The Morning Briefing: DeSantis vs. Disney Is the Fight America Needs Right Now

AP Photo/John Raoux

Top O’ the Briefing

Happy Monday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. That noise from the boathouse probably isn’t a woodpecker.

Upon my return from my weekly Friday afternoon-to-Sunday morning news hiatus, I was greeted by a flood of stories about the woke plague at the Walt Disney Corporation. We had talked about it a little during last Thursday’s episode of “Five O’Clock Somewhere” but, man, did that escalate quickly.


Everyone has an opinion on this subject, of course, but one of the weirdest ones came from Walt Disney’s great-niece, which Chris wrote about:

Back in 2014, I introduced you to Abigail Disney, the granddaughter of Walt Disney’s brother and business partner Roy. When we first met her, the heiress, documentarian, and far-left activist was biting the hand that feeds her by doubling down on the patently false smears that the left has aimed against Walt for generations in their attempts to paint him as sexist, racist, and antisemitic.

On Friday, Abigail Disney went on an unhinged rant on Twitter. The rant wasn’t aimed so much at DeSantis and Florida’s Republicans or in support of Disney’s extreme woke turn, but against “right wing nonsense” and the business world.

And as best I can tell, it wasn’t an April Fool’s Day joke.

Chris goes into great detail about what a whack-job this Disney princess is. She hates the family but throws down to defend the honor of the company.

I just hope she gets her meds adjusted soon. I hate to see the rich suffer.

Disney is a for-profit company and there have to be considerations about its bottom line. Rick has a story about the concern of one particular shareholder:

One of the consequences of Disney’s woke agenda for its bottom line is the very real threat that shareholders will take a hike if the stock price plunges or if they perceive Disney management to be poor caretakers of the Disney brand. editor Ray Keating is sounding an alarm for Disney management — specifically CEO Bob Chapek.

“Here’s a suggestion for Disney CEO Bob Chapek: Get back to business, that is, excellence in storytelling, and stop wasting shareholder’s money on political crusades that have nothing to do with Disney’s business,” Keating told Fox News Digital.


It’s not just that Disney is, sadly, taking the woke route, it’s that the company is so wrong on this issue. The woke plague has been infecting corporate America badly for a couple of years but to see a company that was built on wholesome family fun go all-in on talking to 7-year-olds about sex is really disheartening. It’s also perfectly indicative of why we need to push back harder.

Thankfully, they’ve picked a fight with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, and those haven’t really been working out well for the left.

DeSantis rarely shows up to these conflicts unprepared and he does have an interesting arrow in his quiver, which Chris wrote about in another post:

On Friday, my PJ Media colleague Rick Moran wrote that DeSantis and other GOP legislators in the Sunshine State have mused about repealing the legislation that gave Disney its own governmental authority over the Walt Disney Word property over 50 years ago.

I predicted that this could be a nuclear option for DeSantis last month when I wrote, “If Disney did criticize Florida too harshly, the state could play hardball and threaten to revoke the legislation that created the company’s special quasi-governmental designation, the Reedy Creek Improvement District, which allows the company to operate with less interference from the state and county governments.”

If DeSantis and Florida can get Disney to blink, it would be a major victory. Even if it doesn’t work out that way, however, this is an important battle that needs to play out in a very public way. It’s bad enough that the Democrats and the media have been lying about the Florida bill; Disney’s participation in the debate has lent credibility to the lie. As I and many others have written recently, we cannot let the left’s crusade to sexualize kindergarteners stand. They’re lying makes it even more creepy.


I’ve also written a lot about how deftly DeSantis handles the media. He calls them on their lies with casual ease, which I wish more Republican politicians would learn how to do. It’s what makes him the perfect elected official to be mixing it up with a corporation as powerful as Disney. It’s an uphill battle but the leftist loons can’t be allowed to continue running roughshod over truth and decency.

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