What Fresh Foreign Policy Horror Is This?

AP Photo/Nathan Howard

It seems like only yesterday I was telling you that the Biden administration had just done the stupidest possible thing to prolong the fighting and dying in Gaza [Steve, it was only yesterday —editor] and now it has gone and topped it already.


In case you missed the previous most stupid idea vomited forth by the Biden White House, it's an airlift of food to unoccupied parts of the Gaza Strip. It's a humanitarian mission, you see — except that it only appears that way to people who literally know nothing about warfare, particularly siege warfare.

As trusted milblogger CDR Salamander reminded his readers when the news broke a few days ago, "For all of human history, when a city is under siege the garrison eats, drinks, and receives medical care and shelter first. Any aid that comes in prolongs the siege and produces more death and misery."

Most of the death and misery is enjoyed, as it were, by the civilians trapped in the besieged city. But some of the death and misery is visited upon the troops of the siege army — in this case, the men and women of the Israeli Defense Force.

Sal put it too nicely for my tastes. The more brutal version of the truth is that Hamas wants more Gazans to die because dead Gazans make good Hamas propaganda. Hamas fighters will balloon up to 350 pounds apiece before any civilians get so much as a crumb. That's why I told readers yesterday that if Biden wants a quick end to the fighting, he should send more bullets to Israel and not a single meal to Gaza.


But no. Tonight is when Biden will double and even triple down on stupid.

In tonight's State of the Union Address, Presidentish Joe Biden is expected to reveal that his airlift of food into Gaza likely won't result in misery that is prolonged enough and too few additional deaths. So here's his big idea to correct that problem:

You can move in a lot more food by sea than you can by air. A whole lot more. A starving soldier is a soldier who cannot fight. Biden is going to make damned sure that Hamas has all the calories it needs to kill as many Israelis as possible in a war that will go on needlessly long.

If you're Bibi Netanyahu or even just a member of Jerusalem's war cabinet, you've got to be asking yourself — oh so very quietly — if there's going to come a point where you're going to have to train your guns on American forces to stop them from providing relief to Hamas.


If I'm exaggerating, it isn't by much. The chances of an American-Israeli War are approximately zero, but before the White House leaked this whopper, the chances were precisely zero.

Recommended: Can Dr. Feelgood Save Biden's State of the Union Address?

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