist can advocate for that.  

Benjamin Netanyahu has not "lost his way" at all. As was noted in Monday's Briefing, Bibi's way has the overwhelming support of his people. They don't need any Demsplainin' from the likes of Chuck Schumer. 

On to President LOLEightyonemillion and his comedown from his wired turn at the State of the Union address. 

In my assessment of the SOTU last Friday, I said that Biden would probably be napping until Easter when he came down off whatever his handlers had him hopped up on. If they'd been Morning Briefing readers, they might have gotten the hint. Instead, they trotted him out just a couple of days later. My RedState colleague Nick Arama covered the details of how rough that was. 

Brett T. over at Twitchy has some video of two more unfortunate Biden appearances, including a doozy from this week : 


Can't you just feel the transparency? Mustn't let members of the press see the president of the United States attempt to speak English and string together a couple of coherent sentences. 

For purely humanitarian reasons, concerned citizens should vote to send this man home so he can get the rest he so clearly needs. 

Have a great weekend, everyone. 

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