
Minneapolis Transgender Found With Body in Car

AP Photo/Patrick Orsagos

Another day, another news story about transgender "women" that the mainstream media will bury. This one is still fairly fresh, so the details are not all confirmed yet. Still, there's a pretty good idea of what has happened.

In Minneapolis on Saturday, Myles "Margot" Lewis, a transgender "woman" had crashed into a guardrail. When the police came to respond to the crash site, they found a dead body.

No really. Lewis had a dead guy in the back of his car.

And I say "guy" because whatever media outlets are picking this story up are calling both Lewis and the deceased in question, "Liara" Tsai, women even though they are obvious dudes (and they're always obvious).

The Star Tribune says Tsai was wrapped up quite thoroughly with "a bed sheet, blanket, futon-style mattress, and a tarp" and had evidently been dead for some time as "she [sic] was cold to the touch."

Where it gets creepy is that officers found Tsai with a large wound in his neck, as though he had been stabbed or his throat was slit. When authorities visited Tsai's residence, they saw signs that a fight had broken out.

Now that is not to say that Lewis definitely killed Tsai since nothing has been confirmed yet, but according to the Post Millennial, Lewis refused to speak with officers verbally and only communicated via written notes or sign language/hand gestures.

On top of that, Tsai, who worked as a DJ in the Minneapolis area, told Steven Seuling, owner of a club called Pourhouse where Tsai was expected to do a gig Sunday, that a friend was visiting over the weekend. The Post Millennial further noted that Tsai and Lewis knew each other, and [un]surprisingly, Lewis was an Antifa-type.

Again, we don't yet know if Lewis was the one who indeed killed Tsai since he was only arrested on felony interference with a body. However, he is the prime suspect, so he's on a $1 million bail. And just to make it better, since this is Minneapolis, Lewis is being housed with the female inmates at Olmstead County Jail, according to Andy Ngo:

Even if Lewis was just an accomplice to the real murderer of Tsai (which is improbable, but just for the sake of discussion), who in their right mind would let a man who is the prime suspect of murder be held with women?

I know I already answered my own question earlier by saying this was Minneapolis, but this whole thing is unnerving. But since the prime suspect is a transgender "woman," you won't hear about this from any mainstream media outlets.

Just the other day I wrote about Denver police shooting and killing a guy named Miguel Tapia (possibly an alias), who was both transgender and likely an illegal alien, for coming at officers with a large knife, even tanking two hits from a taser beforehand.

And just like this latest incident of trans violence, that one isn't gaining any traction.

How many more incidents of unhinged men pretending to be women (and the occasional woman pretending to be a man) doing horrible things to people (especially women) do we have to see before we realize affirming mental illness is a good idea?


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