Results for: muslims

Why Did Saudi Migrant Spread Christmas Market Carnage, and Why Did MSM Blame the Car?…eads-christmas-market-carnage-as-msm-blames-the-car-n4935329
– Woke leftists have mysteriously decided that Muslims are always their allies (except when Muslims condemn LGBTQ). … News: German Christmas market: At least 2 dead, driver of car in custodyAnd a roundup:    There are some Muslims … (i.e., Muslims who take their own sacred texts very seriously) hate Christmas because they hate Christianity.…
ISIS Launches Big Recruitment Appeal
– In fact, ISIS is so confident in these waning days of 2024 that it has just published a lengthy appeal to Muslims worldwide about why …  The most striking aspect of ISIS’ recruitment drive is that every one of the ten reasons it presents for why Muslims should join … Until they recognize that ISIS bases its appeal to Muslims on its Islamic authenticity, and reckon with the implications of that fact…
New UK Play Reveals the Gulf Between the Left’s Fantasies and Reality…ls-the-gulf-between-the-lefts-fantasies-and-reality-n4935045
– There aren’t any “white thugs” who are menacing poor, huddled groups of fearful Muslims under the approving eye of the police. … Meanwhile, police notoriously turned a blind eye to Muslims who were genuinely violent. … The British police do not single out Muslims and ignore “white” violence.…
Why the Media Spin on the German Christmas Market Attack Can’t Be Trusted…the-german-christmas-market-attack-cant-be-trusted-n4935333
– to spread the word of Allah through jihad, and the option of poll-tax [jizya] is to be exercised only after subjugation” of non-MuslimsMuslims recently marched through a German Christmas market screaming “Allahu akbar” and “There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is … Because if he was an ex-Muslim who went mad, he would be much more likely to have targeted Muslims, rather than choosing a favored…
In Germany, a Man Who Was Stabbed by a Jihadi Has Been Fined for Criticizing Islam…ed-by-a-jihadi-has-been-fined-for-criticizing-islam-n4934902
–  The Jews in the Qur’an are called the strongest of all people in enmity toward the Muslims (5:82). … They are under Allah’s curse (9:30), and Muslims should wage war against them and subjugate them under Islamic hegemony (9:29). …  And as for “‘thousands of women’ who have been sexually assaulted by Muslims from Northern Africa and Arabia,” take just one…
The Most Popular Baby Name in the UK Today is Muhammad. Here’s Why It Matters.…me-in-the-uk-today-is-muhammad-heres-why-it-matters-n4934934
– of the key aspects of Allah’s guidance for the social and political realms is that there must not be equality of rights between Muslims … and non-Muslims. … The Qur’an directs Muslims to “fight against those do not believe in Allah or the last day, and do not forbid what Allah and his messenger…
True Discrimination: Muslims Force Christians to Hold Funerals in the Streets of Egypt…christians-to-hold-funerals-in-the-streets-of-egypt-n4934858
– This pretext is based on a familiar and well-entrenched dynamic: first, Muslims of this or that village rise up and riot against a … churches throughout Egypt that have been shut down on the dubious claim that they pose security threats — that is, because some Muslims … On learning of this, Muslims rioted and even burned down the tent the Christians had erected to worship under.…
Religious Wars in America Today
– Attacks on Hindus by Muslims in Bangladesh are current in 2024. … This is a holy war for Muslims because Israeli Jews have violated two basic principles of Islam. … Second, land once conquered and controlled by Muslims may not be alienated from Muslim control.…
Celebrate Diversity: Kansas City Imam Wants Allah to Kill All the Zionists, One by One…mam-wants-allah-to-kill-all-the-zionists-one-by-one-n4934848
– (Qur’an 3:110) While the Qur’an calls Muslims “the best of people,” it calls non-Muslims “the most vile of created beings” (98:6). … Also, Muslims are “the best of people” because they “command what is right and forbid what is wrong.” … Even worse, the Qur’an tells Muslims: “Fight them, and Allah will punish them by your hands, and he will lay them low and give you…
The Marxism in Front of You That You Can't Unsee, Volume III: The Common Denominator…that-you-cant-unsee-vol-iii-the-common-denominator-n4935196
– They stayed home because Muslims are a part of the New World Order Marxism sweeping the world.Two years after the trans crew hijacked … Now I see it; Marxist Muslims took over that community too.FACT-O-RAMA! … This is yet another example of Marxist Muslims running yet another social justice crew.Despite hundreds of Islamic worldwide terror…
100,000 Syrians Found in Mass Grave — Where's the Outrage From the Anti-Israel Left?…srael-left-after-100000-syrians-found-in-mass-grave-n4935265
