A friend I will refer to as "Carol" recently told me she fears for her safety as her Democrat-controlled town is crawling with illegal immigrants. Crime has exploded in her New York community and continuing to ignore it isn't healthy.
Worse, she told me she is afraid to talk about it with her friends and neighbors, most of whom are progressive white women, lest she be deemed the most unconscionable monster since Dr. Frankenstein's creation, a big, bad boogeyman "racist."
Her fears are not unfounded.
One of the truly mind-boggling successes of the New World Order was its ability to indoctrinate Westerners into quietly accepting our own extinction.
FACT-O-RAMA! The globalist larrikins spent years convincing white Westerners that we -- and our "inherent racism" -- are historically responsible for all the evils of the world. To make amends, we must silently accept the carnage brought to our countries by people of other cultures. Questioning this onslaught is "racist." Accepting the violent subjugation is "virtuous." This was the plan all along: to virtue-walk Westerners into our own vassalage.
Using public shame to control people is a weapon the communists have long used. During China's "cultural revolution," violent members of Mao's "Red Guard" would haul perceived enemies into public and subject them to humiliating -- and violent -- "struggle sessions."
Communists in China humiliated so-called "enemies" by parading them publicly in dunce caps. Today's leftoids use the same tactic of public shame by declaring anyone who disagrees with them as a "racist", an " Islamophobe" or "transphobe." This indoctrination is nothing more than… pic.twitter.com/FObLYauSDy
— The Kevin Downey, Jr. Show Mon- Fri. 9-11 am EST! (@KDJRadioShow) February 17, 2025
Today's globalists use the same tactic to keep pesky free-thinkers quiet. Anyone who dares to disagree can be labeled a "racist" and find their addresses made public (doxxing), thus inviting the potential for violence.
Merely wearing a MAGA cap was once reason enough to be deemed a "Nazi" and subject the so-called "racist" to a violent beat down.
FASCIST-O-RAMA! The blue-haired testicle haters of Antifa will label anyone they want to attack as a "racist," thus giving them a phantom sense of virtue as they kick that person into concussionville.
Police throughout the UK cucked themselves into silent submission as Asian grooming gangs Pakistani Muslim rapists brutalized British women for two decades.
PJ Media's own Robert Spencer has written extensively about England's cultural suicide at the hands of Marxist "wokism":
The native authorities, meanwhile, are cowed and submissive, afraid of offending their new masters. JNS added that “Deputy Chief Constable Ivan Balhatchet, the National Police Chiefs’ Council lead for tackling honor-based abuse, told a House of Commons committee in January 2023 that police ‘shy away’ from such cases because ‘they fear being labeled racists.’” This was reminiscent of how the same British authorities dealt with Muslim rape gangs who victimized thousands of non-Muslim girls for years, and still operate with relative impunity. The BBC reported in 2014 that “at least 1,400 children were subjected to appalling sexual exploitation in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013,” and British officials did nothing; they “described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought as racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so.”
As Britain moves inexorably toward becoming an Islamic republic, you can write the epitaph for the once-great nation that assembled an empire on which the sun never set: At least we weren’t racist.
Shaming people by calling them racist is so successful that a German woman apologized to the "cultural enhancers" who gang-raped her in a park:
I am really sorry that your sexist and line-crossing treatment of me could help fuel aggressive racism. I'm going to scream... I will not stand by and watch, and it can happen that racists and concerned citizens name you as the problem. You're not the problem. You're usually a wonderful human being who deserves as much as any other to be safe and free.
I will not stand by and watch and let it happen that racists and concerned citizens name you as the problem.
It's easy to understand why "Carol" isn't comfortable talking about her fears of crimes committed by illegal immigrants. Doing so can cost her a job promotion.
Speaking out in Europe is dangerous. It's easy to assume the U.S.A. can follow suit:
- A female psychiatrist in Germany testified on behalf of 11 bundles of diversity who were convicted of gang-raping a 15-year-old girl, stating that the brutal assault was "a means of releasing frustration and anger” that resulted from their "migration experiences and socio-cultural homelessness.” In other words, the rapists are victims of "racism."
- A judge in Germany sentenced a woman to more jail time than one of the convicted rapist "asylum seekers" she "defamed" by calling him a "disgraceful rapist pig."
- Hundreds of people in the UK were arrested for expressing "anti-immigrant views" after the son of Rwandan immigrants stabbed three little white girls to death.
- An 18-year-old Muslim man was spared prison for having sex with a 13-year-old child because his Muslim school taught him that "women are no more worthy than a lollipop that has been dropped on the ground." He just didn't that sex with a child is bad.
- As Muslims in the UK rape with impunity, a white Christian man was busted for thought crimes because he was silently praying outside an abortion clinic.
The United States is not immune to this insanity.
The Operation Mockingbird media myrmidons love nothing more than a viral video of a deranged white person yelling racist obscenities at a minority. Yet these same bozos are suspiciously quiet when Muslims do what no other religion does, which is to kill people who are not of the same religion.
— Phx Ken (@PhxKen) March 28, 2016
The Democrats spent the last 10 years pretending "white supremacy" is the greatest existential threat to America while simultaneously allowing millions of illegal immigrants into the country, many of whom appear to have been released from prisons in their native countries.
There is nothing funnier to me than being called a "colonizer" by hateful lefties who are obsessed with European expansion, most of which occurred when ships were made of wood. Those same mental bellyflops somehow haven't noticed the modern-day "colonization" taking place today:
The Spread Of Islam: Who are the real colonizers? pic.twitter.com/Uue3XHdIJy
— Don Keith (@RealDonKeith) February 16, 2025
SPOILER ALERT-O-RAMA! Islam is a big partner in the New World Order. They are the same people who have convinced Westerners they are "racist" if they pay attention to the terrifying wave of sexual assaults taking place throughout Europe and the shocking number of Muslims who explode in markets or drive into crowds of Westerners.
I don't know who needs to hear this, nor do I know if I'm the appropriate messenger, but I will tell you what I told my friend Carol: Not wanting to be raped and murdered doesn't make you a racist. Do not be afraid to stand up for yourself. This entire subterfuge was invented by globalist pinkos looking to eradicate the West with our permission.
Below is the globalists' playbook. Pay attention to "prediction" #5 as it pertains to Westerners "getting better" at welcoming 1 billion invaders. By that they mean: shut up and accept your subjugation.
Meat will be a special treat. Read more: https://t.co/RiQP6tpkfp pic.twitter.com/7BcRHgnWTx
— World Economic Forum (@wef) April 9, 2018
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