Results for: On Media

Oklahoma State Superintendent Mandates Biblical Instruction in Schools
– appropriate study of history, civilization, ethics, comparative religion, or the like, as well as for their substantial influence on … In a press release provided to PJ Media, Walters said:The Bible is an indispensable historical and cultural touchstone. … But it can also spark hours of thoughtful debate for people willing to engage in it without even touching on matters of faith.…
MONDAY AT 3 P.M. EASTERN: 'Five O'Clock Somewhere' With Kruiser, VodkaPundit - Replay
– Check in and see at the usual time.See you then — can't wait.Editor’s Note: Do you enjoy PJ Media’s conservative reporting taking on … the radical left and woke media? … Join PJ Media VIP and use the promo code SAVEAMERICA to get 50% off your VIP membership!…
Surgeon General Wants Warning Labels on Social Media Sites
– Vivek Murthy, has written an op-ed in the New York Times calling on Congress to require a warning label on social media sites. … Murthy writes that social media is associated with significant risks to a teenager's mental health. … For too long, we have placed the entire burden of managing social media on the shoulders of parents and kids, despite the fact that…
Meet the Latest Deviant to Join the Biden Admin
– who is now speaking on behalf of the president of the United States: Thoughts on Tyler Cherry, the newest communications director …  Cherry not only worked as a Media Matters hack but also spent the last three years speaking on behalf of OUR Department of Interior—when …  Past social media posts from when I was younger do not reflect my current views. Period.…
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Tonight's Debate but Were Afraid I'd Tell You…w-about-tonights-debate-but-were-afraid-id-tell-you-n4930195
On the one hand, it's rigged. … don't matter on debate night, however. … Feelgood amps him up on, and that's good enough to keep him lucid — on the Biden Scale — for an hour or more.…
The Morning Briefing: My Guns Are Here for the Public Health and Not Causing a Crisis…here-for-the-public-health-and-not-causing-a-crisis-n4930135
– Last week, he suggested that he wanted to put warning labels on social media because libs don't like the idea of children being raised … It's free and it supports conservative media! …  (I've been referring to the Russo-Ukraine War here at PJ Media as 'Putin's stupid war' since almost the very start.…
Hillary Clinton Needs Some Serious Therapy
– According to her, "expectations for him are so low that if he doesn’t literally light himself on fire on Thursday evening, some will … The president also has facts and truth on his side. … focus on Trump is what really sticks out.…
Biden Campaign Posts ‘Cheap Fake’ to Mock Trump’s Philly Rally
– Because the mainstream media won't call the administration out on it.After Trump's huge rally in North Philadelphia over the weekend … The image on the left isn't a 2024 Biden rally. … On top of that, Barack Obama and Biden were at the event.…
Biden's Debate Train Wreck Has Democrats Panicking
– At one point, after an answer ostensibly on immigration, Trump said, “I don’t know what he said at the end there. … them had the same reaction to President Biden’s performance: This is a disaster.It wasn’t just that Biden wasn’t landing a glove on … Donald Trump on the economy, the overturning of Roe v.…
Good News: Al Michael Is Doing Olympics Coverage. Bad News: Al Michael Isn't Doing Olympics Coverage.…ge-bad-news-al-michael-isnt-doing-olympics-coverage-n4930199
– Peacock said the voice comes from using Michaels’ past appearances on NBC. The broadcaster signed off on the use of his voice. … Michaels, good on them. … You can help us report on culture through an unfiltered lens by becoming a PJ Media VIP.…
Even Snopes Says That Joe Biden’s Favorite Talking Point Is a Lie…its-that-joe-bidens-favorite-talking-point-is-a-lie-n4930081
– But you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. … If you join PJ Media VIP, you can help us hold the mainstream media accountable for their deception. … As a VIP Gold member, you can access all of the VIP content across the Townhall Media family (Townhall, RedState, PJ Media, and more…
Go Away, Hillary — America's Bitter Drunk Grandma to Release a New Memoir in September…drunk-grandma-to-release-a-new-memoir-in-september-n4930131
on topics including Russia and the upcoming U.S. election. … You can help PJ Media by becoming a part of our VIP subscriber family. … It's free and it supports conservative media!  Subscribe…
BREAKING: SCOTUS Punts Decision on Idaho Pro-Life Law
– Supreme Court punted on a major abortion-related decision in Moyle v. … The case was argued before the Supreme Court of the United States on April 24, 2024, during the court’s October 2023-2024 term. … other for now with its decision in the Idaho case.Editor's note: If you enjoy stories like these, please consider becoming a PJ Media
New Ad Reminds Voters of Biden's Broken Promises as the President Arrives in Atlanta…mises-greets-the-president-as-he-arrives-in-atlanta-n4930157
– The ad is set to run all week on digital and streaming platforms in the Atlanta-North Georgia market.The video is the brainchild of … The idea is straightforward: to convince metro area voters who are on the fence — especially black voters — how stark the choice is … “According to polls, Americans largely believe the country is on the wrong track,” reads the press release from Greater Georgia.…
Guess Who Is Funding the Radical Transgender Movement?
