Results for: On Media

Wargaming the Electoral College
– I'm talking about the full-court press from the White House, the traditional media, social media, rogue federal agencies, AI deepfakes … We talked about this on Monday's "Five O'Clock Somewhere." … I'm waiting to read more on-the-ground reporting from the indispensable Salena Zito before I'll change my mind on this one.But if Trump…
LIVE RESULTS: Presidential Primaries in Kentucky and Oregon — and More
– I know you've been sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for Tuesday to roll around. … Help PJ Media tell the truth about the 2024 election as the left-wing, mainstream media propagandists do all they can to support the … Democrats.Join PJ Media VIP and use promo code 2024 to get 50% off a VIP membership!…
Hey, How About Another Big Boeing Fail?
– Ars Technica reported on May 15 that Boeing was "taking a few extra days" to nail down a small helium leak on a "flange on a single … reaction control system thruster on the spacecraft's service module." … Help PJ Media permanently ground the mainstream media by becoming one of our VIP or VIP Gold supporters.…
No America, This Is Not, Nor Was It Ever, Normal
–  No one goes to social media to get the tablets from the mountaintop, but people on social media do give you an idea … of my "favorite" answers.Here's one suggesting we are Putin's poodle if we don't think the raid on … —that Trump declassified on his way out of office.…
You and What Army, ICC?
– not worth taking a deep dive into the intricacies of law and war, because Hamas does not recognize any moral or legal restrictions on … The ICC presumably relies on the wholly conjured fatality statistics provided by Hamas and spread by the media and the Left. … And the war cabinet, overseeing the decisions that brought on the ICC indictments, features Netanyahu's biggest political rival Benny…
Now California Wants to Force You to Ride the Magical Mystery Train
– It takes a special kind of stupid to mandate electric vehicles that many people can't afford, charged on a power grid that can't support … Help PJ Media keep you running on gas by becoming one of our VIP or VIP Gold supporters. … You need independent news and analysis, and we need to keep the lights on.…
Is New Bi-Partisan AI Bill Enough to Prevent Real-Life 'Rise of the Machines'?…ll-enough-to-prevent-real-life-rise-of-the-machines-n4929329
– As a result, the United States now stands on the brink of a new era of cybersecurity challenges. …  It seems that more and more AI-generated deepfakes are being disseminated on social media every day. …  America, as a nation, stands on the precipice of an increasingly AI-driven future.…
The Morning Briefing: The Democrats Are Everything They Say They Fear About Trump…crats-are-everything-they-say-they-fear-about-trump-n4929212
–  The flying monkeys in the mainstream media know that they have their hands full with a candidate whose last brain cell exited … on college campuses. … It's free and it supports conservative media!…
British PM Rishi Sunak Calls for Snap Election on July 4
– British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak surprised the media, the opposition Labour Party, and members of his own Conservative Party by calling … his part, Starmer hardly sounded like Labour leaders of the past.The Guardian:After Sunak’s announcement, Starmer posted a video on … Your country.”Starmer claimed that Labour would offer “a politics that treads more lightly on all our lives."…
The Seeds of Biden’s Betrayal of Israel Were Planted A Long Time Ago…ens-betrayal-of-israel-were-planted-a-long-time-ago-n4929302
– Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned Israel on Thursday against cutting off Palestinian banks and spoke about the need to increase … The seeds of it were planted long before Hamas massacred 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023. … He is not on the Biden team at the moment because his security clearance was revoked and he was put on leave over his alleged mishandling…
Biden's New Nominee Is the Absolute Worst, and Ted Cruz Is Having None of It…he-absolute-worst-and-ted-cruz-is-having-none-of-it-n4929274
– District Court — and Sen Ted Cruz (R-Texas) was having none of it in Netburn's confirmation hearing on Wednesday. … pr0n just one year later.Shelby, who already identified as transgender at the time, was sentenced to 180 months in federal prison on … Help PJ Media keep getting the truth out by becoming one of our VIP or VIP Gold supporters.…
SHOCKING? German Leftists Downgrade Child Porn from a Felony to a Misdemeanor…own-grade-child-porn-from-a-felony-to-a-misdemeanor-n4929234
– their kids' phones and pass it on to law enforcement. … We are excited to share that Allyn Walker, PhD, will be joining the Moore Center as a postdoctoral fellow on May 25.— Moore Center … PJ Media is in the crosshairs of the commie pedo animals who are hunting your kids and grandchildren.GET IN THE FIGHT.…
Dystopian Portland Dumps DA and Votes to Make Crime Illegal Again
–  Now, in 2024, Multnomah County (Portland) voted to send its woke, George Soros-anointed civilization-disruptor Schmidt on … to his next appointment with dystopia.Schmidt came to office in 2020 on the heels of the year-long Summer of Love filled with police …  Multnomah County should put a neon sign on top of its green roof that reads, "Complete Failure."…
There's No Way in Hell Biden Drops Out, But...
