In an alarming incident unfolding in Edmonton, Alberta, a trans-identified male named Michael Collins, who calls himself Mika Lin Katz, has been charged with sexually assaulting multiple women while staying at a women’s shelter.
Weird, isn’t this exactly what the radical left says never actually happens?
“On January 24, the Edmonton Police Service (EPS) issued a press release on the incidents, revealing that Katz had first come to their attention in August of 2024 after two women came forward to report they had been victimized by Katz,” reports Reduxx. “Following an investigation, Katz was arrested and charged with two counts of sexual assault.”
The thing that never happens has happened again. #BeKind
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) January 27, 2025
Unfortunately, it didn't end there. As the investigation progressed, two additional victims surfaced, claiming that Katz had also targeted them in August 2024 at the same shelter. This troubling pattern illustrates not just a failure in safeguarding vulnerable populations but an opportunity for predators to exploit transgender-friendly policies to target vulnerable women and children. On January 23, the EPS re-arrested Katz, and he now faces two more charges of criminal harassment and sexual assault.
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The EPS is now asking any additional complainants to come forward, emphasizing the importance of community vigilance in preventing further victimization: "The EPS is now asking any additional complainants to come forward, as Katz is believed to have potentially victimized more women." The reality is that allowing individuals like Katz access to women's shelters under the guise of gender identity opens the door to potential abuse and victimization.
Reduxx has identified multiple social media profiles believed to belong to Katz, including one where he claims to have started taking cross-sex hormones in January of 2024. Katz identifies himself using “she/her/they/them” pronouns, and utilizes a “transgender pride” banner across several of his Facebook accounts.
On one of his Instagram accounts, Katz calls himself a “woman trapped in a man’s body”,” and follows a number of transgender and lesbian-focused pornography accounts.
Reduxx notes that this incident is not an isolated case of a male sexually assaulting women in women's shelters but part of a disturbing trend. In recent years, there have been multiple reports of women accusing trans-identified males of sexual offenses in shelters across Canada.
Related: J.K. Rowling Is Right: There Are No Trans Kids
Why does this keep happening? Don’t women deserve safe spaces to heal? Why does the radical left insist on pretending that male predators are exploiting pro-transgender policies to victimize women and young girls? Women in shelters are often fleeing from abusive situations, and then those who exploit the system place them at further risk. And these shelters are forced to allow men in them.
Despite Canada’s vast size, there is only one known single-sex shelter in the country.
Vancouver Rape Relief (VRR), located in British Columbia, is Canada’s oldest rape crisis shelter. In 2019 it was stripped of its city funding after asserting it had a right to provide services to females only. Trans activists successfully lobbied the city government to make the shelter’s funding contingent on accepting males who identified as transgender.
While the left professes to support “inclusivity,” the facts on the ground reflect a dangerous reality. Allowing women's shelters to admit males who pretend to be women has led to incidents of sexual violence against women and young girls.
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