Results for: On Media

Are You Sitting Down? It Turns Out Kamala Has Ties to a Far-Left, Hamas-Linked Islamic Group…has-ties-to-an-far-left-hamas-linked-islamic-group-n4931125
– The media isn't going to tell you this. … Come on, man! This ain't 1776 anymore!The media won't vet Kamala Harris, but we will. … That's one reason why, now more than ever, you should become a PJ Media VIP.…
Kamala's Running Mate Search Hits Another Snag
On Sunday, we reported that a Democrat running for statewide office in Pennsylvania accused Gov. … Initially focused on space tourism using stratospheric balloons, the company's vision has since evolved with technological advancements … installations and likely wouldn't have told the public about it, but civilians discovered the spy balloon, prompting widespread media
Kruiser's (Almost) Daily Distraction: Taking Refuge From Politics in Science Fiction…tion-taking-refuge-from-politics-in-science-fiction-n4931238
–  via GIPHYA couple of weeks ago I was a little groggy and downloaded a Sci-Fi book on my Kindle just before I went to bed. … I held off on jumping right into the next one because I could tell that this was a series I was going to want to savor. … It's free and it supports conservative media!  Subscribe…
VIDEO: Harris Unburdened by Knowledge or Facts in Latest Word Salad
– The media drilled that line into our heads like a kindergarten phonics lesson. Quayle flubbed one line. …  Well, Harris is infamous on the Right because we pay attention to what goes on behind the media's curtain. … the weekend, "Will you work with the GOP on the border issue?"…
The Grotesque Manufacturing of Kamalamania
– Sure, your green-haired, hirsute niece will do her part and promote Kamala on the socials, but A**CLOWN's real goal is to snag just … 🥥🌴Here's the most comprehensive thread on the context that came before. 1/— Holding Biden Accountable … The site has links for articles on "carbon tax" and, of course, "climate change."…
Kamala's Ride on the Bright Yellow Economic Short Bus
– There's a reason why Kamala Harris has been Joe Biden's on-the-side veep, secreted in the political backwaters and stuck with jobs … , and paying influencers on TikTok to make her look cool, but they can't erase everything. … She's hoping that what can be her presidency will be unburdened by what has been her abjectly awful record on the issues.…
Kamala’s Honeymoon May Be Over Already
– as the media claims, even with the full-court press on Kamalot!" … "One has to wonder whether the sample tilts a bit toward the Dems based on those results plus the party loyalty numbers above. … Except possibly on jobs, where the data has been surprisingly cheery this year, Harris has to play defense on the issues mattering…
Kamala Harris Is the John Kerry of 2024
– We can all see that the mainstream media is trying to reinvent Kamala Harris as the next Barack Obama. … There are countless articles boasting about the enthusiasm she’s generated on the campaign trail and the money she’s raised. …  And that's hardly the only issue Kamala has flip-flopped on.…
Social Justice Takes Its Dying Breaths
– brand of identity politics that the corporate state in the West pushes, which accelerated dramatically after George Floyd overdosed on … ascendant ideology.This is not to say, of course, that the Democrats and the corporations and government they serve have given up on … for Harris, organizing thousands of Black women and men, groups that have voted overwhelmingly for Democrats in recent elections…On
Kamala Adopts Fake Southern Accent in Atlanta Speech
– Harris also bragged about her track record on illegal immigration." … the campaign trail in 2007.Clinton quoted the spiritual “I Don’t Feel Noways Tired,” which was fine on its own. … Members of the media have attacked Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) and Gov.…
Sorry, But Kamala Harris Is Not 'Weirdly Unpopular'
– During their meet-not-so-cute, DeCerce told O'Keefe Media Group's undercover female reporter that Harris has no “accomplishments to … went above and beyond the call of duty or even the value of any paycheck by going out with DeCerce several times after meeting him on …  You can watch the OMG video on X, but let me save you a click.…
Drag Queen Story Hour at the Olympics Rile Bishops
–  But somewhere, somehow, some moron had to sign off on artistic director Thomas Jolly's attempt to represent "everyone" by  … Whether it is media executives, media personalities, or politicians, they all see Christianity as a restraint on their lust for power … It may not have been on your news radar since it occurred during the Republican National Convention.…
From the EIB Network to the 'AI' B Network: Would You Listen to Rush GPT?…rk-to-the-ai-b-network-would-you-listen-to-rush-gpt-n4931307
– —TV’s “The Six Million Dollar Man”If you haven’t been paying attention to the chatbot AI revolution, then shame on you. … Not on the level of Carlin’s most beloved work, but it was shockingly effective. … Chatbots need data to train on; with Limbaugh, they’d have all the data they need – and then some.…
Israel Delivers Major Twin Blows Against Hamas and Hezbollah in Just 24 Hours…hamas-leader-and-top-military-commander-in-24-hours-n4931209
– Netanyahu is banking on Iran not wanting a war with Israel, even with all its proxies and allies. … Will the curtain go up on another Middle Eastern war? … Israel is now bracing for responses both on its own territory and on Israeli and Jewish targets abroad, said former Israeli National…
How Many Progressives Wanted Trump to Die?
