If What the Dems Are Peddling Is Joyful, I'd Like a Lot Less of It in My Life

AP Photo/Jae C. Hong

Leave it to the Democrats to completely suck the joy out of joyfulness.

After more than 20 years of writing about bias by the Democratic propagandists in the mainstream media, I am more than familiar with all of their tricks. There aren't that many, actually. Hive minds tend to be comprised of simpletons, and they're not complex or clever. One of the most common tricks that these people who claim to be principled, independent "journalists" use is the constant repetition of a key word or phrase that has more than likely been suggested by the Democratic National Committee. 


Two of the most recent examples would be referring to Donald Trump as a "dictator" and, of course, following that up with caterwauling about "democracy." The habit is eerily reminiscent of a young child who learns a new word and then uses it incorrectly in every other sentence for days on end. 

Once the Democrats and their flying monkeys in the mainstream media realized that they were going to have to be all-in on Kamala Harris as their standard-bearer, the new talking point became "joyful." 

This tells me two things about the late 2024 Democrats, the first being that, deep down, they could no longer deny that Joe Biden is a bitter, divisive figure. I even read articles where they openly admitted it. They blame it on his age, of course, but that's who Joe Biden has always been. 

The second thing it tells me is that they realized they would need some cover for Kamala Harris's behavior. Because she's always in over her head, Harris is forever grinning and cackling like the village idiot. They had a couple of options for dealing with this. One was to sedate her, but after Biden, the Dems have had their fill of narcotically regulating the person at the top.

The other was to provide a cover story for all of the awkward emoting. Articles praising her laughter appeared faster than Democratic mail-in ballots in Philadelphia on election night. The word "joyful" was agreed upon, and soon Madame Veep herself was picking up on it. 


Now, I don't doubt that Kamala Harris is joyful about one particular thing. Until July 21, 2024, she thought that Joe Biden was going to have to die for her to have a shot at the top of the ticket this year. There is no doubt some happiness that she only needed Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi to kill Biden's legacy for her to take yet another undeserved step up to a higher rung on the ladder. 

Harris, Tim Walz, and the rest of the Democrats are in no way trafficking in the politics of joy, however. 

Modern American Democrats thrive on a toxic cocktail of victimhood, race-baiting, and visceral hatred for anyone who disagrees with them politically. If fear-mongering were outlawed tomorrow, the Democratic Party would cease to exist. 

Just look at some of the Dems' current luminaries. 

Michelle Obama spent eight years living in a taxpayer-funded mansion and still acts like someone just stole her lunch money and Prozac. 

Hillary Clinton's pores ooze equal amounts of bitterness and breakfast chardonnay. 

We've already mentioned Joe Biden, the guy my friend Stephen Green recently referred to as, "easily the worst human being to hold the office of president of the United States of America."

Hannibal Lecter wouldn't have had these people for dinner. 


As Rick wrote, Democrats are united by their hatred of Donald Trump. They like to pretend that it is just Trump who they feel that way about, but their unhinged loathing of Republicans and conservatives long predates the political ascent of ORANGE MAN BAD. Because we all have the internet and functional memories, we haven't forgotten that George W. Bush was Hitler years before Opinion columnists in The New York Times conferred the title upon Trump. 

Antipathy, rancor, and pettiness are all baked into the Democrats' ideological cake, especially in the 21st century. Al Gore's failure in 2000 may have broken them just as much as Trump's 2016 victory.

Naturally, I believe that the Democrats are experiencing a perverse kind of joy when they're discussing the dismantling of the Constitution of the United States and the subsequent "fundamental transformation" of the once-proud Republic into a cheap ChiCom knockoff. 

That's not really something that would put a smile on the faces of regular Americans though, is it?

Yes, we want to be joyful here at PJ Media when writing about the election, but, more importantly, we want to be truthful. Our VIP subscribers enable us to stick to our principles in these tumultuous times. While the MSM lapdogs are working overtime to spin the hate at the DNC, we're offering a massive 60% discount to new VIP members. Sign up here and use the promo code FIGHT when you check out. Helping to fight the good fight was never so affordable! 


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