The Morning Briefing: DEI in Decline Everywhere but Boeing and the DNC

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

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Happy Thursday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Clabwyth was a lock to repeat as Parcheesi Club Talent Night champ with his impression of Phyllis Diller singing "Edelweiss" in Pig Latin. 


The Democrats won't go away. Because the Democratic National Convention's celebrity scold-fest continues to drone on, we're still offering our Comrade Kamala DNC special for all of our VIP-curious readers. You can sign up here and receive a mega MAGA 60% discount when you use the promo code FIGHT. For mere pennies a week (68 of 'em), you can enjoy all the benefits of being a VIP Gold member and be an integral part of helping to keep the commie infestation in Washington from spreading. Our VIP Gold friends have access to all the premium content at every Townhall Media site from the likes of me (a personal fave), VodkaPundit, Kurt Schlichter, Larry O'Conner, Cam Edwards, and a rotating cast of celebrity guest hosts. OK, I made that last part up. Seriously though, we're fun, we're informative, and none of us are sleeping much until November. 

The convention is almost over, or so I'm told. Remember, my colleagues and I will be liveblogging tonight's final festivities. I did some recon well ahead of time to make sure there was some decent tequila here at my sister's house to help me get through it with the proper attitude. The link will be on the home page when the liver damage, wit, and reporting get-together goes live. 

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives were back in the news yesterday, and once again, that news wasn't good for its proponents. We will begin with this story from my colleague Bryan Jung


Harley-Davidson announced that it would pull back from enforcing its corporate Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) policy after the famed American motorcycle manufacturer faced severe backlash from consumers and conservative activists.

The motorcycle firm said it would halt efforts to impose DEI on Aug. 19, making it the latest major corporation to pull back from woke ideology. John Deere did so weeks ago.

“We remain committed to listening to all members of our community,” the company wrote in a letter posted on X. “We are saddened by the negativity on social media over the last few weeks, designed to divide the Harley-Davidson community."

Harley-Davidson execs are obviously not talented when it comes to reading the room. There are just some companies that have customer bases that make any kind of woke policy a bad idea, and Harley-Davidson is most definitely one of them. One wonders if any of the people at H-D HQ have ever met an actual Harley owner.

My friend and colleague Chris Queen wrote about the demise of DEI at two academic institutions, the University of Kentucky and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 

These are just the latest in a long line of stories about corporations and universities punting on DEI, which has always been a recipe for disaster. Detached corporate elites go in armed with good intentions and horrible policies, and the next thing you know, we've got astronauts stranded in space


While DEI madness is being abandoned all over the country, it is being celebrated this week at the Democratic National Convention. Kamala Harris has skyrocketed to the top of the Democratic Party because Joe Biden blurted out his own DEI plan for choosing a running mate back in 2020. Biden rescued Harris from the dustbin of disgrace that the Democrats had tossed her in during the primaries. He promised his voters a Black female running mate and — luckily for Harris — that was a really shallow talent pool for the Dems. 

Now, the United States of America is perilously close to a commie takeover all because of a DEI idea that went horribly awry. 

Libs, of course, will say that this is a racist rant from me, but that's not the case at all. I'm a big fan of everyone being hired and rewarded because they have the proper skills for the job they're seeking. In a sane world, that would seem like the most prudent way to go about conducting any kind of business. 

In a world where people vote for president based on what a bunch of vapid celebrities tell them, sound approaches like that are racist. Or sexist. 

I would like to launch an initiative that enables me to find out when staunch advocates for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are in the hospital and awaiting surgery. I would saunter into their rooms and inform them that I will be replacing their surgeon. When asked why, I'd say the hospital hired me because operating room staff members enjoyed my jokes. 


When the horrified DEI fan patient then asked me what in the heck my comedic skills had to do with surgical skill, I'd reply, "Nothing, but hiring me makes everyone who works here feel good."

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