Results for: On Media

The Cyber Attacks Have Already Begun
– Wray and the mainstream media haven't mentioned is that they've already begun.Small towns have thwarted cyber attacks against their … Frontier Communications was the target of a cyber attack on April 18 of this year.Frontier Communications shuts down systems after … I suspect today is a good time to stock up on food, water, batteries, ammo, and other supplies to keep yourself secure for a while.…
The Morning Briefing: Let the Protesters Stay Until Academia Burns to the Ground…protesters-stay-until-academia-burns-to-the-ground-n4928456
– as she keeps banging on the barrier. She responds while continuing to bang on the barrier, “Yes, we’re all Hamas, pig!” … It's free and it supports conservative media! …  What Will SCOTUS Do With ATF's Rule on Unfinished Frames and Receivers?…
Biden Pushes Debunked Claim Trump Told Americans to Inject Themselves With Bleach, Here’s the Truth…ump-told-americans-to-inject-themselves-with-bleach-n4928434
– Four years ago, the media birthed one of the biggest fictions that it pushed during the COVID-19 pandemic: that Donald Trump told Americans … no such thing, but the desperate Biden campaign wants you to think so.Four years ago today, Trump told Americans to inject bleach on … Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that.…
Should Biden Be Concerned About the Pennsylvania Primary Vote?
– Despite these wins, media reports have suggested that Donald Trump is in real trouble because 13% of Republican primary voters backed … Let's face it: we've seen nastier primaries in the past that all ended in the same way: on election day, primary voters overwhelmingly … It may not be the best point of comparison, because 2016 was a contested primary on both sides.…
Biden's Political Dilemma Surrounding College Protests Is Going to Get Worse
– dishonesty on the side of Palestinian supporters is too much to bear. … But the problem in America is the growing antisemitism on campus. …  On Tuesday, I wondered when Biden might deliver a nationwide address on antisemitism, given that the issue has reached crisis…
Australia Ramps Up Its Fight With Elon Musk and the Truth
– “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever.” …  Australia was roundly criticized for how it enforced its COVID-19 regulations on its people. …  Emmanuel is extremely conservative and has a strong presence on various social media platforms, particularly TikTok and YouTube…
Happy Earth Day: Offshore Wind Is Disastrous for Maine Fishermen, Marine Life
– This Earth Day, as most of the media goes wild on climate alarmist propaganda, we here at PJ Media are bringing you a dose of sobering … ocean and they can cripple the fishing industry in Maine.A group of more than a dozen fisher organizations is sounding the alarm on … During a media call Monday, fisherman Jason Joyce and Roda Fisheries executive director Annie Hawkins explained why the wind turbine…
New York DA's Trump Circus Has Found Its Clown
– But the clown made a good point that the legacy media don't. … Where else will you read that in this censorious media world that we're living in? … Your subscription allows you to comment on stories and have a front-row seat for our special VIP coverage.…
Wait a Minute... GOOD News About Google?
– Life is so much better on the other side," Armstrong tweeted/posted for Pichai's benefit. … Help PJ Media watch the watchers by becoming one of our VIP or VIP Gold supporters. … You need independent news and analysis and we need to keep the lights on.…
A Modest Proposal, Redux
– dispensation of actual justice and much more to do with persecution of the state’s political opponents.However, we, the commoners onon behalf of various appendages of state — the White House, State Department, Pentagon, etc.I consume these proceedings not because … I’m so naïve as to believe that we are going to get any real answers to any questions — the compliant lapdog media granted access…
Democrats Are Riding the Tiger Right Into a Spicy Summer
– There isn't enough popcorn in the world for the s***show the American left is putting on this election year. … underemployed, spoiled Americans, have hoisted themselves so high by their own petard that they dropped off an order of Starbucks on … Their biggest fear is a protester injured by DNC law enforcement who has an iPhone and a social media platform.…
‘Minor-Attracted Persons’ Activists Run the LGBTQ Playbook
– Based on copious reporting from my colleagues at PJ Media and me, you may be familiar with the ongoing attempted rebranding of pedophiles … has campaigned for years to change and ultimately eliminate the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) entry onOn its website, it lists institutions that have carried out research under its guidance or with its cooperation.…
The Identity-Obsessed Left Brings Back Segregation
