Deranged Women Use Coded 'Cute Winter Boots' Vids to Resist Trump on TikTok

TikTok screenshot

If you thought the pu**y hats were stupid, meet "my cute winter boots." I wish I were making this up, but young women—almost all of them white—are using coded language on the ChiCom-owned TikTok out of fear that their First Amendment rights will be curtailed when the algorithm censors their speech. 


The posts all feature young women talking about their "cute winter boots" while showing notepads, t-shirts, bug-out bag items, etc., that are unrelated to boots. Some of them appear to be warning illegal aliens about ICE raids in the area, while others call for general resistance against Trump's policies. 

The irony is lost on them that TikTok routinely hoovers up their information and hands it over to one of the most repressive censorship regimes on the face of the earth. Also lost on them is the fact that Joe Biden's federal thugs spent the last four years pushing American social media platforms to censor anyone who disagreed with them. Now that Donald Trump is president, these brainwashed harpies believe their freedom is slipping away, thus the coded speech. 

Serial hysteric Taylor Lorenz (remember her? She's the one who doxed Libs of TikTok's Chaya Raichik) described the trend on her Substack

As the U.S. government seeks to enact stricter controls over speech online, TikTok users are adopting more coded language specifically aimed at criticizing the government and alerting others to government surveillance of online spaces... Some mentions of “cute winter boots” appear to be a direct reference to firearms. Users have posted phrases including "you need cute winter boots so you don't slip on ice," which people have taken to mean that you need a gun to resist ICE. "They're using it to talk about constitutionally protected items and certain constitutional amendments that protect your rights to possess certain constitutionally protected items," said Diana.


Suddenly, the Left wants to talk about constitutional rights. 

In addition to claiming (without proof) that the Trump administration is curtailing free speech rights, the "influencer" asserted (again, without evidence) that TikTok is censoring left-wing speech to kiss up to President Trump. Refresh my memory. Isn't Trump the one who gave the platform a stay of execution not long after taking the oath of office? 

I'm not going to link to TikTok or embed any of the posts here. I would urge Americans to stay away from the app to protect their data and their privacy from the ChiComs. But here are a few tweets (posted on American-owned X) to give you an idea of what they're doing. 


While Trump is busy Making America Great Again, he's also Making Leftists Stupid Again. While it would be easy to dismiss this trend, many of the videos include thinly (or not so thinly) veiled threats against Trump or anyone who stands in the way of the resistance. Is all of this mere hysteria theater? I hope so, but it would be foolish to dismiss the possibility that young women are being radicalized online. Nothing is out of the realm of possibility after what we've seen from the Left since 2016. 



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