Top O’ the Briefing
Happy Tuesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Cruzenda was determined to make the ladies in Pai Gow club forget about her bacon-wrapped Jell-O balls fiasco.
We’ll do something short and sweet today so that all of you can get to the festivities. I’m flying solo at the editor desk here today, so I’ll have to party vicariously through my readers.
You know, I never thought that I would have to worry about the rapid demise of the United States of America in my lifetime. Then the stupid Commie Bat Flu Plague and Joe Biden happened. As the kids like to say: that escalated quickly.
Now I live in a time when this five-days-a-week venture of mine routinely links to stories like this one from Ben:
The Department of Defense has trotted out a new stunning and brave transgender for its audience to celebrate. Who exactly the DOD hopes to reach with this kind of Social Justice™ propaganda remains very much unclear.
“@USArmy Maj. Rachel Jones found solace after coming out as a transgender female. Her journey from battling depression & suicidal thoughts to embracing authenticity inspires us all. #WhyWeServe,” the DoD posted to Twitter yesterday, accompanied by an article posted to the army’s website titled “Living authentically saves Soldier’s life.”
If the United States military spends much more time focusing on pronouns and wokeness we can forget about being overrun by China. We’re going to be conquered by a Guatemalan haberdasher named Reynard who just got bored one day and needed a new challenge. We will lose not only our independence, but also any shred of hope for regaining our dignity.
Speaking of things that the military is doing which don’t inspire my confidence, Mr. Green has a story that hits close to home:
Beloved as much by the grunts on the ground as the pilots who flew it, the A-10 ground attack jet is being retired after five decades of very loud and effective service. Air Force enthusiasts everywhere are going to miss that ugly S.O.B.
The Air Force announced plans last week to replace two of the last remaining A-10 squadrons with more modern F-16s and F-35s. “This is all in line with the service’s goal of divesting the last A-10s before the end of the decade, if not sooner,” according to Yahoo News. Air Force brass have been trying to retire the hog for years but Congress has kept telling them no. This new announcement indicates that the A-10 will not keep flying until the 2040s, after all.
The A-10 Warthog is the hometown jet here in Tucson. The distinctive sound they make as they fly over my house to head out to the desert for training always sounds like freedom to me. I don’t have to see one to know what’s in the air; they make a whistling sound as they pass by that no other plane makes.
I told VodkaPundit and our VIP Gold friends during yesterday’s episode of Five O’Clock Somewhere that it feels to me like the Air Force has been trying to get rid of the Warthogs almost from the time they first got them off the ground. The F-35 does appear to be ready for its closeup, however. It took so long that the Air Force might want to consider nicknaming it the “Hot Mess.”
Warthog will always be the sexiest American fighter jet nickname to this Tucson boy, though.
As to the fate of the Republic, I’m not putting any money on our long-term prospects. I know that’s not the Independence Day message people want to hear but, hey, I’ll always be straight with you.
Today is not about our long-term prospects, however. We’re still celebrating our independence, so let’s really celebrate. Eat a hot dog. Drink a beer. Eat another hot dog. Drink five beers. Give your kids hot dogs and beer. Let’s make the most of the time we have.
I was planning on grilling burgers, but I just made myself want hot dogs. Maybe I’ll have both.
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Everything Isn’t Awful
Bart and his sister Sophie.. 😊
🎥 IG: _barty_boy_
— Buitengebieden (@buitengebieden) July 3, 2023
PJ Media
VodkaPundit. The A-10 Warthog Making One Final Flight — to the Boneyard
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DOD Launches New LGBTQ+++™ Propaganda Offensive, Showcases Transgender Major
LGBTQ Folx Beware: New York Wants To Keep an Eye on You
Women’s Wrestling and the Feminist Creed
For Creator and Country: The Virtue of Patriotism
Lefties Begin Denying Service to Trump Supporters
Townhall Mothership
One of the Prosecutors in Hunter Biden Probe Certainly Looks to Have a Conflict of Interest
This Woman Was a Popular Liberal Account on Twitter. She Also Never Existed.
Buttigieg Weighs in on the 303 Creative SCOTUS Case and It’s Really Something
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Cam&Co. The unfounded panic over permitless carry in Florida
Would you pay $1000 for a carry license if it was forbidden to carry almost anywhere?
De Beers gives Botswana 50% of diamond production
Democrats hate cops. NYC prepares to bury police under a mountain of paperwork
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Biden Admin Forced to Complete More of Donald Trump’s Border Wall
2024 Elections: Changing up the Dance Card
Bethany Mandel calls out modest dressmaker ‘Sondeflor’ for recent ad campaign
CBS calls new Florida law ‘controversial’ and is quickly corrected by Christina Pushaw
Become part of the PJ Media VIP party by subscribing here. Use promo code KRUISERMB to receive a 25% discount. Trust me, we’re having fun over here.
Biden Admin Pushes Solar Panels — While Looking to Block Sunlight?!
Is Trump Turning Election Integrity Into a Losing Issue for the GOP?
Is the Long-Awaited Mass Backlash to Transgender Ideology Finally Here?
Democrats Will ‘Rue the Day’ They Weaponized Justice
Around the Interwebz
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— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) July 3, 2023
The Kruiser Kabana
Kabana Gallery
Had to go with an American artist today, of course.
Coconut Palms, Key West #realism #homer
— Winslow Homer (@artisthomer) March 31, 2023
Kabana Tunes
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