
Eastern European Nation in EU Crosshairs After Outlawing Child Transgender Propaganda

AP Photo/Vadim Ghirda

Eastern Europe, which I highly recommend unless you’re not into nine months of winter, is virtually free of the transgender mania that has gripped the West and intentionally so. These besieged nations truly work overtime to keep the social engineering out, holding the line admirably.

Resistance isn’t without its costs, of course.

When you push back against child genital mutilation, what you get in return is a torrent of NGOs and multinational organizations (from the United States and Western Europe, of course) exerting enormous geopolitical pressure on the offending nation.

No good deed, etc.

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Hungary’s learned the hard way, as have Georgia and others.

Now the transy hammer’s coming down on Bulgaria following common-sense legislation outlawing state propaganda aimed at children. (If this happened in the United States, of course, the proponents would find themselves investigated by the Department of Homeland Security.)

Via Life Site News (emphasis added)

On August 7, the Parliament of Bulgaria passed an amendment to the Law for Preschool and School Education banning LGBT “propaganda” in schools by a massive majority of 159 votes in favour to 22 opposed, with 12 abstentions. 

The amendment was posed by the Vazrazhdane (Revival) Party and gained widespread support from political parties across the spectrum, with MPs citing inappropriate sex education brochures and books being provided to both children and teens.

The amendment bans “propaganda, promotion or incitement in any way, directly or indirectly, in the education system of ideas and views related to non-traditional sexual orientation and/or gender identity other than the biological one.” Parliamentarians also voted on text that specifically defines “non-traditional sexual orientation” as “different from the generally accepted and established notions in the Bulgarian legal tradition of emotional, romantic, sexual or sensual attraction between persons of opposite sexes.”

As a consequence of outlawing child grooming, the EU’s “LGBTI Intergroup” has condemned the exercise of democracy and is urging investigation.

And it’s not just the EU that’s bringing the heat — it’s a consortium of so-called “human rights organizations” and academics.

Via Politico (emphasis added):

Senior figures from the European Parliament’s LGBTI Intergroup wrote last week to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Equality Commissioner Helena Dalli asking the Commission president to “urgently condemn” the new law.

“This law is a direct assault on the LGBTIQ+ community — in particular children,” wrote group co-presidents Kim van Sparrentak from the Netherlands and Marc Angel from Luxembourg. “Such ‘anti-propaganda’ bills put children and youth at risk by contributing to creating a threatening environment where LGBTIQ+ children can be subject to bullying, harassment and increased health-related risks.”

The European Commission told POLITICO that Dalli on Aug. 13 sent a letter to Bulgarian Education and Science Minister Galin Tsokov “to request further information on the legislation.”

“The Commission remains steadfast in its commitment to tackling discrimination, inequalities and challenges faced by LGBTIQ individuals — including in education, as outlined in our LGBTIQ Equality Strategy of November 2020,” a Commission spokesperson said.

Human rights organizations — including Action, Buditelkite, Forbidden Colours, LevFem, Feminist Mobilisations and Deystvie — have denounced the bill, and their petition asking the Bulgarian president to veto the amendment was signed by about 7,000 people. Academics have written an open letter urging likewise.

Please, for the love of God, Bulgaria, keep the demons at the gates.


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