Northern Border Apprehensions Surge, Border Patrol Struggling

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Here’s yet another story that the Democrat media and government don’t want you to hear. Apprehensions of illegal aliens at the northern U.S. border have shot up in recent months, and overworked Border Patrol can’t keep up.


Andrew R. Arthur at the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) reported on how the propaganda about declining border apprehension numbers is — surprise, surprise — deceptive. Thousands of illegal aliens, including who knows how many criminals and terrorists, are entering America from the north as hundreds of thousands continue to pour in monthly through the southern border.

Arthur wrote that the “handful of agents” who are stationed at the “undefended” northern border apprehended over 3,000 illegals in July. For context, that’s more than the 2,238 illegals Border Patrol apprehended for the entirety of Fiscal Year 2022 and certainly well above the 916 apprehended in FY 2021. Thanks to Joe Biden, we have an illegal alien invasion from both directions.

For the first ten months of FY2024, Arthur explained, apprehensions at the northern border surpassed 19,000. If the pace continues, Border Patrol will be arresting 23,400 migrants at that border this fiscal year. Thank goodness for Border Czar Kamala Harris and her inspiring leadership!

Before Biden and Harris introduced a new era of total mayhem and chaos at both borders, northern border apprehensions never climbed above 12,500 annually. Arthur added: “Even that statistic is deceiving because Northern border apprehensions never came close to 5,000 per annum between FY 2012 and FY 2020.”


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The southern border numbers are of course also deceptive, as hundreds of thousands of illegals are flown in through the fraudulent Biden-Harris parole program and not counted in the officially bragged-about statistics. Then there are an estimated nearly two million “got-aways,” illegal aliens who evaded Border Patrol altogether under the Biden-Harris administration.

The administration has updated its protocol for the northern border, Arthur wrote, to assess if “migrants will be required to present their documents to ‘U.S. asylum officers’ (presumably from USCIS) during the screening process” in accordance with a U.S.-Canada agreement.

Secondly, according to Arthur, “migrants will now only have four hours to consult with an attorney before their asylum claims are screened here, down from an apparent minimum 24-hour consultation period that had been enforced heretofore.” 


Of course, asylum seekers should be ready at any time to explain why they need asylum, but the reality is that the majority of so-called “asylum seekers” don’t have legitimate claims. Gang members, for instance, game the system.

Under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, America’s borders have essentially been erased. The pretense of a border crackdown fools no one living in reality.


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