My mother called me crying back in 2012 to tell me she had been diagnosed with cancer for the third time. I told her to be happy. She was appalled and angry.
"SON! How can you say such a thing?" she exclaimed.
"You had cancer yesterday too mother," I responded, "but you didn't know. Now you know. Now you can fight it. Today is the best day of your life. Imagine if you hadn't gone to the doctor, or if he had somehow missed it."
FACT-O-RAMA! Yes, my mother and I thought it was funny to refer to each other as "son " and "mother." She survived that bout of cancer but lost her life in 2016 when the cancer came back for the fourth time.
I have a feeling that the next four years will reveal an ugly, even demonic side of America's political reality that may unnerve and even frighten people. But as I told my mother, it's better to know you have cancer — and our nation truly does — than to not know and let it spread.
A lot of what we are seeing are the same tactics the communists used in Trump's first term:
- Organize and fund street animals to cause chaos and pretend that the riots are a true reflection of public opinion.
- Tell their low-IQ (and low-T for the anarchists who "identify" as men) lefty street animals that the MAGA crowd is full of "Nazis." This gives them the moral right to commit acts of violence against us.
- Burn the nation down and terrorize individuals.
Street anarchy has a tendency to scare people. Peaceful citizens long for quiet and normality, even if that means ceding to the blue-haired, testicle-dodging yobbos causing the chaos.
FACT-O-RAMA! I know people who refused to vote for Trump in 2020 because they were tired of the "drama," all of which was manufactured by the clown show that is liberal media. Doing this is a mistake because it will allow the most violent group to prevail.
It's important to understand that the communist dogma of the last 30 years was intended for that which we are about to see, the final battle between good and evil.
The communist dogma I speak of includes:
- Convincing people that masculinity is "toxic" to keep folks from fighting back for our nation.
- Call all of those who resist Marxism "racists" and various types of "-phobes," thus shaming people into joining the ranks of the communists.
- Make a violent show of force (riots) in an effort to scare sane people into staying home and doing nothing.
You'll notice that the Democrats' street demons usually attack vulnerable, inanimate targets like cars, charging stations, and families stuck in traffic:
Shocking video recorded in Chicago on Oct. 13 shows a Tesla driver desperately try to escape from a mob of youths smashing up the car. The driver hits other cars as he tries to drive off. Police struggle to contain the riot.
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) October 16, 2023
And when you think they can go no lower, this salad-dodging incel comes along to lower the standards of street-weasel "protests" and smear four scoops of his mud bunnies on a Tesla vehicle.
BREAKING - A man from Indianapolis smears his OWN fecal matter onto a Cybertruck.
— Right Angle News Network (@Rightanglenews) March 19, 2025
This is the state of the democrats.
The last thing the gluten-free sally-lads of Antifa want is a fair fight. You'll notice that Tesla cars and Cybertrucks and the people within them are not typically ravaged in places where they are likely to get shot or even punched in their faces full of fishing lures. They typically prey on innocent people when they far outnumber their victims as in the video above.
You'll remember that Antifa had a ball mixing it up with the cops in Portland and Seattle back in 2020 when it was burning big, blue toilet towns. Antifa did this knowing that the Biden administration as well as local pinko prosecutors would let them terrorize the nation with near impunity.
Those days are over. Even if local Maoist prosecutors choose not to punish their violent booger people, the Department of Justice has a new boss, Pam Bondi, and she reports directly to President Trump. Expect to see some of these rich-kids-gone-wild land lengthy "visits" in federal prison. Perhaps some of these fascist Democratic Party prosecutors might find themselves on the unemployment line.
FACT-O-RAMA! The battle taking place now is not political. It is good vs. evil. Nothing less.
If this fight were political, so-called "liberals" wouldn't be physically attacking Tesla owners, most of whom are likely liberal considering that they bought the most climate-friendly vehicle in the U.S.
DUH-DOY-O-RAMA! If you are a liberal who owns a Tesla and street animals beat the potato salad out of you for owning a Tesla, you may want to reconsider voting for Democrats for the rest of your life.
Trump's Election Day victory doesn't mean that the globalists are finished. It's quite the opposite.
We the People are now in the final (for now) existential threat against tyranny. As the U.S. goes, so will the world.
Again, this battle isn't Democrats vs. Republicans.
It's about young girls getting undressed in front of boys. It's decency vs. legal pedophilia. It's steak and eggs for breakfast vs. grasshopper smoothies.
If we lose, your granddaughters will likely be sexually brutalized by the "religion of peace," as we have seen happening throughout Western Europe.
Related: No, Ladies, Self-Preservation Is NOT 'Bigotry' Despite What the New World Order Says
The deep state has been working 24/7 for decades (or even centuries if you read "Pawns in the Game" by William Guy Carr) to enslave the entire world under tyrannical communism. They won't go down without a fight.
I expect that their final death rattle will be something out of an old horror movie I can't identify. Let me check with my PJ Media compatriots.
Sha-Zam! My friend Stephen Green — I call him Vodka — just sent me this:
The Hidden (1987). In this sci-fi horror flick, an alien parasite jumps between human hosts, causing chaos. The good guy, an FBI agent (Kyle MacLachlan), teamed with an alien cop, finally kills the last host — a senator — in a shootout. As the bad guy dies, the slug-like alien entity tries to escape the body, slithering out in a gooey, desperate bid before it’s torched.
Yeah, that's the one!
Expect the demonic commies to die like that. We will see all the fraud, crimes, and true intentions of the New World Order as the monster oozes its way into view for all to see.
It will be ugly, but every American will know the reality of what we are up against and what we just killed.
Communism will return later — it always does — and a future generation of Americans will fight it again. But they will have the privilege of history books. They will see how Donald Trump beat the odds, surviving bogus trials and attempted assassinations, to return to the White House and lead a global war against the Devil himself and vanquish evil. The Democratic Party will either wither and die, or peaceful Democrats will join us and stomp out the tyrants who have taken it over.
God is real, and He is on our side. The only way we can lose is, as the saying goes, for good men to do nothing.