
Adventures in The Patriarchy™ Vol. VIII: At the Intersection of Transgenderism and Feminism

AP Photo/Morry Gash, file

Chronicling the ongoing intersectional struggle to liberate women — inclusively defined as the legacy kind and the transgenders — from The Patriarchy™, one microaggression at a time. 

Portland Women’s March: When Bizarro World is real life

The lowlights:

  • Women are “magical creatures from the very start” who have been “squashed down and killed for their magic”
  • “There’s no two sexes”
  • “Transgenders are evolution”
  • The Earth is going to “evolve” to “weed out the Y chromosome”
  • “Procreation comes out of a tw*t”

Related: Liberal Banshees, Distraught Over Election Results, Convene to Scream at Lake Michigan

‘109 Ways To Fight Back Against What's Happening In The U.S. Right Now’

HuffPost, maybe above all of its peer publications, is a goldmine of terrible life advice, smug cultural elitist virtue-signaling, inaccurate prognostications, and losing strategies marketed as savvy political commentary.

Related: HuffPo Feminist Quits Shaving to Protest for Abortion Rights

Here, in “109 Ways To Fight Back Against What's Happening In The U.S. Right Now,” let’s try to pick out some cognitive dissonance.

Via HuffPost (emphasis added):

2. Call out far-right dog-whistles and coded language...

12. Hold the media accountable.

13. Fight misinformation with facts and science.

14. Stop using social media sites that refuse to protect you from misinformation or attacks based on who you are...

16. Block trolls, bots and individuals who are looking to drag you into futile fights or otherwise suck your time, energy and sanity.

So, the HuffPo antifa NPC bots are supposed to “fight the right” by blocking, marginalizing, and trying to get them deplatformed, the end goal being apparently to henpeck them into submission out of shame or desperation — the exact strategy they’ve employed for a decade that culminated  in their recent electoral wipeout.

No convincing, no empathy, no olive branches, no reasoning. Just the weaponization of the levers of cultural and political power that they don’t even have anymore. They have no cards to play.

Notes on astroturfing and the intersections of transgenderism and feminism

Desire’s fundamental structure is that it needs an obstacle. Remove the obstacle, and desire collapses. The worst thing that can happen to you is to get what you want.
 — Slavoj Žižek, The Sublime Object of Ideology

I came across that quote recently and found it profound.

The astroturfing of the “transgender” human rights paradigm about a decade ago was a real boon to various other Social Justice™ enterprises, including feminism.

By the middle of the last decade, when transgenderism suddenly exploded into the zeitgeist out of seemingly nowhere, the fight for women’s equality, in the legal and social sense, had long been won. So had the gay rights agenda when gays finally got the right to marry in 2014. Even most social conservatives had conceded that the culture war was over. These people could pack up their signs and go home to figure out what to do with the rest of their lives, as they no longer had any gender-based injustices to fight.

I've been in the revenge business for so long, now that it's over I don't know what to do with the rest of my life.
 - Inigo Montoya

 In this way, transgenderism served as the ultimate extension of the Social Justice™ cause exactly because the ideology, at its core, is at war with reality itself — a war that can never be won.

Thus, by promulgating an ideology actively at odds with reality itself, you ensure continuous resistance from anyone who cherishes not living in abject delusion. In other words, you ensure continuous resistance from whatever remains of free humanity and an eternal raison d'être — plus all the other ancillary benefits like pharmaceutical industry windfall profits and a weakened, demoralized populace.  


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