
I Look Horrible in a Cheerleader Uniform

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It would appear that my occasional, very fleeting bouts of existential dread regarding the 2024 United States presidential election are not being handled well by some readers. It has been suggested to me a few times that I should be more upbeat for the masses when writing about whatever the heck it is that's going to happen in November. 


When I am curmudgeonly, pessimistic, or a doomsayer, it's not a shtick; it's the way I woke up that morning. The gloom and doom is a snapshot of what I am feeling at that moment. As I mentioned at the top, however, these feelings are quite transitory. That's because I get them out of my system by writing about them. 

That doesn't mean that whatever prompted me to vent in the first place is no longer a problem; it simply means that I have freed up some head space to opine on other issues. 

As I wrote shortly after Joe Biden was bound and gagged while some intern tweeted that he was leaving the race stepped aside, the Democrats thrive on chaos. Nothing roils the waters like seeing an incumbent president who's seeking reelection being thrown under the bus by his own party and replaced with a candidate who no one really likes. 

They've been in their element ever since. 

That's what has me worried these days, and that's why I caution readers about things like getting excited over rally crowd sizes

I have a history of warning fellow conservatives to avoid being too exuberant in election years. In both 2020 and 2022, I stopped listening to my own advice as each election drew near. 

How'd that work out for me?

Even though it seems like it at times, I haven't abandoned hope. Once more, with feeling: I truly believe that Donald Trump is the perfect candidate for the Republicans in this insane election. I also think that, for the most part, J.D. Vance has been knocking it out of the park since he joined the ticket. That doesn't mean that I can't point out the occasional campaign hiccup or or let the dread overcome me from time to time. 

What I'm doing these days is keeping my head on a swivel while looking for a sucker punch from the Democrats. That's got me a little on edge. I would much rather be honest with myself and my readers at a critical time like this than put on a fake smile and be a cheerleader because, hey, feelings and stuff. 

A splash of cold water on one's face after awakening from a comfortable sleep doesn't ruin the day, it makes one better focused and prepared for it. 

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