– “Hundreds and hundreds of thousands of Muslims have been killed by Bashar al-Assad,” Murray said in an interview with John Anderson … We have seen hundreds of thousands of people killed in the last decade in Yemen, Muslims being killed.…
Biden-Harris Regime Launches ‘National Strategy to Combat Islamophobia,’ and We’ve Got Questions…ategy-to-combat-islamophobia-and-weve-got-questions-n4935131
– Add in the twelve “Anti-Arab” hate crimes, and Muslims and Arabs still finish in seventh place, with anti-Jewish hate crimes over seven … Whatever the answer to that question may be, the regime hastens to assure Muslims in the U.S. that they’re rushing to their aid: “The…
The New York Times Finds the Truth ‘Controversial’
–  Earlier in October, the Turkish Muslim poet İsmet Özel declared: “Muslims are terrorists. … The first duty of Muslims is to be terrorists. Kafirs [infidels] should be afraid of Muslims. … who think otherwise are falling prey to those who have “hijacked” their religion, while non-Muslims such as Hal Lindsey who think…
Nazis 2.0: Berlin Police Warn Jews Against Entering Arab Areas
– glorious action.Without admitting that the Islamic religion is rabidly intolerant, with its holy texts endorsing the killing of non-Muslims … There’s a reason Nazis and Muslims were allied during WWII.Slowik said that Berlin Police have opened up 6,200 investigations into … About Muslim Migrant InfluxEvery country in history that has allowed in a very strong minority or a majority of Muslims inevitably…
Think of Persecuted Christians This Christmas
– the worst and most consistent persecution, the two biggest ideological culprits are Islam (which endorses jihad and murder of non-Muslims
Leaflets in London: ‘Every Zionist Needs to Leave Britain or Be Slaughtered’…ry-zionist-needs-to-leave-britain-or-be-slaughtered-n4934707
– It could also have been the work of Muslims, who make up a considerable and growing population in London, and many of whom believe, … in accord with the Qur’an, that the Jews are the worst enemies of the Muslims (5:82) and that Muslims have a divine responsibility … to drive them out of land that was once ruled by Muslims and therefore must be ruled by Islamic law forever (2:191).Isaaz Zarfati,…
Senior U.S. Diplomats Are in Syria for Talks With Islamist Leaders. What Could Go Wrong?…in-syria-for-talks-will-they-find-anyone-in-charge-n4935311
– Abu Mohammad al-Jolani, has said in interviews that his group plans to have an inclusive process and does not seek to harm non-Muslims
Turkey’s Erdogan Makes Us Ask Once Again: Why is This Country in NATO?…makes-us-ask-once-again-why-is-this-country-in-nato-n4934850
– The perpetrators of massacres in Palestine, Gaza, and other Islamic lands, who seek to exterminate Muslims, are evident. … leaders is to play the victim, and so he is earnestly claiming victimhood status not just for the Palestinian Arabs, but for all Muslims
Trump Condemns U.S. Involvement in Syria as Radical Jihadis Take Over…s-involvement-in-syria-as-radical-jihadis-take-over-n4934945
– Radical Muslims have implemented a terror regime based on their religion and its pro-jihad, pro-exploitation texts every time they…
Vatican Unveils Palestinian Nativity with Jesus on Keffiyeh
– rewriting history.— David Saranga (@DavidSaranga) December 9, 2024There were of course no Palestinians or Muslims
A Third of Ontario’s Jewish Doctors Consider Leaving Amidst Antisemitism…ewish-doctors-consider-leaving-amidst-anti-semitism-n4934863
– alarmed at that, Ontarians at least should realize their future medical care is at stake.For Our VIPs: Amsterdam Mayor Defends Muslims
Amsterdam Mayor Defends Muslims After Anti-Jewish ‘Pogrom’
– CriminalShe totally ignored the fact that Islamic sacred texts specifically endorse and encourage the killing of Jews, which is why Muslims … Yet just as Muslims and Nazis were allied in their hatred of Jews during World War II, just so now, woke Marxists have decided to ally … themselves with those Muslims who take their religious texts literally.…
Could One of the Most Influential Men Who Ever Lived Never Really Have Lived At All?…l-men-who-ever-lived-never-really-have-lived-at-all-n4934651
– The question of who Muhammad really was, if he was anyone at all, and what he really said and did, has enormous implications for Muslims … and non-Muslims worldwide.…
‘Islam Is Magic; Magic Is Science; Science Is Empire’
– the comparable lack of development of the Islamic world, is obvious even to the casual observer, as well as to the multitudes of Muslims
Remembering Why the U.S. Navy Was Formed: To Combat Islamic Terror
– Navy.Between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries, the Muslims of North Africa (“Barbary”) thrived on enslaving Europeans. …  By the late eighteenth century, Barbary’s strength relative to Europe had plummeted, and the Muslims could no longer raid the … European powers responded by buying peace through tribute, which the Muslims accepted as jizya.Fresh and fair meat appeared on the…