– Through its deadening control of most precincts in public education and public health, as well as a mainstream media that dares not … declaration.Mention PhRMA — aka the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers Association — is normally portrayed in the Mainstream Media … child custody decisions.• The American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, which publishes a “Facts for Families” guide on
The Morning Briefing: Joe Biden's Debate Tune-Up Is Alternately Pathetic and Hilarious…ebate-tune-up-is-alternately-pathetic-and-hilarious-n4930117
– version of whatever happens on Thursday night. … Later, when I brought it up on "Five O'Clock Somewhere," I couldn't stop laughing about it. … It's free and it supports conservative media!…
Feds Allow Crime, Fudge Numbers, Then Declare Guns a 'Public Health Crisis'…e-a-public-health-crises-because-of-course-they-did-n4930132
– In what I assure you will result in yet another assault on the 2nd Amendment, the freedom-despising, gun-grabbing pinkos in the federal … Vivek Murthy issued the histrionic flapdoodle on Tuesday.U.S. Surgeon General Dr. … Vivek Murthy has issued a landmark Surgeon General’s Advisory on Firearm Violence, declaring firearm violence in America to be a public…
North Korea to Send 'Cannon Fodder' Troops to Fight in Ukraine, What Could Go Wrong?…dder-troops-to-fight-in-ukraine-what-could-go-wrong-n4930175
–  North Korea has been sending war materiel to Russia for months, but North Korean troops on the Ukrainian battlefields will take … for throwing his nation's military supplies — and now its troops — to Team Russia.The Biden Regime’s failed foreign policy is well on …      Related: An Idiot's Guide to Why Russia and Ukraine Are FightingThe war with Ukraine and Russia is based on
What Trump Needs to Do in Debate
– Meanwhile, Joe Biden has been the president -- and he's been doing a terrible job of it, setting things on fire both at home and abroad … He ought to say, "We disagree on what happened in the 2020 election. … Keeping the focus on Biden will be key.…
Gay Couple Left Infant to Die in Hot Car, and the Daily Mail Praised Them…t-to-die-in-hot-car-and-the-daily-mail-praised-them-n4930156
–  The couple posted a link to an adoption site profile on social media in November, seeking a second child.' … going on Hawaiian cruises and learning how to raise foster kittens.' … autopilot and lose awareness that a child is there.The excuses kept on coming.…
SHOCKER: SCOTUS Delivers a Kill Shot to Big Government
– By overruling Chevron, though, the Court does not call into question prior cases that relied on the Chevron framework. … Mere reliance on Chevron cannot constitute a “ ‘special justification’ ” for overruling such a holding. …  When then-Judge Brett Kavanaugh was on the D.C.…
Will a Program to Increase Black Kidney Transplants Do More Harm Than Good?…ying-to-prioritize-kidney-transplants-based-on-race-n4930178
On its face, the rule would be a net positive. …  Talking with PJ Media, Goldfarb said that the black population has a disproportionate number of people with chronic kidney failure … and who are on dialysis but represents a much smaller number of people who get kidney transplants.…
This Iranian Presidential Election May Be Surprisingly Different
– Their courage inspired many men to join them and from one end of the country to another, small protests spread on social media kept … Demographics are not on the side of the clerics. … A bird on a tether, no matter how long the rope, can always be pulled back.…
How Old Is Machu Picchu, Really?
– Doublemint™ gum would “double your pleasure, double your fun” by inducing incestuous hot twins to want to have a threesome with you on … Some things, I guess, just have to be experienced through the media of one’s own senses — the five recognized ones by the materialist … Picchu to be far older than the current prevailing archaeological narrative claims it to be, which is 600 years — predicated largely on
Trump Is Embarrassing Biden on His Turf, and It’s Glorious
– The Biden campaign tried to compete again by sending Ol’ Joe to a Wawa, and the only people who appeared to care were the media reporters … As many have pointed out on social media, can you see Joe Biden going to deep red areas and getting the crowds Trump gets in deep blue …  Trump’s success in holding massive rallies in deep blue areas humiliates Joe Biden on his home turf, and sends the message to…
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