Results for: On Media

Bill Gates Launches New 'Biomass Burying' Climate Change™ Scam
– carbon removal startup backed by Bill Gates' Breakthrough Energy Ventures, is set to kick off operations at its Arkansas-based plant on … specialty — not exceedingly complex but, indeed, exceedingly profitable: Invent a scam (Climate Change™).Gin up hysteria using bought media … (Bill Gates “donating” heavily to corporate state media”), generating a public clamoringCapitalize handsomely off of government funding…
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Is Back in the Hospital Again
– Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin is back in the hospital, but this time he at least told his boss he was on the DL. … Later on Sunday, the Sec Def turned over the operations of the Pentagon to his number two, Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks. … Updates on the Secretary's condition will be provided as soon as possible. Austin is battling a two-front health war.…
Now THAT'S a Wall: Egypt Shows Biden How to Secure a Border
– President of Mexico, has an answer to that vexing question — and it's something of a completely routine miracle how the mainstream media … It looks a little like somebody took a World War I obstacle and turned it up on one end.  … That might seem strange on the face of it since, for 20 years, Gaza was part of Egypt.…
Hamas Member Reveals That Organization's Goal Is Not Just to Free 'Palestine'…at-organizations-goal-is-not-just-to-free-palestine-n4926375
– Virtually every political and media analyst in the Western world agrees that Hamas is a national liberation movement, dedicated to … Related: Biden Regime Again Shows Which Side It’s On, and It's Not on Israel's Yet it is already happening. … Our people will not allow there to be institutions that promote this abomination on the blessed and pure land of Palestine.…
Report: Biden Calls Netanyahu an A**h*** (But I Know Who the Real A**h*** Is)
– Based on "precise intelligence," according to IDF spokesman Lt. Col. … Richard Hecht — originally from Scotland — the operation breached a residential building where the hostages were known to be kept on … recent weeks spoken privately about Netanyahu, a leader he has known for decades, with a candor that has surprised some of those on
How Much Did Mail-in Voting Affect the 2020 Presidential Election?
– It's a question that could get you censored on social media or maybe even arrested and held without trial if you ever protested about … An extensive analysis investigating the potential influence of fraudulent mail-in ballots on the 2020 election suggests that the outcome … The study from the Heartland Institute sought to assess the likely effects of fraudulent mail-in ballots, considering their impact on
Brand-New Social Justice™ Cringe: ‘Positionality Statements’
– Although, as part of my job serving the PJ Media readership, I keep solid tabs on the cancerous machinations of the world of Social … anthropology as a discipline has a lot to answer for in terms of colonisation), one of the (many) ways I can contribute is to reflect on … But more commonly, it calls on faculty to address a series of curricular, pedagogical and evaluative challenges.…
Cringe New Anthony Fauci Memoir to Hit Shelves
– COVID is the grift that keeps on grifting for Public Health™ commissar Anthony Fauci.                     … Viking announced Thursday that Fauci’s “On Call: A Doctor’s Journey in Public Service” will be published in June 18. … Fauci’s COVID malfeasance is now legendary among informed segments of the population like PJ Media readers.…
This Day in Hunter Biden's Laptop: 'Can [Joe] Remember With the Dementia and All?'…ns-laptop-can-he-remember-with-the-dementia-and-all-n4926312
– The media conflated the two because it serves their lazy purpose of "both-siding" the issue. … She urged Hunter not to be "distracted by random media articles. You need to help Uncle Joe run for President. … I’m saying you put it on the differential.…
Let’s Address the Donkey in the Room About the 2024 Election
– In fact, her tenure at first lady was, on the whole, unremarkable. … in another capacity, but plenty on the right have. … Related: Did You Notice What’s Missing in Jill Biden’s Statement on the Hur Report?…
Biden on the Verge of Doing the Right Thing for the Wrong Reason
– Old Joe Biden may be on the verge of firing one of his chief henchmen in the dismantling of the American republic, Attorney General … angry parents protesting at school board meetings, worked with Twitter and other social media giants to silence and deplatform people … Instead, Garland is apparently on his way out because he allowed people to see that even those who are among the political elites knows…
Attacking the Hur Report Won’t Fix the Democrats’ Problem
– Some in the media were also jumping to Biden’s defense. … “It was outrageous that Hur put in some of that stuff in this report,” claimed Jeffrey Toobin on CNN Thursday. … House of Representatives Committee on Oversight, told the Daily Caller. …
Hot Takeaways From the Tucker-Putin Interview
