
Joe Biden Gets a Participation Trophy From the Media for This?

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

The media sure is desperate to find something to boast about from Joe Biden's campaign. Anyone who has been paying attention recently knows, there isn't a lot of good news from the Biden camp these days. Even after the verdict from Donald Trump's sham trial in New York, Biden couldn't manage to take a solid lead in the polls. So now, they're taking something embarrassing and passing it off as a huge victory for Biden.

I'm not exaggerating. Politico has written a puff piece about Joe Biden having his "biggest online fundraising day" after Trump's conviction.

"Donald Trump wasn’t the only one to get a fundraising boost off his New York hush money conviction — so did Joe Biden," the outlet writes. "The president’s campaign had its single biggest day of online fundraising the day after Trump was convicted, according to a POLITICO analysis of federal campaign finance data. And as the money flowed in, his political operation also drew more new donors the day of the verdict than any day since Biden launched his campaign last year."

It sounds like Biden achieved something amazing, doesn't it? He must have been going all Scrooge McDuck, just diving into piles and piles of money, right? It sure sounds like it, based on the way they're hyping this up. The article didn't give a number just yet, so Politico had to keep hyping it up. 

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According to the report, on the day of the verdict and the day after, the Biden campaign "brought in totals six times higher than Biden’s typical fundraising day."

The suspense is killing you, isn't it?

"The boost for the incumbent, and a smaller one for down-ballot Democrats, made the day after Trump’s conviction the biggest overall fundraising day on ActBlue so far this cycle," the article continues. 

Finally, five paragraphs into the story, Politico reveals Joe Biden's big fundraiser boon: $8.1 million. 

Yep. That's it. That's $8.1 million between the Biden campaign and two joint fundraising committees.

Let's put that in perspective: The Trump campaign and its joint fundraising committees raised $52.8 million in the first 24 hours after the verdict, more than $2 million an hour.

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Politico didn't even try to pretend that Biden's haul was impressive compared to Trump's. The article conceded that Biden's $8.1 million take "still pales in comparison to what Trump’s campaign said it raised in the aftermath of his conviction. The former president’s massive intake of donations helped him overtake Biden in cash on hand."

Now you understand why Politico buried the lede. Yet the outlet still tried to put lipstick on the pig.

The article said the "surge in financial support for Biden suggests the conviction was a wake-up call for many grassroots donors who have been holding back so far this cycle, and it’s a much-needed moment of fundraising energy for Biden’s campaign." 

Isn't that cute? Donald Trump eclipses Joe Biden's fundraising and erases his cash advantage in a flash, yet, according to Politico, it's the Biden campaign that has awoken the sleeping giant. It's like Politico awarded Biden a participation trophy for his fundraising and thought we wouldn't notice.


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