Five years late to the party, the Central Intelligence Agency joins noted other conspiracy theorists — i.e., anyone with common sense — by acknowledging what was plain to see for anyone not privy to classified intelligence from the start: COVID emerged from a dingy communist lab in Wuhan, China, which was bankrolled by Anthony Fauci’s NIAID through grants for gain-of-function research awarded to “nonprofit” EcoHealth Alliance, run by Anthony Fauci’s close friend, Peter Daszak.
Related: Future Crime Scene: NIH Importing Bats From Asia For Viral Research in Colorado Lab
Via The New York Times (emphasis added):
The C.I.A. has said for years that it did not have enough information to conclude whether the Covid pandemic emerged naturally from a wet market in Wuhan, China, or from an accidental leak at a research lab there.
But the agency issued a new assessment this week, with analysts saying they now favor the lab theory.
There is no new intelligence behind the agency’s shift, officials said. Rather it is based on the same evidence it has been chewing over for months.
The analysis, however, is based in part on a closer look at the conditions in the high security labs in Wuhan province before the pandemic outbreak, according to people familiar with the agency’s work.
What curious and serendipitous timing that the CIA changes its official position on COVID origins just as Trump takes office!
Related: BIG WIN: Trump to Halt Gain-of-Function Viral Research Via Executive Order, Per Report
Just as a reminder, here is nine straight minutes of the corporate state media gaslighting viewers, framing the Wuhan lab theory as “conspiracy theory,” and smearing anyone who expounded it.
I got multiple social media accounts permanently suspended back in the day — a blessing in disguise, in retrospect — for saying true things about COVID and the vaccines. Many other journalists and non-journalists got it far worse.
Of course, the CIA, with its vast intelligence-gathering resources at its disposal, knew that COVID emerged from a lab probably before anyone else outside of China. Yet it sat on this assessment for five years, only to take a stance four short days after the new president takes office.
“As the group that first exposed and prompted Donald Trump to end Fauci’s reckless funding for gain-of-function animal tests in Wuhan that violated federal policy, likely infected COVID Patient Zero, and sparked a pandemic, we applaud the President and CIA Director Ratcliffe for getting out the truth about how a taxpayer-funded animal lab in China killed a million Americans,” White Coat Waste Project Senior Vice President Justin Goodman said in response to the change in tune from the agency.
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