– Putin goes on to claim its hard to score such a victory agaisnt the U.S. because the U.S. controls most of the world's media. … He believes Western media has made him a boogeyman. He stated he'd never use nukes and doesn't want to attack other nations. … He goes on to say the Ukrainians yelled back in perfect Russian, "Russians don't surrender," and were killed.…
Democratic National Committee Looking to Jam-Up Robert Kennedy, Jr. on Ballot Access…ooking-to-jam-up-robert-kennedy-jr-on-ballot-access-n4926329
– The complaint claims that the effort by the Super PAC to garner the requisite number of signatures for RFK's name to appear on the … outlet on our public website.” … The complaint is unlikely to go anywhere — the commission is evenly divided among the two major parties and frequently deadlocks on
Here Are the Worst Lies From Biden’s Speech
– idea to let Biden address the nation and take questions from the media.  … It's not just media headlines that are saying that; it's the actual report. … The report states that "The best case for charges would rely on Mr.…
Treasury Dept. Admits to Using Political Terms Like 'MAGA' to Spy on Bank Transactions…litical-terms-like-maga-to-spy-on-bank-transactions-n4926320
– What do you suppose happened after the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021? … Scott, the ranking Republican on the Senate Banking Committee, requesting more information on a surveillance program uncovered by the … put me on a list of "extremists."…
Has Joe Biden Become Possessed, Or Is He Just High as a Kite?…biden-become-possessed-or-is-he-just-high-as-a-kite-n4926335
– But much of the media that supports him claim that those of us who believe he has this terribly sad disease of dementia are only looking … There are enough doctors in Congress that this can be easily confirmed, and there is no doubt that these medical professionals on both … sides of the aisle should now be insisting on additional tests of Biden’s competency.  …
How Is Anybody Still Defending Joe Biden?
– I remember being shocked that the liberal media actually gave substantial coverage to Joe Biden's botched withdrawal from Afghanistan … While most reasonable people recognize it was a disaster, Biden's loyal defenders in the media defended him. … CNN is now defending Biden for thinking that Mexico is on the border of Gaza"Everybody here has misspoken!"…
I Thought Biden Was Going to Drop Out Last Night
– The liberal media didn't even attempt to sweep this under the rug. … Outlets wrote about it, correspondents reported on it, and anchors talked about it on the news. … Related: Even the Liberal Media Doesn't Deny How Damning the Special Counsel Report on Biden Was And when the announcement came that…
Zoomer With Dual Communications, Acting Degree Melts Down Over Failed Job Search…cting-dual-degree-melts-down-over-failed-job-search-n4926315
– in New York. — FORTUNE (@FortuneMagazine) February 9, 2024 Thus, the intergenerational culture war rages on … Let’s Play the Generational Blame Game Nothing sticks in my craw like claims that all of the blame for the state of Gen Z falls on … It’s highly fashionable in certain corners of media to lambast the Zoomers and their delicate sensibilities, for good reason.…
WATCH: Hillary Clinton Seethes Over Tucker’s Putin Interview
– It was a total shock to the legacy media that almost universally projected a 90%+ chance of a Clinton victory on election day, a forecast … Via Salon (emphasis added): Former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton on Wednesday put Tucker Carlson on blast after he teased an interview … I mean, if you actually read translations of what’s being said on Russian media, they make fun of him.…
Did D.C. Jail Punish J6 Prisoner for Speaking Out?
on Jan. 6. … He described his cell as being like a “dungeon,” but expressed his strong dependence on God. … You can read Lang’s previous exclusive comments to PJ Media as well.…
West Coast, Messed Coast™ Where Voters Live the Definition of Insanity…a-newsom-discovers-theres-crime-in-them-thar-cities-n4926289
– a nice Stump Town Hair Bender coffee brew with Cheez-Its and Tums to fuel this week's edition, where we discover once again that onon the woman's list that they found a problem with.  … Commenter "Stickdude90" put his finger on the first sentence in her Twitter/X tirade: "I'm a registered Democrat living in downtown…
Bitcoin Rising: Price Surge in 2024?
– Via Bloomberg (emphasis added): Bitcoin is on course to advance for a fifth straight month in what would be the token’s longest such … January, a month of pronounced swings sparked by the rollout of the first US spot Bitcoin exchanged-traded funds and shifting views on … Editor’s note: If you appreciate the independent journalism we offer at PJ media, free or corporate slant of state censorship, consider…
The Morning Briefing: RIP Jurisprudence — President Séance Judged Too Senile to Get in Trouble…resident-seance-judged-too-senile-to-get-in-trouble-n4926254
– (The Sine Qua Non Sequitur is on life support hiatus.) What wine goes best with dystopian resignation?  … It's free and it supports conservative media!   … Special Counsel's Report Should Be the Headline VIP Become part of the PJ Media VIP party by subscribing here.…
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