Jamaal Bowman Decided to FAFO, and Elon Musk Is Obliging

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

The left's favorite tactic of baselessly calling everyone they disagree with a "Nazi" has reached new heights of absurdity. Former Rep. Jamaal Bowman unleashed an unhinged tirade against Elon Musk during an appearance on CNN's "NewsNight."


“The American people do not trust Elon Musk, and Elon Musk is incompetent in his position,” Bowman said. “And how do we know? Because they fired tens of thousands of people, it was challenged in court, the court said the people have to go back, and now the people are coming back. He's incompetent, he's a thief, he's a Nazi, and people don't trust him.”

The irony of Bowman's outburst is rich, considering that it comes as Democrat Party approval ratings are scraping bottom, while President Trump's favorability soars. But facts have never been the left's strong suit.

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This latest smear campaign stems from deliberately misleading footage claiming Musk gave a Nazi salute at a Trump victory rally—a claim so ridiculous the Anti-Defamation League quickly debunked it. Video evidence clearly shows Musk placing his hand over his heart before telling the crowd, "Thank you. My heart goes out to you,” before making a gesture symbolizing his heart going out to the crowd. “It is thanks to you that the future of civilization is assured, thanks to you." 


But why let reality get in the way of a good hit piece?

Musk has finally had enough of these baseless attacks. "I've had enough. Lawsuit inbound," he declared on X. 

While defamation cases are notoriously difficult for public figures to win, Musk has both the resources and determination to force Bowman and others to spend time and money defending their slander.

The Democrats' playbook has become painfully predictable: lose an election, cry "Nazi," orchestrate supposedly "organic" protests, and count on their media allies to amplify their hysteria. DNC chair Ken Martin's attempts to frame the coordinated disruptions of Republican town halls as spontaneous opposition are laughable.

The left's desperation is showing. They can't win on policy, they can't win at the ballot box, so they've resorted to their favorite fallback—character assassination. But this time, they may have picked the wrong target. Musk isn't some establishment Republican who will take the abuse lying down.


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While winning a defamation suit won't be easy given the high legal bar for public figures, making an example of Bowman could send a much-needed message: baselessly calling people Nazis and criminals isn't clever political discourse—it's slander. And it's time the left learned there are consequences for their reckless rhetoric.

The Democrats have gotten away with this behavior for far too long. Perhaps a few costly lawsuits will finally teach them that disagreeing with someone's politics doesn't make them Hitler. But don't hold your breath—learning from mistakes would require a level of self-awareness the modern left seems incapable of mustering. 

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