
Trump Isn’t Anti-LGBTQ, He Supports Parental Rights and Healthy Kids

AP Photo/John Hanna

Despite what woke activists have claimed ahead of the debate, Donald Trump isn’t a hateful extremist trying to “marginalize” or persecute LGBTQ-identifying Americans. He just believes in  (gasp) parental rights and not mutilating minors.

Trump isn’t “anti-LGBTQ”; in fact, he’s too pro-LGBTQ for the Judeo-Christian view of homosexuality. He just believes what used to be the unchallenged norm only a few years ago — namely, that minors shouldn’t be groomed or “gender transitioned” without parental consent, and that cutting off teens’ body parts is wrong. No rights are violated, no liberties destroyed, because homosexual porn is banned from schools or doctors are disallowed from chopping off a fifteen-year-old’s breasts. The attacks on Trump are just another instance of thoroughly dishonest propaganda from a Democrat Party dedicated to destructive policies.

Before the CNN presidential debate, LGBTQ+ Victory Fund CEO Annise Parker pontificated, “I certainly hope that the moderators bring up the LGBTQ community and LGBTQ issues because there is a stark contrast between the two candidates.” The Hill, after repeating this quote, then accused:

Trump has promised to enact at least a dozen policies targeting members of the LGBTQ community if he is reelected, including a nationwide ban on transgender student-athletes competing in accordance with their gender identity and a federal law that recognizes only two genders. The former president has also vowed to punish doctors who administer gender-affirming care to minors, roll back new LGBTQ student protections instituted by the Biden administration and cut federal funding for schools that accommodate transgender students. 

Anyone not brainwashed by leftism will have noticed at this point that none of these policies of Trump’s are extreme or cruel, nor are they violations of rights (don’t be fooled by lingo like “affirming” and “accommodate”). They are simply measures meant to support the biological and incontrovertible fact that there are only two sexes, and that children shouldn’t be sacrificed on the altar of woke ideology.

Letting biological males compete against women, carving up teens’ bodies, and cross-dressing kids without parental consent are not compassionate and enlightened policies. They are pernicious, harmful policies totally out of touch with both morality and reality. Republicans want to save young people from a lifetime of depression, pain, and regret. Democrats want to rush young people into pain and regret for personal enrichment and power.

After all, LGBTQ youth are more likely to be dedicated woke activists with only politics, not spouses or children, to give their lives meaning. And the transgender surgery industry is projected to reach a $5 billion value by the end of the decade.

As noted above, Trump supports parental rights and has promised to stop harmful transgender “treatments” for minors, among other policies that are praiseworthy, not malignant. What about Trump’s presidential opponent? Creepy Joe “Pedo Pete” Biden claimed all kids are “our children.” He and his administration support grooming with sexually explicit material in schools and mutilating surgeries for youth. In fact, the Biden administration pressured medical experts to toss age restrictions for damaging “transgender” surgeries

Joe Biden is the extremist on LGBTQ issues, not Donald Trump. As usual, the Marxist Democrats are accusing their opponent of the very crime of which they are guilty.


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