The Morning Briefing: WOWZA—We Should Know by Sunday Brunch if Joe Biden Is Stepping Down

AP Photo/Gerald Herbert

Top O' the Briefing

Happy Friday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Chimnaud felt vindicated every time a truck stop stranger complimented him on his creative use of pomade. 


Once again, I would like to begin by thanking my colleagues for watching and commenting on the debate so that I didn't have to. Special thanks always goes to my friend Stephen Green, whose Drunkblogs have saved my own liver a lot of grief. I'll be using last night's gem as my guide here

I didn't completely avoid the whole thing. I turned it on in time to hear the execrable hack Jake Tapper asking a stupid J6 question and immediately muted it. I would occasionally listen in on Joe Biden to see if it ever got better. We all know that it didn't. He was somehow even worse when Donald Trump was talking. I'm not being flippant here, but Biden always looked like he was concentrating hard on trying to not soil himself. 

There are links to some of the Mothership debate recaps below, but I'm just going to go over the things that popped into my head, then we can rush headlong into the weekend. 

Let's start with something I wrote a few weeks ago about what I hoped for from Trump in the debate: 

Here's the thing — Trump really doesn't need to talk over or correct Biden. Again, 2024 Joe Biden can't string together three words, let alone three sentences. Trump just needs to let him talk and Joe Biden will do all of the PR damage to Joe Biden that he needs. 

Forget the muted mics, 2020 Trump would have shouted over them. Trump is obviously not only getting wise counsel, but heeding it. And Biden "delivered" just like I knew that he would. 

The reaction from the leftist talking heads was telling. They knew that they'd just witnessed a bloodbath and didn't attempt to hide it. There was immediate talk of the Democratic big money people freaking out all through the debate and a discussion about whether Biden would soon be asked to step down as the nominee. It was like a family panic over an aging elder. The family had been in denial for years, then gramps made a scene at Thanksgiving. 


I don't know how many of the voters who matter in this election saw John King emoting though. I just kept thinking about how the spin afterwards would go. 

OK, some of the spin began during the debate:

That's the same Kelly O'Donnell who is the president of the White House Correspondents' Association and recently insisted that its members didn't do the bidding of the Biden administration. 

As soon as the debate wrapped up, Mr. Green said that there would be, "Lots of clips tomorrow fact-checking Trump," which, of course, was spot-on. We didn't have to wait long. 

This is from The Washington Post's analysis of the debate:

President Biden struggled through a raspy voice and uneven delivery Thursday as his political rival, former president Donald Trump, dodged several direct questions and unleashed a fire hose of falsehoods that went unchecked by debate moderators in the first presidential debate of the 2024 general election.

Yes, the big problem was that Jake Tapper and Dana Bash didn't assert themselves and harass Trump in a manner pleasing to the Coastal Media Bubble™ elites, not that the President of the United States of America was an incoherent, babbling moron. 

Initial reaction from The New York Times was along the same lines, but then reality set in, and this was written:

Democrats who have defended the president for months against his doubters — including members of his own administration — traded frenzied phone calls and text messages within minutes of the start of the debate as it became clear that Mr. Biden was not at his sharpest. Practically in despair, some took to social media to express shock, while others privately discussed among themselves whether it was too late to persuade the president to step aside in favor of a younger candidate.

“Biden is about to face a crescendo of calls to step aside,” said a veteran Democratic strategist who has staunchly backed Mr. Biden publicly. “Joe had a deep well of affection among Democrats. It has run dry.”


They're in this position because they got caught up in their own lies about Biden. It was plain to see that the reaction on the faces of the talking heads was genuine panic. I have been writing for years that the Dems and their media propagandists lie so much that their lies become reality for them. I knew that they weren't going to be able to get Biden jacked up for this debate the way they did for the State of the Union address — his physical and mental decline just since March has been too great. Everyone on the other side of the aisle had convinced themselves otherwise. 

Related: Trust Me — DOCTOR Jill Biden Has Already Worked Out a Modified 'Weekend at Bernie's' Plan

It will be very interesting to see how this all plays out in the big Dem propaganda outlets today and tomorrow. There will no doubt be plenty of pressure for Biden to decide that he is a one-termer. As I have maintained all along, however, it's DOCTOR Mama Jill Biden who is going to need to be convinced. 

One thing that she's made clear is that she doesn't care what kind of shape her husband is in, as long as she gets what she wants. I'm not so sure she wants to give up her status and the iconic taxpayer-funded mansion just yet. 

Honestly, I'm not sure that anyone they could replace him with would fare much better against Trump. Sure, it'll ease the minds of people who are already going to vote straight-ticket Democrat in November. However, "I'm going to do the same things Joe Biden did, I'm just not going to slur as much," isn't really a winning sales pitch for independent voters. 


Make sure your seatbelts stay fastened, there's going to be a lot of turbulence ahead. 

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Everything Isn't Awful

SFK of the Day

Trump Derangement Syndrome Meltdown of the Week—Jamaal Bowman the 'Democratic Trump' Edition

"Milbank also likens the Squad to the House Freedom Caucus as examples of the extremes of each party, which involves more stretching than a six-hour yoga marathon. He fails to bring up the Congressional Progressive Caucus, which would be considered extreme by most in America, has more than double the membership of the Freedom Caucus, and represents almost half of the Democrats in the House. 

Every Squad member is also a member of the Progressive Caucus, by the way."

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"But that's today. Someday soon, Bloomberg reported late Wednesday, Musk will likely upend the race with a SpaceX insider share sale that will increase his net worth by untold billions more. When Bloomberg first reported on a possible private sale in December, share prices were reported to be at $97, at an estimated $180 billion valuation for the company.


He'll become the world's richerest man. That's a word now, I assure you."

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