– forced me to admit that the impossible is now merely highly unlikely.For your consideration:Ace of Spades: The Torricelli Option Is On … A new face works better on intractable problems like the Middle East." … You need independent news and analysis, and PJ Media needs to keep the lights on.…
Drugmakers Develop New Drugs to Counteract Ozempic Muscle Loss
– totally about promoting human health and not cynical profiteering and further sickening the population to make it more dependent on … spur the production of myostatin, a protein that impedes the growth of muscle.For what it’s worth, I had previously written for PJ Media … people who are reaching out to me who are frankly not overweight remotely but are saying ‘I really want to lose 10 pounds to look good on
Good Luck Chasing the Youth Vote Unicorn, Grandpa Joe
–  Bernie isn't around this year, but "Free Palestine" Nazi fever on college campuses is. …  We're focused on sending Joe Biden off to the retirement that he desperately needs. … You can help PJ Media by becoming a part of our VIP subscriber family.…
The Human Cost of the Left’s Obsession With Victimhood: One Woman’s Story…he-lefts-obsession-with-victimhood-one-womans-story-n4929285
– The Daily Caller reported Monday that on July 17, 2020, during the threatening and dangerous Summer of George Floyd, Bettinger was … Morgan became a target of vicious harassment online, as the incident came to the attention of university administrators and local media … left’s cardinal sin of “racism,” Bettinger was “sentenced to 50 hours of community service, leftist re-education classes, and put on
CATCH 22: McDonald's Trapped Between Prices That Are Too High... and Too Low?…rapped-between-prices-that-are-too-high-and-too-low-n4929227
– Franchise owners, many of which are small businesses operating on tiny margins, are happy to lose a little money for a short time to … The offer starts on June 25 and will last about a month. … Make PJ Media your value meal for independent news and analysis by becoming one of our VIP or VIP Gold supporters.…
College QB Sues the School He First Committed to Over an NIL Deal That Fell Apart…l-he-first-committed-to-over-an-nil-deal-gone-wrong-n4929252
– The Athletic reports:The Gator Collective had reneged on its deal in early December, two days after the initial payment was due, and … on Jan. 17 the quarterback was granted a release from his letter of intent. … Hathcock by PJ Media on Scribd…
This Is the Worst Part About Biden’s Gaza Hostage Gaffe
On Monday, Joe Biden spoke at an event celebrating Jewish American Heritage, and it went as well as you can expect from any of his …  As you can see from the video footage, not only was he noticeably slurring his words, but the confusion on his face was also … the clock to secure their release,” he said back in November.It’s now been seven and a half months since the October 7 Hamas attack on
The Morning Briefing: It's Time for Biden to Get to the Basement and Stay There…ime-for-biden-to-get-to-the-basement-and-stay-there-n4929193
–  Yesterday, I mentioned that the Democrats' flying monkeys in the mainstream media gloss over Biden's various lies. … They have finally allowed themselves admit that he's old, but these monumental screw-ups don't get reported on. … It's free and it supports conservative media!…
Illegal Arrested for Child Trafficking in Wisconsin, but Not Like You Think…ild-trafficking-in-wisconsin-but-not-like-you-think-n4929223
– failure to protect a child, and others," according to Sheriff Ryan Waldschmidt in We Are Green Bay.What happened specifically was that on … young girl not only bravely escaped her captor, but she was very articulate in the information she provided, and it was very soon on … or early on the deputies realized the magnitude of the case.…
Why Aren't Reporters Asking Democrats If They Will Accept the Election Results If Trump Wins?
On Sunday's episode of Meet The Press, Welker asked Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) … "Have you ever asked a Democrat this question on your show? … So we need to see more Democrats put on record on the issue of accepting the election results.…
'Sleep' Wasn't on the List of My Recent Airbnb's Amenities
–  I've been home almost a week and I'm still trying to catch up on sleep from that. …  Yes, I did write a review on Airbnb and stuck to the facts, which weren't pretty. … It's free and it supports conservative media!  Subscribe…
Family Wealth Stagnated Under Biden, Soared Under Trump
– and big-name opinion writers seem to be missing the point on inflation. … That means we're spending more of our smaller paychecks on the necessities and less on the luxuries. … You need independent news and analysis, and we need to keep the lights on.…
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