Denver Trans Illegal Immigrant Makes a Fatally Bad Decision

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

I have written about the crimes of illegal immigrants — *ahem* newcomers — and transgender individuals, but this marks the first time I have ever seen a twofer.

In Denver last week, police officers shot and killed a 52-year-old man pretending to be a woman named Miguel Tapia (no, not the Chilean singer, and yes, a lot of the news outlets still call him a woman) because he was on the intersection of Broadway and Lawrence holding a hunting knife and apparently yelling angrily.


When the cops tried to get him to drop the knife, he instead advanced toward them, forcing them to shoot him dead after two attempts to incapacitate him with a taser failed to slow him down.

Naturally, during a presser about the shooting, some "journalist" asked the spokesman if Tapia's being trans (and apparently homeless, or "houseless" as they say in Leftist) influenced the officers' decision to shoot the guy. You just know the spokesman is thinking, "Woman, he was charging at them with a knife."

Tapia's illegal status has not been fully confirmed yet, but given what this X user named "Do Better Denver" suggested, he likely was, as they could not find any records of a "Miguel Tapia" but did find a guy on the DHS-ICE watchlist named Miguel Gonzalez with the same birthday who supposedly uses "Tapia" as an alias.


Because this guy fits into two categories that the left considers more valuable than Americans' lives, only people on X are getting these details out to the wider public, and Google isn't displaying much about this story. Whatever results you find when you search still refer to Tapia or Gonzalez or whatever his name was as a woman and do not bring up those two facts about him.

Given those details and the fact that, thankfully, nobody else was injured or killed in the encounter, expect this to be swept under the rug.

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