– place on May 7. …  UMass Dartmouth will also host a Lavender Graduation on May 1. … And don’t try to convince me that this isn’t intentional.The insistence on segregating individuals based on various superficial identities…
Dear Biden Handlers: Please, Just Stop
– They are placed on poles or platforms behind the audience and media so they don't appear in news footage.)On Wednesday, Biden stopped … But the "devout Catholic" really upped his weirdness game on Tuesday.Biden's handlers thought they could make him seem like the inevitable … Tyler.The Daily Mail pointed out that "The president, who describes himself as a practicing Catholic, makes the Sign of the Cross on
Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Yanks Support From Columbia University Over Antisemitism
on and off campus, which has led to a showdown with the New York Police Department.The NYPD arrested over a hundred protesters on … campus last week for their failure to disperse, but most remain on campus grounds.Shafik, who has promised to crack down on any antisemitism … on campus, wrote on the university's website that she was "deeply saddened by what is happening on our campus.…
Pssst, Christians — Wake Up, We're Next
– , who go to church on … yep, you got this.As my friend Vodka — yeah, I call renowned PJ Media author Stephen Green "Vodka" (cash me … outside, how bout dah) — wrote on Tuesday, "It Always Starts With the Jews," but that's not where it ends. … It ends with October 7-style attacks on your family and mine.Don't be fooled, Christians; we are next.Well, actually, those "Queers…
The Morning Briefing: Psst...Merrick Garland — I Found Your Domestic Terrorists…sstmerrick-garland-i-found-your-domestic-terrorists-n4928421
– happened on Jan. 6, 2021. … Sure, there's a family squabble going on at the moment, but Biden is still their boy. … It's free and it supports conservative media!…
Republicans Have a Historic Opportunity With Black Voters. They'll Probably Blow It.…portunity-with-black-voters-theyll-probably-blow-it-n4928494
On horseback. … The Democrats turned on the fire hoses and let the dogs loose on you. … truth, human dignity, and the ideals on which this magnificent nation was founded.…
Tennessee House Passes Law Allowing Armed Teachers, Lefties Hold 'Die-In'…ses-law-allowing-armed-teachers-lefties-hold-die-in-n4928462
– cows come home, but this is about lefties’ reaction to the bill.The Tennessean described how protesters hysterically chanted "blood on … Robby Starbuck posted footage of some of the protests on X,  specifically a scene where people, including State Rep. … It's illegal to switch the "M" to "F" or the other way around on your driver's license.…
Dogs Are Now Racist, Too
– described, a guy calling himself "Wellstonist," who is apparently part of some group called "Marxist Unity," posted a now-deleted take on … Hamas and calling for the destruction of Israel, something other writers here at PJ Media have been covering.Why? … Hamas is Muslim, and Islam considers dogs ritually unclean.As one of our resident experts on Islam, Raymond Ibrahim, described back…
Disney World Turns Park Into Drag Show for Kids With Transgender Snow White Character…show-for-kids-with-transgender-snow-white-character-n4928437
–  Disney went all in on the culture war to fight with Florida Gov. … Videos surfaced of Bibbidi, who is clearly a man with a mustache wearing a dress and sprinkling pixie dust on children, leading many … Gender Ideology on Children With New App UpdateNow, Disney's gone a step further.…
Trump Has Changed the Rules for How Republicans Win (and Lose)
– Sunday.The Republic is on the line, and people don't care. … "Absentee voting, early voting, and election day voting are all good options," the former president wrote on Truth Social on Friday … Help PJ Media find the stories the mainstream media won't by becoming one of our VIP or VIP Gold supporters.…
It Always Starts With the Jews
– are making their genocidal case in once-respected places of learning like Columbia University, Yale, Standford, and the list goes on … Help PJ Media keep telling uncomfortable truths by becoming one of our VIP or VIP Gold supporters. … You need independent news and analysis, and we need to keep the lights on.…
Adventures in Bourbonland, Part 2
– While we didn't buy anything other than a cocktail, I don't regret visiting Whiskey Thief.Bourbon on MainAfter Whiskey Thief, we went … area was almost as dead Friday night as it was Thursday, but this time we were able to get a table at the one busy spot, Bourbon on … As I was on the last taste of my flight, a man sat at the bar just to the left of me.…
Joe Biden Only Pretends to Care About Anti-Semitism
– The October 7 Hamas terrorist attack on Israel inspired a wave of antisemitism across the United States, particularly on college campuses …  "Do you condemn the antisemitic protests on college campuses?" a reporter asked on Monday." … Charlottesville “good people on both sides” lie.…
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