Trump Rakes in Massive Campaign Donations 24 Hours Post-Verdict

AP Photo/Julia Nikhinson

On Thursday, Donald Trump's campaign donation page was flooded with contributions following the sham verdict from the rigged trial against him in New York City, causing the donation page to crash. By Friday morning, the campaign announced it had raised a staggering $34.8 million, nearly doubling the previous record for the Trump campaign on the WinRed platform. And the donations didn't stop there.


By Friday evening, the Trump campaign revealed that it had raised nearly $53 million in the first 24 hours after the sham verdict was delivered.

"In the 24 hours since Crooked Joe Biden and his New York henchmen got their sham trial verdict, the Trump Campaign has raised $52.8 million through the online digital fundraising platform," the campaign announced in a statement Friday evening.

To put that in perspective, that's more than $2 million per hour.

The campaign reports that over one-third of these donors are first-time donors, which they say proves that "it is clear that more and more Americans are seeing through the Biden election interference and joining President Trump in the movement to save our nation."

Related: First Post-Verdict Poll Will Have Democrats Regretting the Trump Trial

"Biden and his Democrat allies have turned our legal system into a political tool, and Americans from every corner of the country have had enough," Trump campaign advisors Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles said in a statement. "This momentum is just getting started and together, as President Trump stated perfectly, Americans will render the real verdict November 5th."


The New York Times puts this number into perspective.

"The one-day haul was significantly more than the $4 million Mr. Trump raised when his mug shot was released in 2023, after his booking in Atlanta for his indictment there," the paper wrote. "Cash has so far been one of Mr. Biden’s advantages in the race. His main campaign committee entered May with $84 million, compared with $49 million for Mr. Trump."

The 24-hour fund-raising total could erase that edge entirely, though Mr. Biden has said his campaign has another $100 million spread across accounts that he shared with the Democratic Party. Mr. Trump’s campaign has not disclosed its total cash on hand with party accounts.

The Biden campaign has leveraged its cash to advertise in key battleground states since Mr. Trump emerged as the Republican nominee and as Mr. Trump has been absent from the airwaves.

The post-verdict total was far greater than the $26 million that the Biden campaign had announced four years ago in the 24 hours after he had named Kamala Harris as his vice-presidential pick.

In April, Mr. Trump’s operation, working in concert with the Republican National Committee, announced that it had raised $76.2 million, beating for the first time what Mr. Biden’s shared operations with the Democratic National Committee brought in — $51 million.


Democrat donations also surged after the verdict, "though to a much lesser extent."

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In addition to Trump raising huge amounts of cash, a new post-verdict snap poll found that he has experienced a net increase in approval.


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