
The DNC and Democrat Double Standards

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

As the Democratic National Convention drags on, leftist double standards are on full and painful display. 

As the Biden-Harris administration sends yet more pro-lifers to jail, and Democrat officials won’t let pro-Israel Jews hold a march in Chicago, pro-Hamas radicals riot and clash with police at the DNC. Democrats actively encourage violent and destructive movements, while treating peaceful protesters and patriots as if they were dangerous criminals. That’s been a feature of the Democrat Party for almost two centuries, but it’s worse than ever now, threatening to devastate this country beyond recovery.

The party of the Confederacy, the KKK, Jim Crow, Antifa, and Queers for Palestine is and long has been poisoning our country. DNC 2024 and the Biden-Harris weaponized justice system have illustrated the sobering fact that the radicalized Democrat Party is no longer interested in including or compromising with any moderate. It is determined to accept only individuals who are extreme Marxists.

The DNC has been a boiling morass of mayhem thanks to anti-Semitic, pro-Hamas rioters. University of Pennsylvania graduate and Jewish activist Eyal Yakoby posted on X on Tuesday, “Breaking: Masses of protestors, many wearing Hamas clothing, have shown up outside of the Israeli consulate in Chicago.”

He continued, “After they assaulted police officers and broke down the security fence, Chicago should have revoked their permits--instead, they allow them to continue.” Democrats have consistently stabbed Israel and Jewish Americans in the back and also funded terrorist-loving Gazans. The DNC is part of a larger and alarming continuum.

But guess what happened when the Israeli-American Council (IAC) wanted to have a march to coincide with the DNC? Yep, no luck. While it was the city of Chicago that wouldn’t give IAC a permit to march, not the DNC itself, Chicago is of course run by Democrats and the DNC doesn’t care. Democrats have decided to abandon Jewish Americans and Israelis alike in favor of courting radical Islamists. 

Of course, the IAC protesters might have faced a great deal of danger and violence if they had marched, considering how many jihad-lovers are roaming Chicago right now, but what does that say about America today? When, like Nazi Germany of the 1930s, Jewish Americans cannot be safe on the streets of a major U.S. city? And when Democrats encourage or ignore the very people who are the new Nazis? 

Related: ‘Crime Free USA’: Trump Vows to Demolish Deadly Dem Policies

Democrat double standards apply to many groups. LifeNews reported on the latest attempt to make pro-life witnessing a crime:

A Michigan jury has found seven pro-life activists guilty of engaging in a conspiracy against rights and violations of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances, or FACE, Act for peacefully protesting outside of an abortion clinic.

The charges against the pro-life activists were brought by President Joe Biden’s administration, specifically the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division led by Kristen Clarke. The Daily Wire reported Tuesday that the DOJ has used the conspiracy against rights charge, which was originally designed for the Ku Klux Klan, to prosecute the pro-lifers, who face 10 years in prison as well as heavy fines … The group of pro-life activists had participated in a “rescue”—an event where they peacefully protested outside of Northland Family Planning Clinic, an abortion clinic, in Sterling Heights, Michigan.

One of the pro-lifers is 89-year-old Eva Edl, who survived a WWII death camp only to be jailed in the U.S. for trying to save babies. Yet the Biden-Harris administration displayed no interest in tracking down and arresting violent pro-abortion activists despite hundreds of attacks on pregnancy centers and churches.

The double standards of the Democrat Party are on full display at the DNC and from the Biden-Harris administration. It is time for all rational and patriotic Americans to reject Democrat lies and the crises they create.


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