– First of all, some perspective on polls. I have had some experience with polls and pollsters during my time in the media. … The work of the media and social media giants, wealthy elites, and the nightcrawlers on X, Facebook, and TikTok has had the desired … are on the verge of abandoning any remaining vestiges of common decency and humanity.…
Why Does Trump Believe Dem Lies About Project 2025?
– A clear example of that now is his persistence in disavowing Project 2025 on the basis of Democrat lies.The leader of Heritage Foundation … Why would he or anyone on his side believe anything Kamala Harris and her media lackeys say anymore? … buying into Democrat soundbites and falling into Democrats’ traps.Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts issued a statement on
This Is Why Kamala Is Horrible
– I've got a junk drawer full of reasons she's a troglodyte.Kamala has a garbage, commie-rific platform on which to run, so we can expect … (@profstonge) July 25, 2024I believe these media whoppers are backfiring spectacularly. … Lefty news outlets are withering on the Maoist vine.…
So 'White Dudes For Kamala' Had a Celebrity-Filled Zoom Call and the Cringe Was Epic…celebrity-filled-zoom-call-and-the-cringe-was-epic-n4931177
– My old friend, Arizona Central columnist and undisputed king of stuff Jon Gabriel, put the proper dude spin on that message. …   While I didn't attend the call myself, based on everything I've read and watched, "Iron Man" (2008) costar Jeff Bridges … And that's true enough, which is why last week I cautioned men against attacking Harris on her personal history.…
Ode to Joylessness
– Word on the street was that even die-hard Democrats were glumly hoping that they might hold the Senate and possibly retake the House …  Buoyed by this change of fortune and spike in energy, the Left and its media will be focusing the microscopes and endoscopes … on Trump and JD Vance like never before.…
JD Vance Needs Political Jiu-jitsu: Just Roll with the Weirdness
– they were actually the same age: 39.They were both nominees for vice president.Back in 1952, Richard Nixon was a new, fresh face on … Meanwhile, the media was happily drumming up anti-Nixon hysteria. The scandal was reaching an apex.Nixon chose to fight. … “But on the ‘odd’ chance that you think Kamala Harris is the weird one, we’d welcome your support.…
Families of 9/11 Victims in Anguish Over Biden DoD Plea Deal…ecision-to-allow-the-terrorist-plotters-a-plea-deal-n4931245
– “The prosecution and families have waited for 23 years to have our day in court to put on the record what these animals did to our … apparently allowed to plead guilty and avoid the death penalty, and potentially received a host of other conditions," Graham wrote on … social media.…
Why Are the Feds Hiding the Would-Be Trump Assassin's Left-Wing Radicalism?…nfirms-trump-shooter-spewed-fringe-lefty-viewpoints-n4931194
–  But now comes more information about what is believed to be Thomas Crooks's account on another unidentified social media platform …     On one hand, Democrats are more anti-Semitic; all you have to do is check out the protesters on campus and …     The Gab account holder never posted, but he commented on posts 17 times.…
What Does Kamala Harris Stand For? When We Find Out, We'll Let You Know
– truly radical positions she took on issues like abortion, the economy, crime, and immigration. …  Harris supported the "defund the police" movement in 2020, jumping on the George Floyd bandwagon." … and the best way or the right way to achieve safety," Harris began by saying on the June 9, 2020, "Ebro in the Morning!"…
Kamala Harris: 'Border Czar' in All But Name
– It's what we, in American politics and media, call…the person in a presidential administration who runs point on immigration and the … The media has a clean slate, all is forgiven, and this is the way to the memory hole.Watch out. … That first step is a doozy.The left and their media allies just don't get it.…
James Carville Drops A Truth Bomb On Democrats About Kamala Harris
– Carville warned during an appearance on MSNBC earlier this week. "Everybody’s giddy. I look at the coverage and it’s great. … Remember, the media is working overtime to literally rewrite history about Kamala's record. … After years of the media covering the fact that Kamala was Joe Biden's border czar, the moment she became the presumptive nominee,…
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